Not to mention minutes, it can give you hundreds of orders in a second!

In these two days, in addition to the seller, the most busy should be the courier.

You don't want to climb the floor because you can't eat well.

No wonder there's a story circulating on the Internet that young people don't work hard and grow up as couriers.

However, it is precisely because of this that many businesses also aim their caution at this extremely rare shopping carnival season.

Among them, the behavior of raising prices before the shopping carnival season and then reducing prices should be the one with the highest exposure.

Although some treasure official crack down on this kind of behavior, but because of the price, personnel, warehouse, express fee, packaging fee and other reasons, price increase has become more normal.

Therefore, even if a treasure official strictly prohibit such behavior, but still avoid this situation continues to happen.

On the second day, all the major news sections were the news that predicted the battle of e-commerce platform on Valentine's day the next day.

The second biggest beneficiary of this Valentine's Day War is Jinbao.

According to incomplete statistics, the total consumption proportion of e-commerce in recent years, a treasure still accounts for the largest proportion, reaching 60%!

The remaining 40% is divided up by e-commerce platforms such as Jindong, Jumei, weipinhui, wechat and Amazon.

And the reason why a certain treasure can compete with others is because of its accumulation.

Compared with those young e-commerce platforms, the youngest Jumei premium product has only two years, but its influence in the cosmetics industry has gradually formed.

Jindong is trusted by consumers because of its quality.

It has been ten years since the development of a certain treasure. From the initial annual sales of one million to the present daily sales of more than three million, a certain treasure has become a leader in the e-commerce platform through the price, quantity and the number of users gradually accumulated.

Even the annual Black Friday rush day in M country is less than the sales of a certain treasure day.

It's not only a domestic e-commerce platform, but also a foreign one!

From January to December, singles day has become a day for singles to chop their hands.

From the formation of the concept of the carnival season of singles day, it took only one minute and sixteen seconds for a certain treasure to reach one billion sales.

And now, from zero to 10 billion sales, no need for a minute!

Huge consumer groups, so Ali's a treasure, once became one of the most profitable projects.

However, the following problems have emerged.

Because of the difficulties in the early stage, a treasure did not interfere too much with fake and shoddy products.

In Ali's view, fake and shoddy products are everywhere in China, and the early development of a treasure is inseparable from the support of fake and shoddy products. Therefore, the fake and shoddy products sold by individual operators once became an important pillar for a treasure to support.

However, with the continuous increase of users, the expansion of the audience, and the continuous improvement of consumers' vision, fake and shoddy products once became an important part of the criticism of some treasure consumers.

And then the listing work, let Ali know, if you do not support their own fake and shoddy products, Ali will not be able to complete the listing!

Can not be listed also means that financing and it does not predestined relationship.

Therefore, in the dilemma, the head of Ali Lao Ma finally chose the listing financing with great prospects.

In order to go on the market, Ali began to clean up its stores of fake and shoddy products.

For a time, many consumers often patronize a treasure shop inexplicably closed, and then consumers know that they bought fake and shoddy products before.

Finally, under the level by level audit of the relevant departments of M country, a treasure completed this major task, successfully completed the listing work, and Lao Ma once became the richest man.

But not long after, just half a year, a treasure was warned several times by the relevant departments, but Ali group, which has completed the listing work, is willing to continue to crack down on counterfeit products?

Therefore, they would rather lose money than fight.

However, with the spread of the news, Ali's stock price once plummeted, and Lao Ma also smoothly fell from the position of the richest man.

What Shenhao shopping needs to do is learn from each other's strong points to make up for its weak points, avoid detours to the greatest extent, strive for a hit, and directly drive a certain treasure, Jindong and other big e-commerce companies out of the altar!

At 0:00 in the morning, the discount mode of a certain treasure was opened.

In the background statistics, we can see that at the beginning, the amount of money was constantly refreshed. In a few seconds, it was directly hundreds of millions of soft coins.

At this time, in addition to Ali, Jindong is busy maintaining the website, staring at the background data, the technical personnel of Yuyu group's technical department are also working overtime in an orderly way.

At present, Yu Group's preparation for Shenhao shopping has entered a later stage. In addition to the incomplete construction of foreign logistics system, more than 600 large and medium-sized cities in China have the fastest land shipping delivery mode.Not only that, Shenhao shopping will also play two hours not home, Shenhao shopping for you to pay the bill slogan!

The specific rule is that when the express delivery arrives at the city where the consumer is, it does not arrive at home for more than two hours.

For those less than 1000 soft coins, 50% of the purchase money will be returned by Shenhao shopping after confirmation. For those more than three hours, the goods purchased by consumers will be free of charge!

Although this policy has a great test for the logistics system, the people in charge of this project are very confident.

Because in order to build this logistics system, in a short period of one month, the headquarters has invested more than 2 billion in logistics alone!

And this number is still increasing.

"Boss, through our real-time monitoring of the background of a certain treasure, we found that the background of a certain treasure was suspected of fabricating data. "

the technical team leader showed Lin Yu the real-time monitoring data of a certain treasure in ten minutes.

"Ha ha, with this, it's interesting to tear it up. Your technical team will continue to collect more data. In addition, let the sampling team speed up. I will get 80% of the data in three days. "

" I see, big boss, please watch it. I bet they are laughing. "

" but in a few days, they will cry. With these data, and then their product quality failure rate burst out, I'm afraid Ali's stock price will be another big dive! "

" well, tell them to work harder to finish this task, and I'll give you a raise and a holiday. "

as soon as we heard about the pay rise and holiday, we were very motivated again. , the fastest update of the webnovel!