Chapter 639

"Have you ever thought about accidents?"

This is what I asked an ran after serious consideration, not for anything else, just because I wanted her to change her mind.

After all, this coincidence is too sudden. I will never risk blindly without any preparation, so I am prepared to postpone the plan after thinking about it.

But I didn't expect that an ran seemed to be more radical. Hearing what I said, he immediately questioned me.

"What do you mean by that? Are you trying to persuade me to give up? Do you know how hard this opportunity is? Although I understand your concern is right, if there is no risk at all, do you think I still need to cooperate with you in this matter? "

Ann Ran's retort left me speechless, especially the last question, which made me understand her determination.

Although I would like to say no to her, but due to the cooperation just agreed, I can only say the meaning of postponement.

"I don't want to persuade you to give up, because I don't want to give up this opportunity at this time, so I didn't mean that just now. Because of the current situation, if we carry out according to the original plan, 80% of them will suffer losses. It's better to postpone the plan and then it depends on the situation."

Hearing this explanation, an ran did not immediately answer back.

I don't know if she's listening to this, but thinking of my importance in the plan, I'm not in a hurry to persuade, but I'm waiting for her to decide.

After all, I can catch Bobcats any time, but Anlan can't wait for the next time, so I conclude that she is more anxious than me now.

Sure enough, within half a minute of my thinking, she answered and slowed down her voice.

"What is your opinion and what should be done? If I can, I'll consider suspending the plan! "

"There is no opinion for the time being. Just observe the situation. There are two reasons. First, since this matter has been known by Lin Rou and them, we can still watch the play next to us even if we don't do anything. On the contrary, if we are rash and radical at this time, we won't get anything at that time, or we may even be targeted, so the gain is not worth the loss."

"As for the second, you know Qin yanghao's intelligence. If he is not sure of ten percent this time, do you think he will put such an important Bobcat under our eyes? I don't know what he wants to do today. I only know that if we follow the original plan, we will enter into his expected plan. As for the consequences, I think you should know better than me, especially when he involves Lin rou. If his purpose is to drive you away or even get rid of you by Lin Rou's hand, it will not be difficult for him, so I hope you will not Impulsive, everything just wait for its change. "

My explanation is very detailed, especially the last hypothesis. I hope she will give up.

After all, the current situation is very clear. Qin yanghao wants us to rush in. As for what will happen after that, I don't know, but he must understand.

Besides, from the perspective of Qin yanghao, he must be trying to make use of something.

So in order not to give him this opportunity, I and ANN can not be too anxious.

Otherwise, once his target is us, then Lin Rou and I will both lose and Qin yanghao will take advantage of him.

"I can promise you to observe the change, but I still say that, as long as possible, I must act today, this is my bottom line, the final bottom line!"

An ran started to retreat, especially the reminder of the bottom line, which made me feel relieved.

"I can promise you to act, but I also hope that today you can take my opinion as the standard. After all, no matter you or Lin Rou's side, I belong to the role of intermediary. In other words, no one knows more about what's going on. So next, I hope you can trust me as much as possible. Even if you can't, you can't have the situation that you just insisted on 。”

I promised Ann ran to act, but I also followed the reminder.

For nothing else, just because I didn't want Qin yanghao to succeed, I would rather give up the plan than have an accident.

Especially the accident of conflict with Lin Rou is not what I want to see.

"Well, I can promise you, but I hope you can do your best, otherwise if you miss it, you will face not only this failure, but also a chance to save your life!"

Anlan did not insist as he had just done, but continued to retreat and remind me in disguise.

Although I still don't know whether her promise to save lives is true or not, I plan to be bold once I think of the truth of multiple friends and multiple roads.

Then, without waiting for an ran to say anything more, I agreed and hung up.

Because I am more concerned about the situation of the farmyard than with her argument, so I plan to see Dachuan and ask him to go there to investigate immediately.

But I didn't expect that I just arrived at Linyang laboratory, and then came the news with Su Wanmei, which made me extremely surprised.

Although I don't know why she called me at this time, I thought that she would call me at this time, which is probably related to the trouble in front of me, so I picked it up directly."Well, why do you come to me at this time? Do you have any news? "

"What news do you mean, Zhou Yang or Qin yanghao?" Su Wanmei was not surprised by my inquiry, but took the initiative to speak.

Although I was surprised by her calmness, I changed my answer directly when I thought that her news might be on both sides.

"All of them. Let's talk about it together."

"Well, let's talk about Zhou Yang's side first. Recently, he seems to be very low-key, with no changes and no actions. However, Wang Qiang, who was threatened by you before, has returned to his side. Although I was surprised by his speed, now he seems to be starting to work for Zhou Yang, which is a good thing

When I heard Su Wanmei's reply, I had no surprise or accident.

After all, I don't care about Zhou Yang now. I just want to know Qin yanghao's plan. So I started to ask, "since it's all good, then this should be a bad thing? Tell me, what's the matter with Qin yanghao? "

"It's not a bad thing. On the contrary, it's also good news. Bobcats are reported to be hiding in a farmyard."

"Oh? How did you know that? It seems that Qin Yanghao has a lot of Eyeliner around him. I was surprised again and shook my head, especially when I heard the whereabouts of Bobcats, which made me feel that it was not a coincidence.

After all, the news that should have been hidden is now widely publicized. Anyone with a little brain will feel abnormal.

Although I don't know how Su Wanmei knew it, I didn't expect her to give an unexpected answer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!