Chapter 897

Wen Kexin's answer is still calm, but the words I can't help but surprise me.

Especially when I heard her say serious consideration, it made me subconsciously think of the time when she took the initiative to ask for a divorce.

Although I didn't know that she really wanted to get divorced at that time, I mistakenly thought that she wanted to be with Zhou Yang, so I tried to stop her and forced her to stay with her.

As a result, I did not expect that this impulse did not matter to her, which immediately made me happy.

"Then why did you change your mind? Is it just because I stopped you before

"Yes, but this is only part of the reason. The reason why I directly decided to let me leave him was when you tried to save me. At that time, I was very surprised and even more unexpected. Especially when I saw you protecting me at all costs, I suddenly felt that this child was so innocent." Wen Kexin nodded and admitted my guess, but followed by other reasons.

Although I didn't expect that she would care about my previous actions, I still nodded to her when I thought of all kinds of dangerous situations before.

"I didn't think much at that time. I just didn't want others to hurt you, especially Zhou Yang."

"Why, just because I married you? You have a duty to protect me? " Wen Kexin was surprised at me, but asked again.

Although I don't know why she asked, I nodded again when I thought that she was finally willing to have a heart to heart talk today.

"Yes, but this is also one of the reasons. More importantly, I don't want to see you start to abandon yourself in order to revenge me, or even recklessly stay with Zhou Yang."

"If Zhou Yang really likes you and you treat her like this, maybe I will let go at that time, and even at the beginning I will agree to your divorce request. But later I found that the previous contradictions were misunderstandings. He was still aiming at you everywhere and wanted to possess you. I knew that Zhou Yang didn't really love you, just wanted to use you!"

"Use me? What did he use of me? Did he take good care of me before

Hearing Kexin was very surprised by my answer, so she asked back.

Although I don't know whether Zhou Yang knew the identity behind Wen Kexin from the beginning, I would like to make a guess at Wen Zhenjiang's appearance.

"I don't deny that he might have taken care of you before, but it's still not out of liking you, it's just a kind of forcible possession. After all, you're her favorite type, and he's so strong, how can he want you, but when he approaches you later, I'm sure there must be Wen Zhenjiang's factor in it!"

"Uncle Wen? Did he know the identity of Uncle Wen long ago Wen Kexin was surprised again and began to speak.

Although I don't know whether Zhou Yang did it for this reason, but thinking of the insidious cunning of this guy, I nodded and affirmed again.

"Although I don't have any evidence, my intuition tells me that this guy must know something, especially during the trip to the south. In addition to his attitude towards Donna recently, it's not hard to see that what he wants is endless benefits, not what you think he likes or even love!"

Hearing my explanation, I was surprised.

She didn't seem to have thought about this before, but because of what Zhou Yang did, she nodded again.

"What about you? What is your heart to protect me from? Do you want me, too? "

"If I say there's no such reason, you won't believe it, but what I want to tell you is that I really like you, and I've been in love with you from the moment I met you in the bar." I made no secret of the answer, and looked into her eyes all the time.

Although I don't know if this can move her, but think that this is my heart, I don't want to hide from her.

After all, many of the previous misunderstandings were caused by our untimely communication, which made Zhou Yang drill a lot of loopholes and even lead to disaster. So now that Wen Kexin rarely opens up to me, I will not miss this opportunity.

Just did not expect, hear me this answer, Wen Kexin not only did not appreciate, but also shook his head toward me.

"If, I said, without this child, would you change your attitude towards me now?"

"No, I just said, before I didn't know you were pregnant. Even before you were not sure, I didn't dare to think so. So my love for you is very pure. I want you to have a good life and have a happy life." I was shocked by the heartfelt question, but then I reacted and gave her the answer she wanted to hear most.

Although Kexin heard this, her face immediately showed satisfaction, but then she spoke again, and let me be stunned.

"Well, if I said I decided to keep this child now, but I need to divorce you, would you like to?"

I was stunned by the heartfelt question, especially the divorce, which made me shake my head subconsciously.

"Why? If? Did something happen to you? If it is, I hope you can tell me. If not, I hope you can tell me the reason. After all, I don't want to misunderstand you like before, especially at this time. So I hope you can stop me from thinking too much! ""There's no reason. I suddenly thought of this and asked you that. Since you don't want to, I'll take it as if I didn't say, eat first, go to work tomorrow, and don't talk today." Wen Kexin shook his head at me, not only did not answer my doubts, but also directly ended the topic, and bowed his head to eat.

Although I did not expect her to change so quickly, but see her this sudden silence, I am still unwilling to ask her a word.

"Why do you think that? Didn't you want to be with me in the first place? So why did you get married? Don't tell me just to get back at me. "

Hearing this, Wen Kexin looked up at me.

I couldn't understand her meaning or what her reaction was, but when I saw that she had listened to the words and looked like she was thinking, I followed her and waited for her answer.

Although Wen Kexin didn't expect me to see her, she still nodded and said the worst result when she saw my seriousness.

"Yes, I married you before. On the one hand, I wanted to revenge on you, on the other hand, I didn't know how to deal with it, so I was impulsive. Although I didn't expect to follow the accident after the impulse, I didn't regret doing that. Especially now, I just want to live my own way, to be exact, to live for myself!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!