lunch break.

Bai Shixiu eats in her seat.

Takai masihi brings her two good girlfriends to harass her.

This has become a daily life, white stone show has been used to.

It's just different today. One of Takai's best friends is gone. Instead, he's the new transfer student. Yujing is dressed.

"Baishisang, we are harassing you again!"

"Sit down, please."

Bai Shixiu did not refuse. It was a normal request from the students.

Direct refusal is both humiliating and inhuman.

In other words, during the lunch break in the first two years, different girls often took turns to ask for lunch together.

There are even senior students who come from other classes.

Bai Shixiu was surprised for a long time.

Recently, only Takai Shinto and her Ji friend are left

I don't know why.

The doubt was fleeting.

Bai Shixiu continued to eat, focusing on the corresponding frequency of her brain cells.

In the morning, he found another 30% and the remaining 20%. Bai Shixiu planned to make a sprint during the lunch break.

Just take care of it.

In this way.

After school in the afternoon, the brain cells can be initially strengthened to test the effect of strengthening.

The enhancement of Baishi Pudu Gong has corresponding addition for each part, such as muscle tissue and epithelial tissue.

Even the heart, arms, legs, toes

What about the brain?

As the most complex part of the human body, it is also the most functional part.

The predecessor of Baishi Pudu Gong, the vaingkong Tibetan Bodhisattva mantra, is only effective on the memory area, which can strengthen the memory, and long-term use can achieve the effect of unforgettable.

Now expand to the whole brain!

Thinking, spirit, vision, body sense, hearing, taste, speech expression, understanding language, emotion, fine motor control

The whole brain is too important in the human body.

Its role in the human body, human has not yet been fully revealed.

This is an area that has not been revealed by human biotechnology, and Bai Shixiu naturally doesn't understand it either -

he simply strengthens all the cells contained in the brain in an all-round way to ensure the effect of strengthening the whole brain.

As for the rest

Brain, you can do it yourself.

Unfortunately, the brain enhancement effect of baishixiu is not clear.

In case after strengthening, there will be maladjustment, leading to the power out of control.

It may injure students and teachers by mistake and cause damage to the school.

This is what Bai Shixiu does not want to see.

If not for this, baishixiu in the afternoon after class, can carry out a preliminary strengthening, test the effect.

When Bai Shixiu studied.

Three girls sat down with bentos in their hands.

Yujing knot clothes, heart slightly happy.

Join the monk's lunch group, great success!

In order to have lunch with the monk, she did a lot of homework.

It's not just a good relationship with Takai Shinto.

At the same time, he did some tricks on a good girl friend of masaku Takai in advance -

of course, it was not killed, which was too abnormal.

If the monk's attention is aroused, it will be over.

Just let that girl student have a cold and fever, can't go to school.

This kind of wind cold disease, is very common in winter, won't cause any attention at all.

"Yujing, are you a native of xuyanyuan? I remember the hot springs there are very famous

After sitting down, Takai took the lead in finding a topic.

Some curiously asked.

Yujing wears a smile and answers softly.

"No, although I have lived in nahsuyanyuan for a long time, I am not a native there."

"It's just that when I was young, I went there with my parents and went to high school all the time..."

"However, as you said, the hot springs in xuyanyuan city are true."

"You should have heard of the story of" deer soup "? It is said that more than 600 years ago, a deer shot by a hunter was cured in the hot spring... "

"But my mother told me a story when she was a child, which few people knew..."

Mixed into the lunch group of monks.

Nature is more than just eating.

But in the monk's heart to lay a foundation.

Of course, this design was carefully designed in advance.

It can be inadvertently revealed that they are not the first time to transfer to school, causing curiosity.Can also enhance their own background of the salt market, enhance the sense of trust!

Yujing is familiar with this point.

At that time, her pseudonym was zaonu, who paved the way for her to become an orphan adopted by the samurai couple, and gradually entered the vision of the emperor.

It's the same routine!

As for the real market of sushihara?

Oh, I do know.

After all, a thousand years ago, my concubine died in the city of nahsuyanyuan. At that time, its name was naxuye.

Sure enough.

Takai and others were attracted by her story.

Some curious, some tangled asked.

"How many times did Yujing transfer school? Did you come with your parents this time? "

"Well, if it's not convenient to answer, you can ignore this question, just as I haven't asked it!"

"There's nothing inconvenient."

Yujing knot clothes smile way.

However, with a smile on her face, she gradually became restless.

Wait, what seems to be wrong?

Monk, what are you doing?

I saw the white stone show in front of the three girls.

While eating, the eyes are quite empty.

Anyone can see that he was distracted and did not listen to the conversation in front of him.

From the perspective of Yujing's clothing, we can see that this is not a distraction at all, but a meditation.

Are you sitting together for lunch?

It's too exaggerating to be in direct!

This is the lunch break classroom, next to three beautiful girls chatting.

Even if you don't have a woman in your eyes, you don't want to be distracted.

Even if you are a wooden fish, do not want to interrupt.

But it's only a few minutes?

You just ignore the outside interference and settle down?

I've been planning, planning, even making an impression on you

Isn't it all for the blind?

For a moment, Yujing knot clothes heart is roaring.

However, this cannot be exposed on the surface.

Although the monk is settled.

But if Yujing knot clothes show any abnormality.

As a result, the monk suddenly finished entering Ding and slapped her in the air. It turned out that the so-called "entering Ding" was just for Yujing Jieyi to see, in order to test the new transfer student

I, Yujing knot clothes, high play.

It is impossible to make such a lower limit operation!

Even, there is no change in Yujing Jieyi, and she is still talking with them.

Lay out your own facilities according to the original plan.

Although I didn't show it to the monk.

However, these are the monk's classmates.

As long as people are set up, it may be more effective for monks to get them from the nearby population.

In addition, Yujing Jieyi continues to pave the way.

In the communication with Takai Shinto.

With a slightly frightened tone, paved the way for a person to set up!

Her father was a busy rich man who once set up a business in nahsuyuan city and brought her there, where she lived for a long time.

Later, in order to develop the enterprise, my father moved to Tokyo with the headquarters.

She stayed with her mother and lived in nahsuyuan.

Normally speaking, they should live until university.

However, recently, my mother was ill and went to the big city for medical treatment.

She lived alone in the city of nagasahara. Her father was worried and forced her to transfer to the first public high school in Tokyo, ribiya high school.

By means of jade well.

It's natural and easy to establish the image of "a young lady who comes to a strange environment alone and faces her father who has not seen for many years, and her classmates who are shy and worried about her"!

Sure enough, the man won sympathy points.

Takai Shinichi and her good friends are more kind to her.

At this time, the monk is the end of the state.

I saw that Bai Shixiu was a little satisfied.

He's completely groped for the transformation of brain cells.

Baishi Pudu Gong · change 2, complete!

After that, you can understand the effect as long as you practice it again.

With the joy of the completion of the study, Bai Shixiu heard about the city of naxu Yanyuan in the mouth of Jieyi in Yujing.

Happiness to the soul, suddenly thought of a thing.

"Yujing schoolmate, that xuyanyuan city was called nashuye in ancient times?"

"According to legend, the Nine Tailed Fox and jade algae are the killing stones that have been turned into wild animals?"

It was not a sudden thought.

Since the king of the golden hair demon disclosed the news, Bai Shixiu has been thinking about the news about huangquan.Later, he communicated with the male god of xuzuo.

It was learned that huangquan took the shards of the stone from the ghost and magic rice field Ji.

It's natural.

Bai Shixiu can think that huangquan may revive Jiuwei fox yuzao.

Why did huangquan want to revive yuzao?

What conspiracy is brewing?

Bai Shixiu has been thinking about this.

Can we say that the purpose of the yellow spring is to revive yuzao.

Is it to confuse the president of the free country and press the red button to start the nuclear peace plan and cause civil war?

After all, after the war, human power is bound to weaken.

When the time comes, monsters can hide in the ground, hide in various places, not affected, come out to receive the results of the war

I don't know if the genie will be affected by the radiation.


It's not likely at all.

After all, the red button is just a joke. A real nuclear launch needs to go through a rather rigorous process.

It's not like the president of the free country said he would shoot.

These are just staying in the thinking of Bai Shixiu.

At this time, when I heard that the town of xuyanyuan in the mouth of Jieyi in Yujing, I remembered this and said it.

But unexpectedly, Yujing Jieyi's reaction is a little strange.

"Why? Yujing, why are you so ugly? "

"Stomach, stomachache..."

Yujing said with a strong smile.

The heart is roaring.

Huangquan, why should the incarnation of concubine be set as the identity of suyanyuan city? Isn't it good to change places?

Isn't it a matter of revealing my concubine?

When I go back alive, I will eat your ashes raw! , the fastest update of the webnovel!