Under the leadership of Li Wudi, the hundreds of billions of Yanhuang Emperor Demons, like a pink torrent, crashed into the protective barrier of the Demon Heaven Emperor Star!

The 100 billion stellar beasts that were attacking the forbidden barrier were scattered in an instant!

When the Eternal Gods of Yanhuangdi Star shouted excitedly, the Eternal Gods of the Motian God Clan were ashamed.

They didn't expect that the Yanhuang Emperor Star, which had broken through to the Emperor Sky Level, would possess such terrifying power!

"This is the Yanhuang God Clan..."

"Such a powerful race will lose to our ancestors..."

"The Yanhuangdi star alone is a terrifying war machine!"

The Zhou Gods of the Motian God Clan, especially the two leading princes and two imperial concubines, all looked extremely ugly.

They raised their heads and looked at the Mantian Yanhuangdi Demon, which almost completely covered the sky of the Demon Emperor Star!

A star-origin beast was torn apart!

The flesh and internal organs of those stellar beasts fell from the sky like a rain of blood, spreading all over the entire Demon Heavenly Emperor Star!

In the sky, the shrill roars of countless gods and beasts were heard, shaking the sky and the earth, and there were extremely tragic scenes everywhere.

At this moment, both Li Wudi and Uncle Taixu had merged into the Yanhuang coffin, turning into super giants with a height of 500,000 meters!

The golden and copper-colored body gave Li Wudi a metallic texture, and he laughed wildly as he came over the heads of the Zhou Gods of the Demon God Clan.

"Jie jie jie!"

He laughed three times, the image of the 500,000-meter-high big coffin immediately shocked all the gods of the Demon God Clan!

You must know that their Motian Emperor was only 100,000 meters away.

And now...

Li Wudi, the master of the Yanhuang Emperor Star, is actually 500,000 meters tall?

This scene shocked all the Eternal Gods of the Demon God Clan, and they scattered and fled almost instantly!

"Are you scared away?"

Li Wudi and Uncle Taixu looked at each other and then smiled.

It's cool to grow taller!

The Zhou Gods of the demon god clan who were scattered and fled could not form any effective combat power at all, and were hunted and killed by Li Wudi with the Yanhuang Emperor demons!

At the same time, Zizhen also brought the Yanhuang Zhoushen army to the Motiandi star.

There is only one thing they have to do, and that is to take away all the inheritance and resources on this planet!

Not long after, under the pursuit of Li Wudi, the two princes and two imperial concubines of the Demon God Clan were all besieged and torn to pieces by the Yanhuang Emperor demons!

The Zhou God of the Motian God Clan was originally weak, and it was not enough for Li Wudi to cooperate with the Yanhuang Emperor Demon.

This made Li Wudi cool.

I've been aggrieved for so long, and I can finally have a hearty meal!

In front of the princes and imperial concubines of the Demon God Clan, Li Wudi was no match for himself, but now he feels like he is taking off.

Finally, when all the beasts from the stars were slaughtered, Zizhen and Li Wudi withdrew from the protective barrier range of Motiandixing.

Now Motiandi Star is in chaos, and organized resistance has been suppressed.

In the chaos, on the Yanhuangdi star, the sun lances representing destruction one after another rushed towards the Motiandi star!

At this time, the Yanhuangdi star was already bigger than the Motiandi star, and this scene seemed a bit bullying.

One after another, the sun lances almost penetrated the Motiandi star and reached the core of the entire star source.

Bursts of black-red star-source energy vortexes were devoured and absorbed into the sun along the sun lance!

The black and red star source power began to linger on the surface and interior of Yanhuangdi Star, and was stabilized by Ji Ji's creation ancestor star source power!

Tens of millions of years ago, Motiandi Star was also a part of Yanhuangdi Star.

Now finally recover the lost ground and return to Yanhuang!

"The demon gods are also finished."

On the Yanhuang Emperor Star, many Zhou Gods watched the scene of the destruction of the Emperor Star, and felt extremely emotional in their hearts.

This scene, they all wanted to see in their dreams.

Not only the Demon God Clan, but also the other eight tribes of gods... Even in their dreams, they want to destroy them!

But now, under the leadership of Li Tianming, their dream has come true!

Even the scene in the dream is not as shocking as the scene in front of me!

The Yanhuang Emperor Demon crushed the Demon Heaven God Clan, and the Yanhuang Emperor Star devoured the Demon Heaven Emperor Star, this is the end of the Demon Heaven God Clan!

When the black and red Motiandi Star, the energy from the stars and the mountains and rivers were all swallowed up on the Yanhuangdi Star, the planet had already reached seven times the size of an ordinary Emperor Star.

And the increase in size made the number of Yanhuang Emperor Demons in the Yanhuang Guardian Barrier reach seven times that of when they were just at the god level.

It was tens of millions before.

Now in the protective barrier, the evolved Yanhuangdi Demon has reached a trillion level! It is seven times that of 150 billion!

This made Li Wudi laugh from ear to ear.

The power he can control with these Yanhuang Emperor demons alone is enough to destroy the original eight gods' coalition forces!

"Besides the Zhantian God Clan, there are only two Emperor Stars of the Illusory Sky God Clan left."

Li Tianming didn't have any nostalgia for looking at the Motiandi star that was shriveled and completely swallowed up in the end.

His eyes turned to the center of the universe!

In the very center of Shangxingxu, that is the most prosperous place, the Huantian Emperor Star, is located in the center of the universe.

Yanhuang divine way, open!

The golden and black vortex appeared, causing the entire Yanhuangdi Star to activate, and this, if nothing else, should be the last activation of the Yanhuangdi Star in a short period of time.

The two emperor stars of the Huantian God Clan will end after being devoured!

Soon, a golden-black vortex appeared in the center of the Upper Star Ruins, surrounded by stars and shining brightly, it was the pinnacle of the universe.

Looking around, there is a feeling of seeing the stars at a glance!

And this is where the Yanhuangdi Star was located tens of millions of years ago!

The Yanhuang Emperor Star, which is seven times the size of an ordinary Emperor Star, rushed out of the giant golden-black vortex. The majestic and magnificent star source power strongly affected the operation of the two Magic Heaven Emperor Stars!

The emperor star of Huantiandi star forms a double star system, which surrounds each other and lasts for tens of millions of years.

Now, with the arrival of the Yanhuang Emperor Star, the power of the shock made the interaction between these two 'little' Emperor Stars unbalanced, and even the fusion barrier could hardly be maintained!

It is different from the demon gods.

The current Huantian God Clan has almost no ability to resist.

Their Zhoushen Legion was completely wiped out, Shentian Emperor was devoured, and the remaining Illusory Gods of the Illusory God Race Zhoushen on the Emperor Star all looked desperate, without any desire to struggle at all.

"The doomsday of Huantian has come! We are going to be liberated!"

"Our destiny is either to be swallowed by Tianjiu, or to be swallowed by Yanhuang..."

"Tianjiu! Tianjiu! Let's go back!"

Desperate to the extreme, the remaining Eternal Gods of the Illusory God Clan have become extremely devout, hoping that Tianjiu will appear, swallow them and fuse them, and return to their ancestors.

On the Yanhuangdi Star, the magic sky elves looked at this fantasy doomsday, and felt emotional.

If she hadn't surrendered as soon as possible, she would probably be one of these desperate gods now!

And this is not just the end of the Illusory Heaven God Clan.

It also represents the end of the era of the rule of the eight gods!