Chapter 702

Hearing my surprise, Anlan did not respond, just a calm explanation.

"I don't know why I have more time to dream, but I don't know why I can't have more time to dream."

"I don't have a problem here. The problem is, can you make sure it's 2:00 p.m? Why did he even tell you that? "

Once again, I doubted the news of an ran, especially at this specific time, which made me feel more problematic.

"It doesn't matter whether it's true or not. The important thing is that as long as he delivers the goods today, I will be able to visit the manor as you wish and help you get the evidence. Although I have always suspected that there is nothing in the manor, I decided to cooperate with you once in order to let you die!"

Ann Ran's conjecture surprised me again, especially the judgment, which made me frown subconsciously.

"Why is there nothing in the manor? Is it true that all the information I got before was false? "

"I don't know where your news came from. I don't know why you are so sure that there is something wrong with Wang Yizhuang garden. However, I know that you have always overlooked a key point, that is, underestimate Wang Yi's cleverness. In other words, if he only uses Zhuang Yuan to attract your attention, do you think your plan will succeed?"

Ann Ran's Refutation made me stunned. Even though I had worried about this point before, I had to believe the evidence again and again.

Especially when I thought that Wen Zhenjiang also confirmed this point later, I didn't doubt it later.

"It seems that you have a better understanding than I am, but no matter what the situation is, Wang has something to do with it."

"In that case, you can arrange it as much as possible. I haven't finished the delivery mode and location yet, but I'll definitely give you the exact information before shipment, so you just need to wait!" Instead of paying attention to my retort, an ran reminded me to end the call.

Although I didn't expect that her participation would advance the original good plan so much and cause so many accidents, but thinking that this accident does not mean failure, I agreed and prepared to contact Wen Zhenjiang.

After all, Lin Rou can't make decisions on such a big matter. Especially for the sudden interception plan tonight, I need to let him know. So I hung up an Ran's phone and I called him.

"What do you want from me? Is there any news for me? "

"Yes, but one is news and the other is doubt. Which one do you want to hear first?" In the face of Wen Zhenjiang's opening, I didn't beat around the Bush and immediately told him what I wanted to say.

Although Wen Zhenjiang surprised me, he immediately made a choice when he thought of the purpose of my phone call.

"Let's talk about the news first. Is there any news from Wang Yi?"

"Yes, at two o'clock in the evening, Wang will send goods to the outside world with the help of an ran. According to an Ran's information, the quantity of this shipment is not large, and the purpose is not in the goods, but in the new channel. She asked us to be prepared for interception. As for the specific location and trading mode, she needs to inform separately!"

I didn't conceal the news of an ran, but told him the content exactly.

Although Wen Zhenjiang's first reaction after hearing this was doubt, I didn't expect him to agree.

"OK, I know the news. I will also arrange the interception. Next, you can talk about your doubts."

"Don't you doubt that the news is true or false? Or don't you wonder why Wang did it? " I opened my mouth in surprise and said why.

Although Wen Zhenjiang was surprised by my inquiry, he soon gave reasons and convinced me.

"Since you can call me, it means that the content of the message has been determined. Since I have chosen to believe you, there is no reason to doubt you. As for why Wang did this, he was afraid that we would cut off his back and try to use our last strength to struggle. Therefore, this situation is also in our expectation."

Wen Zhenjiang's calm let me admire, especially this simple reason and sufficient confidence, let me understand the gap with him.

Although I don't know whether he really believes the news, since he has promised to arrange it, I don't have to worry about it any more. Instead, I say the doubts raised by an ran.

"Since you expect a lot of things, have you ever thought that the news of Wang Yi manor is just a cover?"

"What do you mean, do you have any definite information?" Wen Zhenjiang did not refute my words, but was surprised.

Although I don't know whether he was able to prevent this situation in advance, but thinking of the reason that an ran just gave me, I said this refutation word for word.

As a result, Wen Zhenjiang not only surprised me again, but also indirectly told me why.

"In fact, the reason why I asked you to do this is to prove that Wang Yizhuang garden is a cover. I know you are surprised, but you don't understand it. But you should have heard a saying that everything is absolute. Wang can take his manor as a target to attract us, or he may be deceiving us. Just like today's action, he can either deliver goods or he can Try to test us, so you don't have to worry about things in the evening, just act according to circumstances. "Wen Zhenjiang's reply was unexpected, especially this indifference, which made me understand that I was really too anxious.

Although I don't know if he has any alternative plans in his calm mind, when I hear his improvisation, I will follow him to doubt.

"Why do you say that? Don't you care about the result of the evening?"

"I care, but there is no way, especially when both sides know it well. A contest can't explain anything, so what I can do is to keep calm, and then analyze the situation in the best state. However, there is also a drawback, that is, I may not try my best as you do when there is an opportunity."

Wen Zhenjiang's explanation surprised me, especially the last sentence, which made me gradually understand his purpose of looking for me.

"So you came to me to make up for that and create an accident for you?"

"It can be said that, and you did a good job. Just like the previous two operations, without your accident, we can't have the current results by relying on our plan. Therefore, I not only have high trust in you, but also have great expectations. I even intend to give you the command power in the evening and let you take full responsibility for the interception plan!"

Wen Zhenjiang's reply surprised me again. Even though I knew that his purpose was to disrupt the original plan and create new opportunities, I couldn't believe he would be so bold.

Especially when I heard that he was going to let me direct, I couldn't guess what he meant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!