C2 – A Pauper

Tang Yue couldn’t bear to watch the roasted rabbit which was now beyond recognition. He then asked the old man for a knife and took his fish to the river to deal with it.

The old man anxiously advised Tang Yue, “Young master, the fish isn’t delicious. It is tasteless and very fishy.”

Without replying, Tang Yue waved his hand and was ready to shock this ancient person with his cooking skills.

He removed the fish’s scales and washed it clean, then skewered it on a clean branch. Tang Yue saw some wild vegetables on the shore that he had eaten before, so he washed some clean and stuffed them into the fish’s stomach. Afterward, he carried the fish back to the temple.

For the first time in the past month, Tang Yue communicated normally with the people around him. He asked the old man, “How should I address you?”

The old man was a little nervous and handed the rabbit meat to Tang Yue while introducing himself as Shan.

Tang Yue’s heart moved as his eyes fell on the old man’s face. The first time he met him, he saw the picture of the side of his face. At first, he thought it was a scar, but now it looked like the word “mountain.” However, the writing method was different from the words he knew.

Fortunately, the ancestors in China were very good at creating words, which allowed Tang Yue to recognize one or two simple words.

He wondered if he had come to a slave society, because slaves had the habit of writing on their faces. If that was the case, Tang Yue should be glad that he wasn’t.

As a doctor for more than ten years, if he could get useful information from a patient, it was also an opportunity for him to gain knowledge. Some patients were resistant to doctors and didn’t want to say too much.

Tang Yue asked about the old man’s family and his own situation. The other party wasn’t guarded and told him everything he knew.

Unfortunately, he didn’t know much. Tang Yue only learned the father of the body he was in was Yueyang Marquis, his surname was Tang, he had seven daughters, and the eldest daughter was engaged to the Noble Heir of State Duke Heng.

The mother of the family surnamed Zhao came from a wealthy family. However, since she didn’t have a son, her status in the family wasn’t high.

Tang Yue secretly guessed the reason was probably his biological father couldn’t give birth to a son. That’s why he found a way to bring his illegitimate son home to carry on the family line.

In this era, children were of great importance.

Tang Yue rejected the burnt rabbit and instead put the fish on the fire, turning it occasionally. Once the skin became slightly crispy, he cut a few holes in it with a knife and sprinkled coarse salt on top.

Unfortunately, they had no seasoning other than salt and had to eat the fish plain.

The fish was cooked quickly, and soon a fragrant aroma filled the air. Shan watched Tang Yue with curiosity and pity. In his opinion, only men of low status would cook. Young masters of high families regarded the kitchen as a dangerous place.

“Okay, I’ll give you half,” Tang Yue said, cutting the fish in half and handing the tail section to Shan. “We’ll eat some today and find food along the way tomorrow.”

“No, no, how could I eat the food that the young master grilled?” Shan shook his head, comparing the grilled fish in Tang Yue’s hand. His hand holding the meat shook, and his face grew hot. Luckily, it wasn’t discernible in the dark.

“Take it. This is what I’m exchanging with you. Cut me a piece of rabbit leg,” Tang Yue said fiercely, making Shan unable to argue.

Shan thought Tang Yue looked like the head of the family, but lacked his dignity. It turned out that he was just hiding his true strength.

Shan had little hope as he bit into the fish meat. However, it was a gift from the Patriarch, so he had to eat it all, no matter how bad it tasted. This was a confirmation of his master.

“Eh…” Shan was surprised as he chewed on the fish, finding it to be not bad. The outer skin was crispy, and the meat was smooth and tender. There was a slight fishy smell, but it wasn’t too strong. It was much better than what he had eaten in the past.

During this era, people either steamed or boiled fish, and they didn’t know how to add seasoning, resulting in a strong earthy smell. Therefore, aristocratic families didn’t usually eat fish.

After consuming a fish and a rabbit, Tang Yue felt only marginally satisfied. Being the son of a poor family, he had a healthy appetite.

Sensing that Tang Yue wasn’t particularly enjoying the meal, Shan empathetically suggested, “Young master, when we reach the nearby village tomorrow, I will purchase some dried food for us to eat on the way.”

It was uncommon for them to purchase food during their journey. They usually relied on finding food in the wilderness. Tang Yue felt cooked food didn’t stay fresh for long in the hot weather.

Tang Yue had realized his poor condition early in the morning, as he didn’t possess even a single copper coin. In retrospect, perhaps he wasn’t the only one who was poor.

Tang Yue asked Shan directly, “How much money do you have now?”

Shan quickly took out his money pouch from his inner pocket and handed it to Tang Yue, saying with lowered eyes, “The main family had given us a considerable sum for this journey, but young master’s illness resulted in hiring a doctor and spending over half of our money. This is all that remains.”

Tang Yue could sense Shan’s embarrassment as he accepted the money pouch and counted the contents. Only five knife coins were present in total.

Upon waking up, Tang Yue had indeed consumed medicine. An arrogant old doctor had diagnosed him and prescribed medicine. He drank an ordinary concoction made of firewood and ginger, which he paid a significant amount for.

Tang Yue was unsure if prescriptions in this era were that simple or if he had been cheated by the old man. Upon inquiring about the prices of goods in the area, he discovered five knife coins equated to five hundred yuan. It would be challenging for them to sustain their journey with such a sum.

Rubbing his face, Tang Yue handed the money back to Shan and instructed him to keep it safe. He then went to the river to wash his hands.

Tang Yue was sitting by the river for a while, he reminisced about his past life, contemplating his former home, car, and wealth. His mind wandered to his handsome ex-boyfriend. Tang Yue sighed, realizing he was now a semi-illiterate impoverished man, and returned to the temple with a heavy heart.

Shan had already fed the cows and collected an abundance of dry wood. Subsequently, he fell asleep. In ancient times, with a lack of entertainment activities, the night seemed especially long.