"This is Cain, the patriarch of Taoyuan, and this is Sutang, the saint of Taoyuan. They have provided us with a place to live. We should thank them!" Haiqi was very excited to introduce to the people, but the people didn't cooperate at all. One by one stares at the dead fish's eyes, and looks at Hai Qi with a dull face, even a little inexplicable. One of them asked, "patriarch, we live in the sea. Why do we have to come to the earth? Didn't you forbid us to contact the orcs on the ground before? " Haiqi explained without hesitation, "the mermaid family has not given birth to a baby for ten seasons. Now we haven't found a sea dragon that can improve our dark cold constitution. Living in the sea will only aggravate our dark cold constitution, so if we want to give birth to a baby, we must leave the sea." The clansman suddenly realized, "so it is... But can we live on the ground all the time?" Haiqi also said, "the virgin of Taoyuan has specially prepared a place suitable for us to live in. At that time, don't always soak in the water. It's good for your health to come out and walk more." It's a matter of whether you can have a baby or not. Everyone is very concerned about it, and no one makes any comments. So Haiqi paused and said, "if you want to have your own cubs, there is another way..." the eyes of the orc females of the mermaid clan are bright! They asked eagerly, "what can I do?"“ Marriage with other people... "Most mermaids say they are very resistant to this“ How can this work? I will never intermarry with my foreign race“ yes! Neither will I! "“ Is that the price of living here? If so, I'd rather not live! "“ I don't want to live Haiqi didn't expect that the scene would be so out of control. For a moment, he looked at Su Tang awkwardly.