Chapter 228

I was very surprised, not only to see her name, but also to see the content of the text message.

"Keep the breakfast warm in the kitchen. Remember to cut off the power after eating!"

It's very simple to hear Kexin's message, but it shows concern for me between the lines.

Although I don't know why she sent me out yesterday and cared about me today, I think that she has been in an abnormal attitude since the photo incident. I don't think much about it except surprise.

After all, it still takes time to listen to the news. Now I only care about Shuangye, so I went to the news directly.

The results of the network are similar to what Liu Ruoyun predicted. Shuangye has been popular on major websites because of the problem of this specific drug. Especially on Weibo, the issue of cancer has formed a crusade opinion instantly.

Although I didn't expect the effect to be better than expected, when I saw that there was still something to explain in the public opinion, I realized that Shuangye might have started to fight back and was ready to wash the ground for myself.

I just didn't expect that when I just expected that, Liu Ruoyun's phone call came in.

"Hello, sister Yun, it's me."

"Did you watch the news? Shuangye has already begun to wash the floor. If you wake up, come to the company. Although they can't succeed in washing the ground so quickly, we must disclose the information before the external evidence is released, or the counterattack effect will be weakened if other companies take the lead. "

Liu Ruoyun said very directly, even if I also think so, but I followed with doubts.

Because from the accident to now, I have not seen Shuangye do something. Although I know that they may be trying to find a way, Shuangye's silence makes me feel something wrong.

"Do you know what Su Wanmei is doing now? How can this woman not be in a hurry at all. "

"She shouldn't be too worried about it just now. After all, she should have thought about this day when she launched the drug, but your worry is right. If they are really prepared, they will not be quiet since last night."

Liu Ruoyun agreed with me, but said nothing more.

After all, now that the counterattack has begun, the only thing we can do is to bring out the real hammer evidence of this matter as soon as possible, and then let Shuangye thoroughly sit on the black pot.

So I did not hesitate, directly agreed to Liu Ruoyun, ready to go to the company.

"Well, let's take a look at the situation later. No, let's throw some evidence in advance. I don't believe that Su Wanmei can sit in the office till noon!"

Hearing this, Liu Ruoyun hung up and waited for me to pass.

Although I don't know how this woman will solve it, I don't know why. I always have a kind of vague uneasiness in my heart.

This kind of uneasiness has appeared several times, let me always feel that I have forgotten something, and I am very worried.

So in order to worry about this, I deliberately went to catch it before I set out. I didn't expect that I thought about it. Finally, I just thought about Su Wanmei.

Because now, the most direct threat to her is me. I plan to blackmail her number first.

On the one hand, it can prevent her from meeting me. On the other hand, I don't want to be disturbed by her. After all, there is no way out for me now. If there is still a possibility of talking about it before, I won't go to Qin Youran for help in such a hurry.

With everything ready, I went downstairs to the garage.

With this precaution, Su Wanmei should have understood what I mean, but what I didn't think about was that I just got to the garage downstairs when I saw a woman sitting in the car.

"Why are you in my car?"

I was very surprised. Not only did I see Su Wanmei here, but I was even more surprised that she actually sat directly into my car.

Although I don't know when she came and how she got in, it is obvious that she is preparing to meet me.

"If you want to come in, you can come in, but seriously, next time you have money, you'd better change to a better car. You're not comfortable in this car." Su Wanmei ignored my question and said a smile to me instead.

Although I was surprised by her reaction now, I was still cold at the thought of what she was looking for.

"If you don't like to sit, you can go. No one asks you to come up."

"Don't be so stingy. Although I came here uninvited, we are friends anyway. Since we are friends, what else can't we sit down and talk about?" Su Wanmei still ignored my displeasure, but this time she patted the seat beside me and motioned me to come up.

Although I don't know what this woman is going to do, I think it's my car and I'm in public.

"Come on, what do you want from me? If it is a matter of stopping, I advise you not to open your mouth, because you should have thought of the consequences when you forced me before you. "

"Well, I don't want to talk about it, but do you have to take the picture in my hand? Do you want to be misunderstood like this? "

"What do you want? I'll tell you, since I've torn my face, I'm not going to die well. It's no use to me. " I didn't pay attention to this woman's threat, especially after Wen Kexin was angry, I would no longer be afraid of this threat.After all, a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding, and there is no difference between the two. This time, I will never compromise with her again.

"So you don't want to give it back to me Su Wanmei ignored my indifference and offered me an envelope.

"What is this?" I was surprised, but I didn't dare to relax.

"It's nothing. It's just the remaining photos. As for the negative film, I've deleted it. Even if I don't delete it, I won't take it out again. After all, you look like you've fallen out with your wife. I'll keep these useless, so I'm going to give you a souvenir." Su Wanmei shakes her head, while explaining, she can't help but make me more confused.

Because I absolutely don't believe that she just came to return the photos today, I just shook my head at her.

"You don't have to talk nonsense with me. I just said that no matter what conditions you offer me today, I can't agree to it. I advise you to die because you have time to grind with me. It's better to think about how to deal with the crisis. After all, Shuangye is your painstaking effort, not mine."

I didn't pay attention to the woman's temptation, but I just blocked the road.

Although I know that she will certainly speak again with her character, but the more she is like this, the more she can not help now, I am more confident.

After all, we have fallen out with each other. She will not come to me now if she has any way, so she plans to wait for her to leave by herself.

But I didn't expect this woman not only did not think of a way to negotiate with me, but also seriously mentioned other things.

"In fact, I'm not looking for you today because I know that if I can't persuade you, even if I come here, it won't help. So I'm looking for you today for another matter related to you, and it's a big event!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!