Chapter 675

Donna's phone call was sudden, especially the anxiety, which made me understand that something might have happened to her.

"Don't worry. What's going on there? How can I help you?"

"I'm back at the hotel, come here quickly!" Donna was anxious again and urged me.

Although I don't know what happened to her side, the current situation does not allow me to think more, so I immediately agreed to come down.

"Well, you wait. I'll be right there. Don't worry."

When she heard this, Donna immediately agreed, and then urged her to hang up.

Although I was very surprised that she was asking for help, I immediately arranged for a Biao to change her route to the hotel because of the possible danger on her side.

"A Biao, don't go back to the hospital, go to the hotel, Donna has an accident."

"Well, you sit tight and I'll get there as soon as possible."

When I heard a Biao's response, I nodded and didn't say anything more. But when I saw the mobile phone, I thought of Lin Rou and called her.

"What's the matter, Chen an, do you want to see me?"

"Something's wrong with Donna. I'm on my way to the hotel. If it's convenient for you, you can send someone to call an ambulance. Maybe she's injured already." When I got through the phone, I heard Lin Rou's voice. I didn't hesitate and said the meaning immediately.

Although Lin Rou was surprised by my words, she quickly made a response and immediately promised to come down.

"Don't worry. I'll send someone over. Don't worry. If you can understand the situation first, give me the feedback first."

"I'll tell you something. The problem is that I don't know anything now. All right, let's just say that. You can get there as soon as possible. This time, Donna can't be allowed in any case, otherwise there will be a series of chain reactions." I promised Lin Rou, but I followed the reminder.

"I understand that the matter of saving lives is left to me, and at the same time, I will block the news of this incident and reduce the impact as much as possible!"

Hearing this, I didn't say anything more, and then I hung up.

Although I don't know who framed Donna this time, when I thought that this matter should have something to do with Zhou Yang, I immediately called Su Wanmei and explained the situation here.

As a result, after listening to my description, this woman not only did not have any prediction, but also showed surprise.

"Donna, when did this happen? I don't have any news on my side. Zhou Yang also behaves normally. However, he is not in the company at present. He should go out to have a party."

"Find out where Zhou Yang is right now? And find out if he's in contact with Donna today. This may be a big deal. " Su Wanmei's answer made me unhappy, but when I thought that she was not omnipotent, I would calm down and arrange for her.

"You don't mean Zhou Yang made a ghost, and then you want to force Donna away?" Su Wanmei was surprised by my warning, but then she began to guess.

"I don't know whether he has such a purpose, but I know that, according to the current situation, as long as Donna is in Los Angeles, he should not have a chance to succeed, so he is likely to do so, but I think this should not be his main purpose. However, no matter what happens, once Donna is injured here, there is even a major danger, the original cooperation and investment There will be problems immediately, so we must pay attention to it this time. "

After hearing my explanation, Su Wanmei did not refute, but added, and surprised me.

"You're right. If Zhou Yang really forces Donna away, all her investment in luo'an will be withdrawn. At that time, we can say that luo'an must be hard to explain. So I will clear this matter as soon as possible and help you find Zhou Yang's itinerary record today!"

Hearing this, I was surprised and puzzled.

"What do you mean by that? Did Donna invest elsewhere in Los Angeles?"

"It seems that you don't care much about Donna recently. You don't even know about this news. Just the day before yesterday, Donna, on behalf of her family, has negotiated with luo'an for investment. It's not less than 10 billion yuan, even 100 billion yuan. So if something happens this time, it's estimated that Zhou Yang will have a hard time."

Su Wanmei's affirmation surprised me, especially the 10 billion level investment, which even made me frown.

"It seems that this incident is more serious than I expected. No wonder Lin Rou just paid so much attention to it."

"Have you contacted Lin Rou? Do you think you've been very close to her recently Su Wanmei was surprised by my exclamation, but then guessed my behavior.

Although I knew she didn't mean anything, I didn't talk nonsense when I thought about Donna's accident, and then I told her again.

"Find out Zhou Yang's location and his itinerary record as soon as possible, and then give it to me as soon as possible. I need to confirm one thing."

"Sure what? Is it about you? " Su Wanmei continued to guess, but I did not answer.

Although it seems serious on the surface, according to my understanding of Zhou Yang, he will never do such things without any reason. Especially when Su Wanmei told me that Donna was going to invest, I was more sure that he did it just to calculate me.And even if the main goal is not me, it should have something to do with me.

"I'll find out when I go to the hotel. You should go to Zhou Yang first and finish it as soon as possible. I'm very anxious. If I can't find him, I'll call him directly."

"OK, I see. Now I'll send someone to look for him. No accident. I'll give you news in ten minutes."

Hearing this, I didn't say anything, then hung up the phone, and a gloomy face.

Although I had guessed that this might be the result when Donna had an accident, I didn't expect that Wang Yi and Qin yanghao's affairs had just been calm for two days, and they followed Zhou Yang, which made me unexpectedly angry at the same time.

After all, I had warned Zhou Yang not to mess around. He not only didn't listen to the advice, but also made it worse. So if it was possible, I would give this guy a lesson he would never forget!

"Brother puma, can you hurry up? I'm afraid there is not enough time. It will be irretrievable if it is too late."

I began to urge Abba and worry about Donna again.

But I didn't expect that a Biao didn't worry as much as I did. On the contrary, he turned to look at me and comforted me.

"Brother Chen, I know you are in a hurry, but now what you need most is calm. Although I don't know what the current situation is, there is an old saying that good people have their own natural features. If Miss Tang is so kind, there will be no accident this time. So you don't have to worry too much, just try your best!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!