C15 – Your Smile Is So Gentle

After finishing his breakfast, Tang Yue decided to take a leisurely walk around the house, considering it would be his future residence. Therefore, he closed the door before stepping outside.

Initially, he intended to request the four guards for a tour of the premises. However, as soon as he stepped out, he saw Grandpa Shan kneeling at the entrance to his room. Puzzled, he asked, “What’s the matter with you?”

Is he kneeling as a door deity before my room?

Shan smiled excitedly and said, “Young master, I will be at your service from now on. How can I assist you?”

Tang Yue was delighted to hear that since he had known Shan for a long time and liked him very much. He was both loyal and discreet, ensuring that Tang Yue would not face any security threats in the future.

Having been in the mansion for decades, Shan was well-acquainted with the surroundings and could navigate them even with closed eyes. Therefore, Tang Yue didn’t need any additional escort as long as Shan was around, and the two of them wandered around aimlessly.

“From now on, the servants will have proper names,” Shan said.

“What’s your name?” Tang Yue inquired.

“Tang Shan,” replied Wang Yao.

Tang Yue’s lips curled up and he let out a soft chuckle. “Well then, congratulations,” he said. He had always assumed that all the servants in the mansion shared the same surname as their family, including Grandpa Shan who used to be called Tang Shan.

Seeing Shan’s puzzled expression, Tang Yue explained that slaves in this era were not given surnames unless their master granted them one. They only had a given name for the rest of their lives.

Tang Yue learned that the servants were considered better off than the slaves. They came from commoner families and, unable to support themselves, worked hard for their employers. Although their lives were still controlled by their masters, they had the possibility of earning their freedom in the future.

In other words, they were like contracted workers who traded their youth for retirement money. After serving for 10 or 20 years, they would be set free.

Tang Yue understood that during this era of economic underdevelopment, most people’s main focus was to fulfill their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. However, this seemingly simple goal was difficult to achieve.

Despite occupying a large area, the Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion lacked a well-planned layout. Trees and grass could be found scattered between yards, indicating the absence of a unified style.

“The backyard serves as the entrance to the concubines’ living quarters. They are not allowed to leave during normal days,” Shan explained.

Tang Yue was aware that during this era where men held the highest status, a successful man could have multiple women besides his wife and famous concubines. Other women had no social standing and were treated as mere accessories to men.

Tang Yue pondered to himself that if he were the Yueyang Marquis, he would have left his wife and son to return to his hometown. After all, which man in his right mind would abandon a forest for a small sapling?

“Follow me. The bridge leads to where the young ladies reside. The young master wishes to pay them a visit.”

Tang Yue was momentarily lost in thought before realizing that the lady was referring to the sister of the Seven Fairies. He agreed, “Sure, let’s go. It’s good to pay our respects.”

The girls’ living quarters were surprisingly immaculate, adorned with beautiful flowers and lush greenery. The melody of a zither could be heard emanating from the house, accompanied by sweet lyrics.

Tang Yue pondered, “The young ladies from wealthy families must have been trained in the arts of music, chess, and painting from a young age. No wonder they are all so well-educated.”

Unbeknownst to Tang Yue, he had already been rejected by the “well-educated” younger sister upon his arrival.

In this era, most girls did not receive a proper education in music, literature, or art. They were typically only taught basic arithmetic to assist the household. Their primary focus was on singing, dancing, and playing musical instruments in order to please their future husbands.

However, the Seven Fairies of the Yueyang Marquis’s Mansion were an exception, as they had received a comprehensive education. They began studying at the age of five, learning to read and write, and at six, they began honing their skills based on their interests. At this hour, they were studying etiquette and manners.

“What brings you here?” The eldest sister’s sharp tone was as fierce as ever as she placed her hands on her hips and glared at Tang Yue.

But before Tang Yue could reply, a gentle voice spoke up from within the house, “Ya, don’t be rude. Remember your manners, young lady.”

With a scowl, Tang Ya dropped her hands and asked, forcing a smile, “What brings elder brother to this place?”

Tang Yue was taken aback by her contrasting attitudes and responded politely, “I was passing by and decided to visit my younger sisters.”

As he finished speaking, several young heads popped out of the window, gazing at him with curiosity.

He waved his hand and flashed a charming smile. “Hello sisters!”

The girls giggled in unison and greeted him with a cheerful “Hello, Brother!”

“Brother, that candy you gave me yesterday was delicious. Do you have any more treats?” Tang Yue recalled that the girl who spoke was his second youngest sister, who was also a member of the family.

Observing her sister leaning out the window, Tang Ya rebuked, “Ah Wan, we can afford better things at home. If you want something, just ask someone to buy it for you.”

Tang Wan blushed and remained silent. It was common knowledge that her true desire was not for material possessions.

Upon seeing his second sister, Tang Yue was immediately smitten. “I’ll buy these for you next time, but remember not to consume too much sugar as it can lead to tooth decay!”

During those times, toothpaste and toothbrushes were non-existent. If they had the resources, they would gargle with saline water, but if not, they would have to make do with clean water. Tang Yue fashioned a rudimentary toothbrush using pig’s fur and brushed his teeth with salt.

Although Tang Wan may not have comprehended the concept of tooth decay, she understood that it was harmful to teeth. She nodded in agreement, saying, “Then I’ll only have one every day… that’s enough!”

“I want some too…” echoed a tender voice in unison.

Tang Yue laughed heartily, dispelling the unease he had felt upon arriving in an unfamiliar world. Truly, they were a group of adorable little angels.

“Okay, it’s a deal!”

The younger sisters simultaneously thought to themselves how kind and affable their brother was, much more so than their father.