At this time, Yoshiko Takeda was also very helpless in the face of such Sakurako Uesugi. "You just like to get into the horns too much. How can you stop looking at anyone because of a person who saved yourself? Besides, didn't you come back safely that time?"

Shangshanyingzi shook her head and said, "although I was scared that time, after all, I was also frightened. Let me really have no other contact with people as before. I think I can't do it. To tell you the truth, I'm a little uncomfortable with the contact with strangers now. I always feel that the other party is also a bad person."

For Sakura Uesugi, there is no other way for Yoko Takeda. I'm afraid it's because she was really frightened last time, isn't it?

They have known each other since childhood. Sakura Uesugi has always been a very outgoing girl. In my own impression, shangshanyingzi is always so sunny, and her behavior is also very sincere and natural. But since she was kidnapped, she came back safely. However, it seems that she has changed from then on. Except that I can only show a little trust with myself, I am very wary of people at other times.

Let alone find a suitable man to fall in love, even if she has normal contacts, she can be as few as possible.

Takeda's parents are old friends with the sugi family, so that Sakura shangsugi can return to the original appearance. Her parents let her live with shanyingzi for the time being, so that their two good sisters can communicate more when they are free. In this way, at least shangshanyingzi can count a little more, at least he won't be bored.

Takeda suddenly said, "by the way! Haven't you been investigating the man who helped you at that time? What's the result?"

Speaking of this, shangshanyingzi was a little lost. "I tried my best to find this person again, but I didn't have the slightest information about him. It's reasonable that I have used all the channels my father can use. This person... Seems to have never appeared... No one knows about him."

Takeda comforted, "don't worry too much. Maybe he was sent by heaven to save you?"

"I think so too! However, I still want to find him, even if I say thank you to him face to face..."

"You haven't seen his whole face. I'm afraid you won't recognize him even if he is in front of you?"

Sakura Uesugi closed her eyes. "I haven't seen what he looks like, but I clearly remember the smell he sent out at that time... It's a very special and good smell. I think if I really meet him, I may be able to find him..."

At this time, Sakura shangshanzi had fallen into his own intoxication and didn't care about the people around him. This expression was not shown for a long time. It's like... A woman in love, a sentimental attachment to the man she likes.

Yoko Takeda has tried this method repeatedly. No matter how lost Sakura shangsugi is, she will get better immediately as long as she mentions the life-saving benefactor.

Yoshiko Takeda smiled and said, "even if you really let you meet, you also found this person. What can you do?"

The warm smile on Sakura shangshanzi's face didn't disappear. "I don't know. I don't even know why I'm looking for him. I just feel that I want to see him. This expectation really seems to be in love. Well, maybe I want to marry him?"

Sakura Uesugi's words restrained Yoko Takeda. "What do you mean you want to marry him? You haven't seen other people's faces. Do you want to marry him?"

"I'm not sure, but I think my heart feels like this..." Saiga Sakura said very naturally.

"But you don't know what he does? What if he has married a wife?"

Shangshanyingzi immediately panicked, "impossible! I can feel that he is not old. A man of this age should not get married so early."

Takeda really didn't know how to react this time. It seems that Sakura Uesugi really fell in. Because she was saved, she fell in love with a man who no one could recognize. However, generally such things will not turn out very well, will they? How can I persuade her? She is so convinced, so determined, if there is a day when the truth comes out, won't she be sad to death?

She thought over and over again about whether she wanted to pierce the dream. Finally, she decided to say it. After all, it's better to die early now than to be sad then.

Takeda thought of this, and she opened her mouth carefully. "Yingzi, I understand you like the idea that heroes want to repay the kindness of saving lives. However, it is not necessary to promise each other in return?

Especially in your current status, you can't find anyone to marry. You don't know this person at all, or even who it is. Aren't you afraid that he is a fugitive or murderer? "

"Impossible! How could he be like that? He is my life-saving benefactor. How could he be like you said? Besides, if he was really a dishonest man and knew my identity, how could he let me go easily? Wouldn't it be good to ask my father for some money? But he disappeared... And..."

When shangshanyingzi said this, she paused and blushed. "If he was a bad man, I'm afraid I might not be innocent. At that time, I was tied. If he had malice, I would have been given by him... But he saved me!"

Shangshanyingzi is a girl who hasn't come out of the cabinet after all. She was a little embarrassed when she said that. However, her meaning has been very clear, and what she said is reasonable. If you are a bad person, in that case, seeing such a beautiful girl will definitely have an unreasonable desire for her.

Or not, it's good to exchange her for some money. Such logic and situation made Takeda's heart a little confused for a time.

"Forget it, even if he is a real gentleman and your life-saving benefactor. However, you're nothing. Is it rash to want to marry someone? Don't you say he's covered? You don't see his face. You say you found him and he's a very ugly person. Do you want to marry him?"

"I......" shangshanyingzi hesitated for a moment. Obviously, she didn't think about it. However, her depression was only a moment, and soon he looked up confidently.

"Although I'm not sure how handsome he is or how elegant he is, I'm sure he won't be ugly. His eyes are the window of his heart. A man with clear eyes also shows that his heart is pure. Moreover, the feeling he gives me is definitely a person who has great confidence in himself.

I'm not sure he looks good, but at least he won't be too bad... Besides, I don't want to marry him because he looks good. Isn't it easier for me to find a good-looking one around? I want someone who can give me an eternal sense of security. "

This time, Takeda really has nothing to say, and the whole person is not very good. "OK, you're awesome! You know what you want... But now I'm a little tangled. I always wanted you to meet him. When you said you were going to marry him, I didn't want you to meet him... I don't want you to be hurt..."

"Don't worry, I won't be hurt!"

"I don't want you to be hit by your expectations... If your expectations are too high, you will fall miserably..."

Shangshanyingzi didn't mean to be affected at this time, and her eyes were very firm. "I believe in my own feeling. No matter how long I look for it, I will succeed. Then I will be his wife, so I won't be afraid. I will return to the original me!"

Ye Chen noticed the two girls when she came in. However, when she knew the content of the two girls' chat, ye Chen was really speechless. However, fortunately, when ye Chen came, in order not to leave any information to the other party, he deliberately replaced the smoke Lin Ruoyu brought back from Yanjing.

At that time, although I thought it was a little over corrected, I'm really glad I made my decision now. The smell shangshanyingzi said should mean the smell of tobacco on her body at ordinary times. The glasses on Ye Chen's face can easily cover herself. Therefore, Sakura shangshanzi didn't find that she was the person of that day.

Shangshanyingzi can really smell the difference in the smell of people. If ye Chen just makes up and doesn't change the brand of cigarettes. It is estimated that he has been found by this time.

"Mr. Qiuyuan is so young and promising that he can get married?" Shangshan chatted with Ye Chen and asked casually.

Ye Chen replied with a smile, "not yet. I've always been committed to starting a career and starting a family! And I'm usually busy and haven't paid attention to this aspect."

"Mr. Qiuyuan is such a successful man. I thought I must have found a gentle and virtuous wife to serve your daily life at home. Unexpectedly, Mr. Qiuyuan is still single. It's really hard to expect!

I wonder if Mr. Qiuyuan likes the women of Japan? The women of Japan are known to be virtuous and obedient and won't trouble their husbands at all. Maybe this is also a good choice for Mr. Qiuyuan! "

"I've heard of women here, too. This custom is very good. Unfortunately, I don't have any plans for this right now. The company is already very busy, so it's inconvenient to get away and study my personal problems."

Shangshan said with some loss at this time, "since Mr. Qiuyuan hasn't had time to think about it, I won't force it. Originally, I wanted to introduce my sister to you! That's a good girl!"