Although they were not from the same village, they all experienced the miserable process of being invaded. People will think that this matter has nothing to do with him, even if there is more oppression, there will be people in front of him.

But is this mentality really good? It's not nice to say that people with this mentality will die sooner or later. At the beginning, maybe the people in front of you can resist it, but after a long time, there will be fewer and fewer people. In the end, it will be your turn.

"Ding Yi, we support you, we will support you with our best efforts."

"No matter when and where, only unity is the king. Although we are ordinary and weak, this is not the reason why we are bullied."

"One chopstick is easy to break, five chopsticks are not so easy to be broken, and ten chopsticks are broken constantly."

With Ding Yi's voice falling, one after another echo. In their eyes, Ding Yi standing on the high platform has become a kind of faith.

Next to them were bodies of bad people who had invaded their village. There are bodies on the other side, but the bodies of their compatriots.

The contrast between the two identities brings them deep resentment. A sense of roar followed, and they wanted to peel off the skin of those people, drink their blood and draw their tendons.

"If we can't defeat the enemy with just one cavity of blood, we can only make unnecessary sacrifice in the end."

As soon as the front of the story turned, Ding Yi's voice sank: "if we want to do something good, we must first sharpen our tools. Now what we need to do is to strengthen our own tools. Only in this way can we have more abundant precautions and let them know what is fear and what is revenge."

Although many people don't understand this sentence, they know how it is. As a simple villager, it will be much easier to do farm work if there are tools. If we do not have tools blindly, we will be more and more tired.

"Let's go, start building our impregnable castle."

At the end of the speech, Ding began to make plans with a big hand. Things slowly began, all the villagers consciously picked up props, rolled up their sleeves and began to work.

"Big brother, what I said just now is OK?"

After the speech, Ding Yi nervously asked Linfen, "I have conveyed all the plans you said, elder brother. I believe that the underground castle will be built under the joint efforts of everyone."

"Ding Yi, what you said is very good. Just now you have succeeded in arousing everyone's emotions. This is the charm of speaking."

Looking at the villagers who began to move, Lin Fan laughed happily: "there is an old saying that where there is oppression, there will be resistance. The deeper and heavier the oppression, the stronger the resistance. "

Unity is strength, which is an eternal truth. With the help and joint efforts of the villagers, Dingshi village has become a flat land from ruins.

However, this is not the final result. If you look down from high altitude, you will find that there are many, many small black spots on the open space.

These black spots seem to be interesting and constantly moving. They look very strange. Especially when you can feel a sense of oppression inside, they can bring a sense of fear.

If you put your eyes under the ground, you can find that there are many frightening mechanism arrangements under the ordinary ground