Chapter 239

Name:Beloved Husband Author:决绝 Juejue
Yanjing really likes this kind of life. Every day, in addition to practicing, she makes love with Su Mo Xiu and studies her cooking skills by the way He can live such a life forever.

The only trouble is that Su Mo ran came to see her several times, and her divine sense also came to investigate her several times.

Yan Jing didn't match up with the divine sense, nor did he pay attention to Su Mo ran.

He can't stand Su Mo Xiu's being close to a person he doesn't like and being ambiguous. In this case, he must draw a line with Su Mo ran!

Su Mo Ran's message Yanjing doesn't look at it. Su Muran calls to him outside the door. He doesn't pay attention to it. Su Mo ran asks others to come to him He has not seen anyone but Yang Yiming these days.

Yan Jing even arranged a sound insulation array outside his yard, so that Su Mo ran could not hear him outside and would not be in a bad mood.

As for him He has divine sense, but he can still know.

Today, Su Mo ran came again, but Yan Jing just ignored him, and only wanted to make food for Su Mo Xiu.

He has learned to make a lot of things with the alchemy furnace! He even learned to make roast chicken!

Before that, he asked Yang Yiming to buy some killed chickens and store them on the frozen ground. When necessary, he roasted one chicken and roasted it several times. Su Mo Xiu ate a lot of chicken with great face every time!

Today, Yanjing made another roast chicken. After that, he and Su Moxiu were half alone.

He is now a monk of the yuan infant period. In fact, he doesn't need to eat. However, he doesn't eat the food himself, so he just accompanies him to eat.

Although there are impurities in these worldly things, such a little impurity really has little influence on him.

When the roast chicken was ready to eat, the news from Qingyang immortal suddenly came and asked Yanjing to see him.

Yan Jing doesn't want to go out. He plans not to go out this year, but this is a message from Qingyang immortal

Before Su Mo Xiu refused to let Yan Jing go out, he actually did not want to see Su Mo ran.

He also wants to know whether Yanjing can really do it for him, regardless of Su Mo ran.

As a result, Yan Jing actually ignored Su Mo ran for a long time.

Su Mo Xiu even had an illusion that Yan Jingze really liked himself

At this time, when he saw the message from the real man Qingyang, Su Mo said, "elder martial brother, master, please go."

After his accident, Qingyang Zhenren showed indifference, but he had no resentment.

He can understand the practice of Qingyang immortal.

Xuanmingzong has spent a lot of resources in order to train him over the years. Now that something happens to him, those resources are tantamount to a loss of water.

Although the immortal Qingyang is not good to him, it is not bad. In fact, he is somewhat ashamed of him.

"I'll come when I go." Yan Jing kisses Su Mo Xiu: "you wait for me at home."

Home? Su Mo Xiu's heart moved, seeing Yan Jing out of the door.

Yanjing went to Qingyang immortal, but still left a wisp of divine consciousness, guarding the yard.

He was afraid that someone would come to trouble him.

These days, Yan Jing studied his own divine consciousness. He found that because his body could not bear it, he needed to be more careful when using his divine sense, and he could not use it too much. There was a limit, but it was just enough.

Yanjing came to Qingyang immortal, and found that in addition to Qingyang immortal, there was another distracted cultivator. Beside the distracted cultivator, there were also two primordial friars standing beside him. He observed these people with his divine sense, but they didn't find out.

"This is the ancestor of the Su family." When the immortal Qingyang saw Yan Jingze, he introduced it.

Yan Jing was surprised and looked at the very young distracted monk from his appearance.

This man looks like Su Mo Xiu. He is the ancestor of Su family.

As one of the four famous families in the Xiuzhen world, the Su family has an extraordinary origin.

Thousands of years ago, the passageway between the Xiuzhen world and the fairyland was not closed. At that time, people often flew to the fairyland.

And among those people, there are those who are always outstanding.

The ancestor of the Su family was the disciple of one of the immortals.

The immortal doesn't like to deal with people, and his name is unknown. But his deeds, even if it has been five thousand years, are still praised.

The immortal was called the devil breaking immortal.

He was born between a famous female devil and an immortal. He lived in the magic cultivation since childhood.

At that time, there was a lot of fighting between the magic and the immortal. His father was Xianxiu. Naturally, they were not good to him and bullied him.

He was really out of place with those evil cults - he did not cultivate demons, but cultivated immortals, and later he ran out of them.

However, his mother was a demon cultivator, and he was not treated by others on the side of the immortal cultivator.

In his early years, he lived very hard and alone, but even so, he still relied on the unparalleled talent, in a short period of a hundred years, he reached the period of distraction.After that, he took a sword and killed the evil cults whenever they met him. Finally, he got the name of "broken devil immortal".

When he was 200 years old, he rose to the top. There was no one before him, but he had a strange temper.

Before he ascended, he had never been intimate with others, even no one had ever seen his true face. He wore a mask all the year round. It is said that this is because his mother is a sorcerer who practices flattering skills, and he also has a unique appearance and does not want to be coveted by others.

The ancestors of the Su family were saved by Po Mo Xian Zun, and helped Po Mo Xian Zun block some troublemakers when Po Mo Xian Zun ascended. He got the inheritance left by Po Mo Xian Zun and finally developed Su family.

Yanjing finds out the origin of the Su family from the memory of the original owner, but he doesn't like the ancestor of the Su family in front of him.

After all, the ancestor of the Su family had been bad at Su Mo, but Su Mo ran was held in the palm of the Su family!

However, in the realm of practice, there should be some politeness, and Yanjing said: "I have met my ancestor."

As soon as he had passed the ceremony, he felt the divinity of the ancestors of the Su family coming to him.

Yan Jing was surprised and quickly hid his own strength.

It's impossible to hide his accomplishments in front of the masters in the distracted period, whether it's the golden elixir or the Yuanying period. But he only looks at the realm of the divine consciousness, which is higher than the divine period!

It's too simple for him to hide his accomplishments!

When the divine sense of the ancestors of the Su family shrouded yanjingze, the real man of Qingyang frowned, but soon relaxed. The ancestor of the Su family did nothing but investigate the cultivation of yanjingze.

"The son of a Taoist friend, he has outstanding talent." The ancestor of the Su family's divinity turned around yanjingze and quickly recovered it.

Qingyang immortal said: "praise, Su family is also a large number of talents."

The old ancestor of the Su family said, "it's just that Daoyou, I'm here today to tell you something important. "

"What's the matter?" Asked immortal Qingyang.

"About 60 years ago, the master of Tianji Pavilion came to Su's house."

The immortal Qingyang was shocked.

Tianji Pavilion ranks first among the four families with one Pavilion, two gates and three families. Tianji Pavilion ranks first, not because the monks of Tianji pavilion are so powerful, but because the people of Tianji Pavilion can spy on the secrets of heaven.

Tianji pavilion has existed for tens of thousands of years. During these tens of thousands of years, Tianji Pavilion will predict in advance the major events of the Xiuzhen world.

There are several times, it is relying on the prophecy of the master of Tianji pavilion that the Xiuzhen world can avoid some disasters that can destroy the whole Xiuzhen world!

It's just that few people come out of Tianji Pavilion. The owner of Tianji Pavilion doesn't go out easily. Sixty years ago, the ancestor of the Su family met the master of Tianji Pavilion Why is this?

"The master of Tianji Pavilion told me at that time that there was an immortal king who was going to come to the Su family and could change the status quo of the Xiuzhen world." The old ancestor of the Su family.

The immortal Qingyang was not so calm when he heard the "master of Tianji Pavilion" before. At the moment, he was shocked. Yanjing even felt that his divine sense was unstable.

The spiritual power of the cultivation world is becoming less and less, and it is getting worse and worse. If we really want to change the status quo It's hard to control the excitement of real Qingyang.

"Who is it?" asked immortal Qingyang

"It should be mo ran." The old ancestor of the Su family said: "Mo Ran is early witted. When he was just born, he introduced Qi into his body. Over the years, he was more aware of it In addition, he was obviously low in cultivation, but sometimes he could even point out the monks of yuanyingqi

Immortal Qingyang knows Su Muran. It is said that it is Su Muran, but Yanjing doesn't want to believe it.

What is Su Mo ran Reincarnation? Is it possible that God consciousness in him belongs to the immortal?

Can that thing save the Xiuzhen world?

You're kidding! That divine sense doesn't belong to Su Muran, that is to say, Su Muran is an immortal reincarnation, and it doesn't hold water at all

Yanjing doesn't believe that Su Muran is an immortal. If there is an immortal coming down to earth, that immortal should be him!

His divine sense is stronger than Su Mo Ran's, and he clearly knows that he is coming through!

Yanjing was just thinking about this, when he heard the old ancestor of the Su family say: "this is a great good thing. I was very happy. I never thought that just at this time, the master of Tianji Pavilion suddenly said:" there is evil spirit! " He said and began to calculate, the results of a sudden coma in the past, has not been awake. After that, the people of Tianji Pavilion took him away, and I have never seen him again. "

"Evil spirit?" The real man of Qingyang is also puzzled.

The old ancestor of the Su family said: "soon after, two children were born in the Su family. When Mo ran was born, it showed a difference. As for Mo Xiu When he was young, he was possessed of evil spirit. "

Yan Jing's face changed, but it was not just because of the words of the ancestors of the Su family. He felt Su Mo ran into his own yard.

Did Su Mo ran go to Su Mo Xiu? What does he want to do?

Yanjing does not care about the ancestors of the Su family and Qingyang immortal, turns around and leaves.

At the same time, Su Muran has entered yanjingze's yard and met Su Mo Xiu.

Su Mo Xiu has become a disabled man. He feels happy to see such a su Mo Xiu.What was su Mo Xiu like in his last life?

He is the reincarnation of the Immortal King of the Su family. He is adored by the ancestors of the Su family. He has everything he wants, but now There was nothing left of him.