Chapter 125

I was very surprised, because I never dreamed that I would see a good picture here, so I immediately suspected that I was wrong, so I was ready to take a look at it. But Wang Dong suddenly made a move and rushed to the photo, but in an instant blocked the photos in the album.

"Wang Dong, what are you doing? Why do you have good smelling photos? Let me see clearly! "

I did not continue the anger just now, because all my attention was attracted by the photo album, so I went to Wang Dong again and reached for the photo in his hand.

"What a pleasant smell. This is my cousin. Don't come here. I haven't settled with you just now. Now you..."

Wang Dong subconsciously denied it and looked for reasons, but I not only did not believe it, but also pulled him apart and robbed his album.

"Give it to me!"

There is no doubt about my tone, especially at that moment when I saw it, it made me think of something subconsciously.

"Chen an, what do you want? I said it was my cousin. Why don't you believe it? I have the photo album. If you have the ability, you can kill me today, or I will not give it to you if I die! "

Wang Dong's attitude is very resolute, when he speaks, he is even more like death.

Although I don't know why he was afraid that I would see the album, he underestimated my persistence in hearing Kexin, especially in the divorce, which was more crazy than others could imagine.

"Give it to me, I'll say it for the last time, or I'll do you good today!"

"No, you can kill me if you have the ability, otherwise you..." Wang Dong continued to resist, a pair of hands also dead covered the album, but his words have not finished, I use my fist to interrupt.


A punch down, impartial hit Wang Dong's head, a moment Wang Dong pain, hands holding his head, the album also fell.

Although at this time I wanted to pick up the album immediately, but saw Wang Dong also subconsciously to seize, I temporarily changed my mind and continued to hurt this guy.

I'm really angry, especially when I see these pictures, it makes me feel that the whole world has something to do with her.

I don't know if I was wrong. I only know that I vent all my anger at this moment, so that Wang Dong, who had no strength to fight back, is now covered with scars.

"Don't fight. Don't fight. I'll give it to you..."

When I heard the plea for mercy, I stopped for a while, but I didn't speak. Instead, I immediately picked up the album.

As I just saw, the photos in the album are not only smelling, but also from the first page to the last page, which makes me realize that it is not right.

"Wang Dong, tell me why you have her picture? Is she related to the bar? "

I was angry again. Different from the last time, I felt that the whole person was shaking, because at the moment when I saw the photo, I suddenly thought of the scene when I met Wen Kexin in the bar.

At that time, Wang Dong and I noticed that Wen Kexin, but I had no idea.

After all, Wen Kexin is a beautiful woman, but I don't have anything. I don't even have the courage to chat up.

Later, the reason why I had the courage to go through was still under the instigation of Wang Dong. Although I didn't expect that in the end I would coincide with Wen Ke, what I didn't expect was that this incident would become our breaking point!

"Why do you have a picture of her? Why have you been hiding it from me? "

Wang Dong didn't speak. He seemed to be stabbed by me and kept silent.

Although I have almost thought about the cause of the whole thing, I continue to question in order to get an answer.

"Tell me, why, why?" My eyes were red, and the expression on my face was even more ferocious.

I don't know what happened to me at this moment. I only know that now I just want an answer, an answer related to the smell of Kexin, and I started to smash it in the room.

One is to vent his anger, the other is to force Wang Dong to open his mouth.

I thought Wang Dong had just been silent and would not speak at this moment. But I didn't expect that when I raised the tea table to smash on the ground, Wang Dong suddenly stood up in a rage.

"You Tama enough, why, you Tama said why, I like her, this reason is enough?"

"What are you talking about? Do you like her? Why don't you tell me? "

I am confused, completely confused, even if I have just guessed the answer, but I still can't believe it.

Because I realized with Wen Kexin that Wang Dong had never mentioned a word about Wen Kexin to me, even if he didn't disclose it at all. Now he suddenly told me that he also liked Wen Kexin, and he also liked such a long journey. This made me unable to react at all, so I could only look at him in shock.

"Tell you? What can I tell you? By the word "brother?"

"Yes, I admit that when I was in the bar, I deliberately encouraged you to talk to each other, but my original intention was to let you pave the way. After all, you are still young, and there will be a large number of women waiting for you. And I, after all, have loved this one for so many years, and I was taken in love by you. How can you tell me that I like her, please Give it to meWang Dong broke out completely, but I stood there shocked, I didn't know what to say.

Especially the last sentence, let me immediately understand why Wang Dong had been hiding this matter before.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were..."

I wanted to apologize subconsciously, but I didn't know how to go on.

After all, Wang Dong's words have been very obvious. He knew Wen Kexin earlier than I did, and he still liked her silently. Although I didn't know whether it was Wang Dong who deliberately arranged to meet her in the bar that day, I messed up his plan by accident, which made me feel guilty immediately.

Because at that time, if I knew Wang Dong had this meaning, even if it was just a look, I would not have been impulsive.

Unfortunately, I didn't find it at that time. On the contrary, I followed Kexin and rolled the sheet by mistake.

I don't know what kind of harm this is to Wang Dong. I only know that if it was me at that time, I would have been unable to help myself. So at this moment, I can not only understand his concealment in front of me, but also understand his feelings.

However, Wang Dong, who has torn off the last layer of camouflage, not only ignored the apology, but also continued to explode.

"Chen an, you're a jerk. Do you know how hard it was for me to see you go to the hotel with Wen Kexin? You have the heart to kill you, but even so, I Tama still tolerated. After all, you are my brother, but after you get it, you not only don't cherish it, but also regret everything. "

"Do you know why I want to revenge you? Apart from the previous reasons, this is the most important one. "

"Chen an, don't you always want to end it? Well, today I Tama will help you

Finish saying, wait for a reaction, Wang Dong unexpectedly with I just like, crazy like to rush toward me. , the fastest update of the webnovel!