Xiaomei's mind is very simple, so simple that I just want to make up with Wen Kexin.

Although I can't bear to cheat her, I still decided to find out the situation first.

"How do you want me to answer that? If she really has no problem, I won't divorce, but if..."

I didn't continue to say the following, but the meaning of embarrassment is obvious.

Xiaomei saw that, as I expected, she immediately showed doubts and worries to me.

"Brother an, what do you mean by that? Is there something wrong with sister Xin?"

"Well..." I don't know what to say, but I also understand that if this matter is not made clear, Xiaomei will certainly not help me, even if I get information from her, it will not achieve the original purpose.

Xiaomei seemed to see my dilemma. She did not wait for me to open her mouth, she asked directly: "what's wrong with brother ANN, just say it directly. Although I may not understand the matter between you, I believe that what you have is just misunderstanding. There must be no bad things happening. Just tell me."

"I can tell you, but I want to ask you first, do you believe me?" I asked, not in a hurry.

After all, most people will not believe this kind of thing, especially those who are close to Wen Kexin, and they will not believe the fact of betrayal. So I gave her a vaccination first.

Xiaomei didn't expect me to ask. She hesitated and nodded at me.

"Brother ANN, tell me. I'm sure I believe you and sister Kexin."

This answer makes me helpless, but I can't help it. After all, Xiaomei's is too small, so I don't hesitate to speak out the suspicious things.

"Brother ANN, do you really suspect that sister Kexin is cheating?" Xiaomei was surprised, but she didn't believe it.

Although I haven't got the evidence of the real hammer, I can only nod my head when I see more and more doubts.

"I don't believe it either, but that's what it is."

Xiaomei was silent. She seemed to be a little unable to accept the result, so she kept her head down.

I can see that she is in a bad mood. I also know that she cares about Wen Kexin. Although I don't want to cheat her, let alone take advantage of her, I hesitated for a long time and decided to gamble on the plan for Saturday.

"Xiaomei, I know you must be very sad, because no one in the world knows more about Wen Kexin's position in your heart than I do. Although I don't believe that this kind of thing will happen, I would like to invite you to investigate this matter. If this is a misunderstanding, no matter how difficult it is to forgive, I will not give up. But if it is a fact, I hope you can understand 。”

"After all, there are some things that can't be done unilaterally, especially feelings!"

The reason why I said this is that Xiaomei also has a trace of doubt. Even if I don't know where her suspicion comes from, I understand that she has noticed something wrong with Wen Kexin. I just want to make her promise to the invitation.

After all, with Xiaomei's help on Saturday, I can quickly determine whether there is a problem with Wen Kexin.

But Xiaomei was surprised again after hearing this, and the hesitation on her face became more obvious.

"Is it necessary? Can't you ask sister Kexin directly? "

"I want to ask her, but do you think she will tell me? In fact, I haven't told you about some things. Now that I've come to this stage, I have nothing to hide. My marriage with Wen Kexin has no emotional foundation, and she just makes me responsible for her marriage. "

"Two months ago, I thought that if I married a wife like her, I could have peace of mind, but now I understand that we are really not suitable. That's why, when I was in the hospital, I directed that scene with Su Wanmei. I wanted to separate with a misunderstanding ending, but I didn't expect it would become like this!"

I didn't hide Xiaomei. I simply told the whole thing.

Although Xiaomei was surprised, she hesitated to ask what I had just asked.

"Brother an, I'm sorry, but I didn't tell you one thing. After you left the hospital that day, there was a woman named Liu Ruoyun in your company looking for sister Kexin. Because I heard about her before, I paid attention to her, so later I eavesdropped on her phone number, and then she knew all the information."

Although I was surprised by this answer, I still nodded when I thought of Liu Ruoyun's paranoid personality.

"I know, and I don't blame you, because now this matter is not important, the important thing is the next thing."

"What's the matter? Is it related to sister Kexin? " Xiaomei looks at me in surprise and shows her nervousness.

I knew that she was afraid of proving something, so I didn't want to go into it. Although this plan was just invented by me, I couldn't miss this opportunity, so I wanted to speak directly.

"Yes, I just said that I would like to invite you to verify this matter together. I wonder if you would like to see it now?"

Xiaomei hesitated. As I expected, she didn't want to see something happen to Wen Kexin.Although I know she's just worried, the more she is, the more she proves that Wen Kexin is wrong.

After all, Wen Kexin is only the two of us who are closest to each other. Now that we are suspicious, it is necessary to check. Even if there is no direct evidence, as long as we can prove that Wen Kexin lied to me, all this is enough.

"I know you are worried. I don't want to force you. After all, this matter has nothing to do with you, and I don't want you to know too much."

"Why?" Xiaomei began to waver, especially her subconscious question, which gave me more assurance.

"Because you are still young, I don't want you to know some things too early. Although this is a kind of experience for you, it will also make you fear this matter. So I hesitated when I just opened my mouth. If you are hesitant now, my advice to you is not to participate and just watch it quietly."

I didn't force Xiaomei. After all, I couldn't bear it. But Xiaomei shook her head at me.

"No, brother ANN, I hesitated not because of fear, but because I was worried about the result of you and sister Kexin. Although I really don't want to see you separated at last, I don't want to see you suffer so much. If the results of this survey can release you all, I can accept whatever it is and I will bless you all! "

Xiaomei's answer made me unexpected, especially the firmness in her words, which made me appreciate her more.

"Well, in that case, I'll go straight to it."

"From now on, you can help me stare at Wen Kexin, and do nothing. Just tell me her whereabouts, and then watch it. If you can do it, it will be of great help to me. If it makes you feel embarrassed, you can refuse."

"This time I don't ask you to answer immediately. As long as you think about it before Saturday, it's not too late."

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