Run Run away The volcano erupted

My money I'm going home to get something

What's the use of money if you don't have one It's important to run for your life

The whole town was in chaos, and all the townspeople were running wild. The street lights went off, and there were screams all around.

The volcano erupted?!

Puzzled to look at the peak, the smoke rolling above, as if the end of the day, let people see carefully panic. Some red magma could be seen bursting out and projecting towards the town at the foot of the mountain.

"Auntie, what's the matter? Isn't it an extinct volcano? How can it erupt? "

Suddenly, seeing the runaway aunt of the scalper party, Lin Fan grabbed her and asked, "it's been hundreds of years. What's going on?"

"Brother, let me go now. It's important to run for your life."

Looking back at the smoke billowing Huolu mountain, my aunt screamed in horror: "if you don't go, it's too late. I don't know why it broke out. It's the first time I've seen it in my life."

Releasing the yelling aunt of the Yellow Cattle party, Lin Fan looked at the mountain thoughtfully. Before he came here, he had a hunch that something was going to happen here in furnace town.

He didn't know why there was such a premonition, but now it seems that it has come true. Huolu mountain, Huolu mountain, the mountain where flames once broke out.

Is there a fire between heaven and earth under this flame mountain? The same as rootless fire?

As if in response to his thoughts, the rootless fire in his body rippled. On the volcano where the smoke was rolling out, I could clearly feel the excitement in my body.

"It seems that I have to go there. I want to be rich in danger."

Looking at the fleeing townspeople, Lin Fan's eyes flashed a flash of light, and then ran quickly along the crater.

It can make the rootless fire resonate, which is enough to show that there are treasures on Huolu mountain. Even if it's not the same fire, at least it will be the same kind. Just such a premise is enough for Lin fan to take the risk.

When they saw this scene, they all looked at it for no reason. The volcano erupted, not only did not go forward, but rushed forward. Isn't that for death?

"My God, it seems that he is running in the direction of crater. Is he going to commit suicide?"

"Who knows what other people think. In my opinion, most of them are abandoned, and absolutely 100% waste."

"There are still people running over here, all of them are looking for death."

After a puzzled cry, everyone saw a figure again, and look at the back seems to be a woman?

Yeah? There's someone behind it?

Hearing the movement behind him, Lin Fan frowned and looked back. It is to see a girl quickly rushed over, in the fire under the mapping of the whole face red.

"My friend, would you like to explore together?"

Silver bell like laughter, the girl blinked at Lin Fan: "even if you die, you can be a pair of mandarin ducks. There is at least a companion on the huangquan road."

Tut, tut, tut.

Seeing the girl's face full of excitement, Lin Fan's eyes lit up. He has a rootless fire, so he is not afraid of high temperature, but what does this girl have?

For a moment, Lin Fan was interested, and then reached out and said, "come on, let's paddle together."

Looking at the palm of Lin Fan's hand, the girl was stunned. Finally, she couldn't help laughing: "it seems that this time it's right to come out to see such an interesting person."

With these words, catkin has fallen into Lin Fan's hands