He has not experienced CaSO's life, can not feel CaSO's feelings, he is not qualified to let CaSO strong alive. Maybe for CaSO, to die with ah Qi is the best end result... Wen Jue wiped away the tears around his eyes. With red eyes, he went to Hai Qi and squatted down, clapping his hand on his shoulder. Haiqi maintained the previous posture, sobbing“ Ah Jue, ah Jie is to save me... I killed her. " Wen Jue tightly grasped Hai Qi's shoulder, "it's not your fault, it's our carelessness. I didn't expect that the clan leader of tuntian Python still has a back hand." Haiqi was at a loss to hold the baby, and tears kept falling down. "Ah Jue, it's all my fault, my fault..." Wen Jue sighed, "ah Jue, when she left, she was very happy, and with CaSO, she would not be alone. You can be sad, you can be sad, but you know, elder sister doesn't want to see you like this all the time, and she entrusts her cubs to you. You should take good care of her cubs. " Haiqi's heart is very painful, but his palm is still holding the baby. The baby doesn't know whether it's hungry or how, and he keeps crying. After a long time, he stood up with a firm look, "you're right, I want to take good care of the cub. Elder sister wants him to be Xi, then he will be Xi in the future. He is elder sister's cub, but he will be my cub in the future!" He took down a space stone on his neck and gave it to Wen Jue, "this is the last gift that elder sister left us..." Wen Jue took it with a bitter face, "what are you going to do next?" Haiqi looked at the cub in his hand, "I'm going to take him back to the sea. I'm going to raise him up. I'm going to hide the elder sister from everyone. Otherwise, father amu can't stand it when he's old. At that time, he'll lie that elder sister is determined to marry the orcs on the ground and doesn't want to come back." Wen Jue nodded, "that's fine. When are you going to start? I'll give you a ride. " Haiqi looked at the devastation here, and the orcs who looked at him with a defensive face. He looked slightly restrained and said in a low voice, "let's go now. This is not a place to have a good rest." Wen Jue helped him, and they stood up and walked towards the forest outside the tribe.