~: Description of recent updates

Since the update last November, I haven't had a carnival for a long time.

The main reason is that I was busy with graduation and exams. I simply finished the exam on April 20. Today, on the 21st, I have a day off, and then for the rest of April, I will be guaranteed three shifts every day!

There will be three changes every day in May!

(Note: In May, you may have to go back to school for a few days due to graduation. At that time, there will be two shifts if you miss one or two days. At other times, the three shifts are guaranteed!)

I heard that the explosion event is coming, and the double monthly pass is also coming!

Everyone who has votes in their hands will vote a little more. In April and May, under the original three-shift guarantee every day, the conditions for adding updates are as follows: (based on the starting place, QQ reading data is the main)

One more update every 100 monthly passes, no back cover

1000 recommended votes plus one update every week, no cap

A one-time reward of 10,000 yuan plus one update is not capped!

In addition, you are welcome to join our readers’ QQ group and WeChat group to chat and discuss the plot. If you have any suggestions or questions about this book, you are welcome to point them out. (I can comment directly in the comment area or privately chat with me on QQ WeChat!)

Welcome to the Book Friends Group of Emperor Yan of God (official, group chat number: 530477141)

In May, it will be a carnival.
