"Damn it! You're so slippery!" Yinghuo was dumbfounded when she saw this.

"Calm..." Li Tianming was about to say "routine operation", but in fact, his head was sweating!

It's too thrilling!

But at this moment, the Nine Dragons Emperor Tomb was directly hit into the starry sky, and almost escaped the catastrophe. Li Tianming didn't even care about pretending, so he quickly controlled the Emperor Tomb, activated the power of the star source, and crashed into the starry sky!

After opening the first wave of distance, Yin Chen said: "It's okay! They! They are hurt! Can't catch up, come up!"

Hearing Yinchen's judgment, Li Tian breathed a sigh of relief!

"It's safe!"

Finally, he can give a definite answer to all those who fought alongside him in the Emperor's Tomb!

When they heard his words, Weisheng Moran, Long Qian and others, everyone's tense heartstrings finally loosened, and many people were even severely injured... But even so, this time is enough to remember a lifetime of experience , or let them laugh out loud!

"Fortunately, they are all star gods. As long as the neutron star's lethality doesn't blast into the emperor's tomb, they won't crash to death."

Looking at all the descendants of Yan and Huang, they cheered, Li Tianming's eyes were also hot!

He suddenly turned his head and looked at the Xingyue Divine Tower in the darkness, only to see that the explosion of this magnificent fortune-level star was still going on, destroying and exploding at close range, and its power was much stronger than that of Wanji Longyuan. The fusion barrier of Shenque was shaken, and the few Zhoushen who bore the brunt were pushed into the depths of the ground again!

Dazzling glare, shining stars!

Lands and seas collapsed one by one.

Ruin cities and star cities were shattered!

Countless meteor gods and sunset gods died.

This must be the heaviest blow in the history of Xingyue Divine Tower!

"Meteor Black Ruins is already the area that can be chosen, the area with the fewest descendants of Yanhuang around..."

Because the Dragon Star came from the Fentian Market, the descendants of Yan and Huang are mainly located in the southern half of the Xingyue Divine Tower, and the Yunmo Market is the north pole of the Xingyue Divine Tower!

"How are they?" Li Tianming asked Yin Chen.

"Of course, cry miserably! And, the more you cry, the more miserable you will be!" Yin Chen said cheerfully.

"Hmm..." Li Tianming was also happy!

"However, they have the eyes of the floating world and heaven, and they can find Big Brother Longxing. After suffering such a big loss, they will definitely retaliate! The next wave will only be more ruthless!"

It is only certain that now that Long Xing has left Xingyue Divine Tower, the number of cards in the enemy's hand is getting less and less.

He took a deep breath, drove the Nine Dragons Emperor Burial to continue sailing quickly, and then came to the two Eternal God Origins of Dragon Star!

"Are you okay?" Li Tianming asked.

"It's okay!" Long Xing's voice was a little hoarse, "I really never dreamed that I could really escape..."

"Have you ever left the Xingyue Divine Tower in your life?" Li Tianming asked.

"Yes!" Long Xing smiled awkwardly.

"The starry sky is beautiful, and the Emperor Star is also beautiful. Next, I will show you all!" Li Tianming said seriously.

"Thank you!" Long Xing's voice trembled slightly.

"You're welcome, my own." Li Tianming nodded.

"Next, is there a plan?" Long Xing asked.

"We still have the God's Punishment Betting Agreement, and we still have the initiative in more than ten years, and there are a few Zhoushen captives, and the number of cards has increased. The opponent only has the Ukiyo Sky Eye card left, and we will definitely continue to use it! Next I see their movements, soldiers come to block them, water comes to cover them." Li Tianming said with burning eyes.

"Heiyu and Mo are all imprisoned by you. Next, all the gods of Zhantian Shenque and Huantian Shenque may not be able to sit still. There are more than fifty Zhantian gods with three stars in Zhongtian!" Star was a little worried.

"So, to save tens of billions of people, in the final analysis, our own combat power is too important..."

Li Tianming is full of plans, he only has him and Long Xing, the two Zhou Gods, and it will take some time for Long Xing to recover.

"If you lure the three-star god of heaven to go to the sun, you can also increase the combat power of Li Wudi's big coffin man, but that means the sun is discovered, and a fortune-level world that suddenly appeared in the upper star market is strange. of……"

For a while, Li Tianming had no other clues other than the continued growth of his realm.

Neither did Dragon Star.

Therefore, although today is considered a big victory, when thinking about the future, there is still some confusion.

"If the three stars in the sky don't want to lose face and ask for help from other creation-level worlds, or even from the nine hell stars, the situation will only get worse." Long Xing said.

"The time left for us is running out..."

Li Tianming looked at the dark starry sky.

The game on the Star Market is more difficult than anywhere else!

"Fen Tianhe, Heiyu, and Mo, have you controlled these three? Don't let them have the slightest chance to move, otherwise the people will be very dangerous." Long Xing is a careful person.

"It's under control!" A cold light flashed in Li Tianming's eyes, "You need to take care of yourself and recover slowly, and I'll go fire them up again!"

Li Tianming has tested it. To control the origin of Zhoushen, it is enough to use Xianxian and Baiye.

Among them, the source of Fen Tianhe Zhoushen was split into seven pieces, which means that the seven organs of the seven stars have been separated, and they cannot be reunited. They are already considered to be in a near-death state. Without good things, it is estimated that they cannot be saved.

On Heiyan's side, Li Tianming asked Bai Ye and Xianxian to take care of her more. Now her Zhoushen origin has changed into four colors, and most of the neutron particles in her spiritual body have been eaten by Bai Ye, and she is also dying.

In the end, it was the stranger of the Illusory God Clan.

This guy is the most jumpy, Li Tianming plans to deal with him again.

"Hey." Weisheng Moran called him from the corner, and said quietly, "Take me."

Li Tianming was forty meters tall, he gave a 'wry smile', put her on his shoulder, and asked softly, "Why, do you want Zhoushen Huanshen?"

Weisheng Moran shook his head, and whispered in his ear: "His phantom god is too big, and I, the body of a star god in this state, should not be able to bear it."

"Oh, that's a pity!" Li Tianming nodded.

Of course, this is reasonable. If she and her sisters can absorb such a large phantom god, it would be against common sense.


Unexpectedly, Weisheng Moran changed the subject and smiled slightly.

"But what?" Li Tianming was startled.

"They said that I was reborn in Tianjiu, so there must be some special fits! I just felt that I can't absorb the phantom gods of the Eternal Gods of the Illusory God Clan, but I have an intuition that if his life If the soul and earth soul are all destroyed, and only the source of the Eternal God is left, I might be able to use his power through his 'corpse' to activate his Eternal God's Heavenly Divine Pattern..." Weisheng Moran said in a low voice.

"And then?" Li Tianming's eyes lit up.

"The phantom god who manipulated him!" Weisheng Moran said.

Hearing this, Li Tianming looked at the little beauty with surprised eyes, and asked, "You mean, this Illusory God Race Eternal God, as long as his soul dies, he can be used as a small Star Sea God Ship for you?"

The combat attribute of the phantom god is definitely much easier to use than the star sea enchantment!

"It's just a hunch! It needs to be tested." Weisheng Moran said softly.

"Test me! As the saying goes, women's intuition is very accurate. Fifty of you women, even if each of you's intuition is only 50% accurate, the total is 2,500%!" Li Tianming laughed. road.

Wei Shengmo gave him a white look, "You are really a math genius."