Chapter 445

I once again refuted Qin Youran with just the reason, not for anything else, just to let her see the reality in front of her.

Although everything I said is still possible, I believe that as long as we give enough benefits, neither Zhou Yang nor Qin yanghao, or even Qin Youran in front of me, can refuse me.

After all, it's still the saying that interests are eternal, which can't be denied by anyone!

"It seems that you have been on guard against me for a long time. Do you think that I am a tiger breed?" Qin Youran did not continue to question me, but cold Bu Ding said a digression.

Although I don't know whether she is a threat, I can be sure that I exposed my mind in front of her, and there will be trouble in the future.

"It's said that raising a tiger makes a foe. I don't intend to deal with you or betray you now. Why do you say that? In your heart, sooner or later, I will have a confrontation with you, right? "

I didn't rush to explain her concerns, instead, I took the time to refute, so that she could rest assured of me.

After all, this is not the time for us to turn against each other. Even though I have once again established my opposing ideas, now I can't express Ruth any more.

For nothing else, just because I am not strong enough now, so I can only retreat and ask for the second best protection!

"You go, don't talk about today's affairs, or you should know my means!"

Qin Youran didn't answer my words, but gave me the order to leave.

Although I don't know if I won the game, I can be sure that the adventure I just took not only solved the crisis today, but also made this woman understand that my role is far greater than she imagined. Even if she has the intention to kill me, which may hinder my interests, she has to reconcile me temporarily.

After all, I can give her a surprise, but others can not, this is beyond doubt!

I just didn't expect that when I was ready to leave, the woman reminded me again.

"Be careful with Wang Yi in recent days. I heard that he is going to attack your company."

"My company? He's going to have a share? Or just revenge on me I was surprised by the news, so I asked her.

I thought this woman would explain, but I didn't expect that she just gave me a cold reply.

"Do you think I don't look up to you, and will let him deal with you with great difficulty?"

"I see. I will pay attention to this point. However, we are still partners after all. If you can help us with some things, you are still a shareholder of the company. If Wang Yi really does, you can't sit back and ignore it!" I didn't mind the woman's retort, but said what I thought.

Although I knew that even if I didn't say that this woman would not stand by, I didn't expect that she would refuse directly at the moment.

"I can't help you with this. You can do it yourself."

I was stunned, especially to hear this, let me subconsciously look at her.

"Are you sure?"

"Sure, after all, I said that you are not worth enough to let me fight, especially if the opponent is Wang family. I have no reason to offend the potential interests for you!" Qin Youran immediately affirmed and gave me back what he had just said.

Although I was surprised by her attitude, I immediately realized that she was going to give up the shares she had asked for.

After all, she doesn't look up to me now. Even in order to get Wang Yi's support, she intends to draw a line with me.

On the surface, it did not work for me, but in fact it was what I had always wanted, so I nodded.

"Well, in that case, I'll take back the promise I gave you, and we'll draw a line from now on!"

Hearing this, Qin Youran did not answer, just frowned and hesitated.

Although I don't know what she is hesitating about, it is obvious that she has chosen Wang Yi and abandoned me again.

The reason why she reminds me now is that her goal has not been achieved. She does not want me to have an accident. Otherwise, with her attitude towards me just now, this reminder may become a downfall.

Having figured out this point, I didn't hesitate to wait for her to open her mouth, so I turned and left.

After all, today's meeting is a mistake, even if I have recovered now, but if I want to know in advance, I will not give myself such trouble.

After leaving Qin Youran's site, I didn't rush back to the company for preparation. Instead, I went to the hospital to find a Biao.

Nothing else, just because of the woman's warning before leaving, I have to find a way to solve it.

After all, Wang Yi's strength is not to be underestimated, especially in the last visit to the manor, which made me understand that this guy is the vicious dog who bites people behind his back.

Although I shouldn't put my hope on others, I decided to find him to solve Donna's business first when I thought of cooperation.

As long as I can make this woman believe in the plot, I will be sure to deal with this crisis later.

Nothing else, as long as he didn't uproot me this time, I would have a chance to succeed and regret.But I didn't expect that, after I got to the hospital, what I saw was not that a Biao was worried. On the contrary, he was relying on the bed waiting for the nurse to change his dressing.

Although the last time I visited a Biao, I thought that these two people were destined, but I didn't expect that their attitude would change so quickly. At the same time, I decided to observe quietly at the door. After all, a Biao is the person I trust most at present. Even if the little nurse really doesn't ask questions, I should be on guard against her.

After all, be careful during the special period. I took out my mobile phone and sent a short message to Qin Youran while observing.

"What happened to the last thing you were asked to investigate? Is there anything wrong with that little nurse in the hospital? "

When the message was sent, I didn't think she would reply, so I was ready to put it away and observe it with my eyes.

Just so, is to think of more precautions, but I did not expect that when I saw the little nurse was gently changing clothes for a Biao, the mobile phone rang.

When I heard the sound, I quickly pressed it, but even so, it was noticed by a Biao inside and immediately looked at the door.

"Who is at the door?"

A Biao's vigilance is very high, action is not slow, did not wait for me to make a response, he actually came to the door, and opened the door.

Although I know that just the moment the mobile phone rings, I can't continue, but due to a Biao's vigilance, I thought about it and didn't take it out. Instead, I stood at the door waiting for him to find out.

"Chen an, why are you? Why didn't you say anything when you came? I thought it was the troublemaker who came

Seeing me, a Biao was immediately surprised and sighed.

Although I was not surprised by his reaction, I was immediately nervous when I heard his unintentional reply.

"Brother puma, what did you just say about the troublemaker? Did the king send for you , the fastest update of the webnovel!