The two Heavenly Emperors of the Eight Divisions took dozens of gods of the five races, who were tens of thousands of meters tall, and walked away!

At the very least, this means that the most thrilling defense of Emperor Star has come to an end for the time being.

Although the worries are still in the future, at least I can rest for a while!

After experiencing this thrilling battle, the Zhou God Army of the Yanhuang God Clan held the orders of the vanguard of the Eight Gods in their hands. They lined up neatly and looked at Li Wudi... Li Tianming next to him!


The earth-shattering cry resounded through the sun, and it has not subsided for a long time!

Who cares what the future holds?

At the very least, the first battle between the Destiny Dynasty and the gods of the five races is considered a complete victory. The loss of the Destiny Dynasty is extremely small, and the tens of billions of the gods of the five races are trapped here. To become a prisoner... This is undoubtedly another blow to the entire arrogant and proud Babu Gods!

From the young people's game in the ancient Yanhuang ruins, to the battle of the immemorial Hengsha's arrival, and finally to the actual interstellar battle between the gods of the five races and the emperor star... From the beginning to the end, there was Li Tianming, and from the beginning to the end, This time they crushed the Eight Gods, they didn't lose at all, but they were crushed into dogs!

Coupled with the defeat of the major fortune-level worlds, the entire Shangxingxu will inevitably set off an uproar. All the eight gods, whether they are emperors, kings, or ordinary blood crushed by the descendants of Yanhuang, their self-confidence, Dignity will suffer a devastating blow!

Before, whether it was the ancient Yanhuang ruins or the ancient Hengsha battle, it could only be regarded as a slap in the face at best.

But this time, the Xinghuo Prairie Fire of the Star Ruins Creation-level world, and the Emperor Star's crushing of tens of billions of pioneers, can be regarded as the main artery of the eight gods!

This will inevitably cause the eight gods to suppress and kill them without any worries, but at least at this moment, whether it is on this Emperor Star or all the worlds of the upper star market, an exciting carnival is set off!

"Dijun! Dijun!"

Li Tianming returned, reversed the occupation, and crushed to win!

For a time, the hearts of the whole people were enthusiastic, and their faith and confidence became stronger. All the Yanhuang God Clan saw the hope of the future. A powerful and magnificent Dynasty of Destiny has been engraved in everyone's heart!

Li Tianming could feel the courage and belief in people's hearts from the increase in the mind power of all beings. Yanhuang, the starry sky clan who had suffered for many years, when they straightened their backs, no one could compete with them in willpower.

In order for future generations to tear apart the identity of the slaves, every descendant of the Yanhuang God Clan has already prepared to sacrifice their lives, using their own corpses and blood to pave the way for survival and struggle!

Their beliefs not only fueled the crazy growth of Li Tianming's order, but also fed back to themselves, so that everyone's order and spirit will continue to skyrocket in this great victory!

This is heart to heart moment!

Although the sun has turned pink, its flames are even more blazing, burning people's hearts.

The flames in the eyes of every Yanhuang God Clan told Li Tianming that they are already the strongest Eternal God Warriors in this universe!

For this reason, Li Tianming's heart was extremely hot.

"This battle is just the beginning. After suffering such damage, the gods of the five races must be in an intermediate state of suppressing us with all their strength or shirking responsibility. Huantian and Zhantian didn't take any action. It is their heart disease that they suppressed us with all their strength. Only by winning in one game, my Heavenly Mandate Dynasty can truly open the door to victory, and have the qualification to challenge and dominate the entire universe!"

The next step is very important!

Hearing Li Tianming's words, Li Wudi, Dongfang Taisheng, Qinghe Xiao, Mu Shanhong, Beitangyan, Nantianhuo and others all nodded deeply.

The key lies in the next game!

"The attitudes of Emperor Mingtian and Emperor Yintian are obviously not hesitating to let the tens of billions of vanguards die, or even cause more damage, but they also want to destroy us. But they can only go back and discuss with others, which obviously shows that among the gods of the five races , and there are people who are not so determined." Dongfang Taisheng said.

"This is our chance." Mu Shanhong said coldly.

In fact, the reason is very simple!

Everyone knows that the threat of Li Tianming and Dixing has become a cancer in the eyes of the Babu gods. If it is not removed, the trouble will be serious.

The problem is, this cancer is already too big!

The gods of the five races can pull out hard, but this hard pulling will inevitably cause them fatal wear and tear, and the cancerous tumors will be pulled out to bring out the internal organs.

For the common good, no one is afraid of sacrifice, but the problem now is that only the gods of the five races are going to sacrifice. Huantian has Tianjiu's excuse, and the Zhantian gods simply pretend to die behind closed doors. If the gods of the five races want to get rid of Emperor Xing With Li Tianming, all five clans sacrificed half their lives, who will be the final beneficiary?

Fighting life and death will benefit Zhan Tianhuan in the end!

"So, this time, if the gods of the five races really decide to suppress and kill them with all their strength, they will definitely force them to fight against Tianhuan Tianxiaxia, otherwise they may not hesitate to fight for their lives." Li Tianming paused, "So, don't look at it. These two heavenly emperors said decisively, the next step, the 30 billion Eternal Divine Army they are gathering, may not dare to directly enter."

"Are you sure it's 30 billion?" Li Wudi asked.

"Probably can reach this number. The gods of the five races have suffered this loss, and almost all the universe-level world gods of the Star Furnace will be emptied. This kind of forced transfer will have uneven levels. The degree of threat is not enough. It’s really scary without numbers. Moreover, if these people want to be fully deployed, they need to use a large number of starships, activate wormholes infinitely, consume a lot of star sources, and it is basically impossible to complete it in a short period of time.” Li Tianming said coldly. road.

The Mingtian Emperor always wanted to scare Li Tianming, and he was a little bluffing, but Li Tianming had Yinchen, and he probably knew more about their personnel movements than the Tiandi himself.

"Such an unlimited pumping of people will also lead to emptiness inside their Emperor Star and Wanzhou-level star source?" Li Wudi raised his eyebrows and asked.

"Of course. This is also an internal dispute among the gods of the five races. Some of them have seen how powerful we are, and they are crazy, and they want to destroy us at all costs. Resolute. I'm afraid we will use the Nine Dragon Emperor Burial to go around and take their Emperor Star." Li Tianming sneered.

"The biggest weakness of the Eight Gods is that they themselves are clans that look down on each other. They are blended together purely by the way of heaven. They can tolerate each other in peacetime. Once it comes to the time of war when survival is critical, there will be a lot of disputes among them. , greatly weakening their ability to act and cooperate, this is a space we can use." Dongfang Taisheng said.


Li Tianming has been working on this matter, he said: "I'll first figure out what each of these five clans of gods thinks, and then I'll talk about it."