All of a sudden, the crowd began to clamor and look at the sound source!

And one of the inconspicuous young man's face suddenly a joy, along the reputation to go, the young man stood behind the crowd, at this time a face indifferent, scratching his ears.

"What did you say just now, please say it again!" Ling Dan's eyes suddenly become extremely sharp, as if they can pierce all the hypocrisy of this event! That kind of Millennium vision, invisible and sharp, ordinary people can't bear it!

Suddenly, an invisible air current floated behind Lingdan. Everyone was surprised that it was also a chemical weapon. The young man named Linghua suddenly called out: "master Lingdan, beat him!"

Ling Dan stares at the young man in green robe. His perception of a thousand years is full, and his true Qi is rippling in all directions. At the same time, there are several elders hidden around him, and they are exposed in his perception!

As soon as they heard it, they were all in a uproar, and burst out in bursts of fierce shouting! All of them cheered for Lingdan!

The young man in qingpao didn't think so. His eyes looked like a hunter looking at his prey. He was bloodthirsty. In Lingdan's sense, the young man's whole body was full of blood red anger!

Is this young man really a member of the evil sect? Or is it closely related to heresy? Ling Dan at a glance in the past, two people four eyes opposite, spark four splash, carrying on the spirit of the war!

"Who are you?" Finally, the young man in green robe spoke, his eyes full of violent light! But it's very well hidden by him.

Ling Dan stepped on the platform and turned into a dark shadow! Looking at the young man in green robe from a close distance, he stirred up a touch of fun on his face and sneered: "who are you? How dare you be so arrogant and domineering in our Ling clan

The young man looked at everything in his eyes, with a more cynical look on his face. He held up his hand and looked at the young man of his age in front of him!

"My name is tuntian. I'm from the Tun nationality."

Ling Dan's face was flat, but he was a little surprised. The boy looked about the same size as him. Why was his physical strength so powerful!

"Are you Ling people just so defeated! What a disappointment This young man is tuntian, whom Ling Dan often hears. He doesn't pay attention to Ling Dan at all, because he doesn't see Ling Dan's strength. He just thinks that he is a minion. His arrogance is extremely arrogant and makes people angry!

"Are you going to challenge me?" Then, tuntian shows a cruel smile to Lingdan.

"Do your parents know that you are so arrogant?" Lingdan disdained, looking at this swallow day, young age is so arrogant, even if he is strong again how, Lingdan must teach him today!

"Who are you! It's not your turn to educate me! " Swallow day eyes suddenly gloomy up, brewing a deep intention to kill!

"This is the Ling people! It's not your Tun clan! " Ling Dan thought a move, flying sword appeared in the hands, eyes a squint, the flames of war out!

Everyone under the stage watched the scene nervously. For a moment, the air could not help but cool down!

All of a sudden, tuntian smiles, especially weird. Then, as soon as his sleeve floats, a torrential momentum rushes towards him, and then a terrible high-temperature red air stream spreads out in all directions.

"You have succeeded in provoking me!"

He said these words, but Ling Dan shook his head, this young man is not determined, young frivolous, easy to impetuous!

Ling Dan calmly face, unexpectedly without trace on the ground back sliding a few steps, and then under the stand, those Ling teenagers have already fled! His face was full of panic. It turned out that he was just playing and didn't take it seriously!

As soon as Ling Dan stepped on his feet, an invisible air spread and spread, instantly calming it down!

"Then come on, let me see how arrogant you are!" Ling Dan stepped forward, words like an invisible sword stabbed in the heart of swallow day!

This makes tuntian's heart suddenly burst out like gunpowder ignited. After all, he is young and frivolous, not as sophisticated as Lingdan!

I saw his hands whizz out of a group of fire light! The whole fist is wrapped up, and then, on the surface of the fist, there are layers of glowing fire, just like an indestructible flame armour, which is magnificent and radiates in all directions, causing bursts of smoke and gunpowder!

"I To make you Life is not death

His eyes suddenly cold, and the whole body of the fire color light group appears out of place! Word by word, it makes people feel cold, just like being watched by the devil!

The powerful aura made all the people present feel terrible, as if invisible, a cold sense of killing flowed out slowly, and everyone felt cold and shivered involuntarily!

Although he didn't dare to kill here, he would make his life worse than death!

The next moment, this swallow sky body burst out, that speed is to make everyone in front of a flower! Straight to Lingdan, the Wuling Wuzhong's strength suddenly burst out, and the whole martial arts platform suddenly cracked and began to crack!

"Well come!" Ling Dan drinks high, and the surging Qi immediately fills his hands. Today, let him see that Ling people are not so easy to bully. We can't let those old guys down in the dark!From Lingdan burst out a breath of not weak, in the face of the young man with a bang, Lingdan is also a fist to meet up!

The two suddenly collided, resulting in a wave of ten to ten feet of air, to push around!

Suddenly, Lingdan just felt a numbness in his arm. Lingdan was shocked. The boy's body was really strong and beyond imagination. If Lingdan didn't go all out, he would lose today!

Boom out of a sound explosion!

All of a sudden, gusts of strong wind, and all of a sudden, the situation changed greatly, blowing a strange wind! All the people, shocked, retreated to 30 feet away. Here, hundreds more people suddenly appeared. Adults, young people, old people and children all looked at it from a distance.

Both of them hit each other, and then bounced to one side again, holding his right arm by chance. Ling Dan only felt that there was a numbness coming from there. His whole arm was weak, and he was still shaking now!

There was a flash of horror in tuntian's eyes. He underestimated the strength of this man. This man's martial arts level was not much different from him, but his physical strength surprised him!

And the whole Ling clan can be no different from me, only those arrogant demons of Ling clan who are wandering around! Did they come back!

Although he was young, his brain was very flexible, and he figured out a lot of things at once!

The first fight, two people are only exploratory attack, to the back, is the play!

It was a battle between the two martial arts masters. People on the scene talked about it one after another. Some talked about Ling Dan's inconceivable face, while others talked about swallowing the sky with hatred!

Swallow day suddenly realize, oneself kicked iron plate, Ling Dan is thinking, change how to restrain this swallow day!

"Who on earth are you?"

Swallow day face shock, began to question Ling Dandi identity, secretly accumulating strength, ready to launch a strike!

"You don't need to know!" Ling Dan came back coldly.

The next moment, the surging Qi suddenly poured into the flying sword. Suddenly, Ling Dan moved. The flying sword in his hand poured into the Qi and became extremely bright. Ling Dan's body shape flashed very quickly. Suddenly, he killed in front of tuntian!