"This is still the lowest estimate under the current situation. If we allow Guo group to develop, it will be very disadvantageous for us, not to mention such a large profit! "

" not only that, at present, our profit-making projects are in progress, and the competition on the commercial street side must not be taken lightly.


" if you want to go to the financial project management company for billions of years, you really don't know how to give up. "

a vice president of the operation Department and a general manager of the sales department had a public debate in the conference room.

Looking at their debate, Zhang Qian wanted to stop them, but when she saw Lin Yu listening with great interest, she didn't interrupt.

When their debate fell into a deadlock, they looked at Lin Yu at the same time.

Because they understand that whether they win in their own debate or not, only the big boss nods can they really win. They are all waiting for Lin Yu to make a decision.

After thinking about it, Lin Yucai said: "Yu Group has never been afraid of anyone since its establishment. Since Guo group dares to open another one not far from my business street, it means that it is ready to respond to the response of Yu group. If we don't respond, it will be incompetent of Yu group?"

hearing this, general manager Bai can't help laughing Lin Yu got his approval.

He can walk away in front of Mr. Zheng, but what he didn't expect is that Lin Yu is not as young and aggressive as he imagined.

"However, in order to fight with Guo's group, it is not a wise man's job to spend all the company's resources on it. At present, the purpose of liberalizing the entry of private enterprises into telecommunications is to break the monopoly and let the domestic telecommunications industry go further and further. "

many senior executives agreed with Lin Yu's words.

According to last year's report, the single day profit of the three major telecom operators has exceeded 600 million yuan. That is to say, each telecom operator has 200 million soft coins in its pocket every day!

Among them, mobile is the most profitable, with a net profit of 400 million soft coins per day. It can be said that it is one of the most profitable industries after oil.

However, although it is well known that the telecom industry is making money, the three major telecom operators are not able to compete with them in terms of technology or user dependence.

If you want to compete with the three major telecom operators in this field, you can't do it without enough technology.

Therefore, although the standards for private enterprises to enter the telecommunications industry have been liberalized, most private enterprises still focus on the virtual operators.

And virtual operators account for less than 2% of the total turnover of the telecommunications industry. Although this 2% is enough to crush the brains of many private enterprises, it does not include Yu group.

"President, I think we need to do a lot of preparatory work if we do not fight for the profits of virtual operators but face to face with the three major telecom operators. "

" first of all, there are technical problems, such as how to achieve global barrier free communication, how to negotiate and communicate with telecom operators around the world, which all take time. "

after listening to the explanation and analysis from the technical department, many people realized that the cake of the telecommunications industry was not so easy to grab, so they all calmed down and lost some of their initial excitement.

However, money and technology have never been the focus of Lin Yu's consideration.

Looking at the following technicians, Lin Yu said: "at present, there is a project team carrying out technology development in the telecommunications industry. I heard that substantial progress has been made. I will ask them to hand over their achievements this afternoon. "

" now, I want to give you a task. Within four weeks after they hand over their achievements, I want to hear that Yu group is qualified to challenge the three major telecom operators! "

" this .…… "

the person in charge of the technical group looks at the senior executives of the surrounding companies in some embarrassment.

However, everyone has no objection to this, because they see that this matter has not been discussed, and they don't see that the big boss directly orders it?

who dares to question it? I'm afraid it's just a question, and it's going to be on the blacklist.

After the meeting, the person in charge of the technical group was worried.

Who knows what technology this so-called R & D team develops. If it develops a pit technology, then their whole technology department will suffer!

You know, the big boss announced the order at the plenary meeting. If it can't be finished, I'm afraid it won't be a good fruit to eat!

"director, I heard that at today's meeting, the big boss asked us to complete all the technical preparations for the telecom industry?"

hearing this, Yang Cong, as the technical director, is even more desperate.

At today's meeting, who didn't know, it was their technology department that was the hardest.When the boss mentioned the so-called R & D department, he asked them to provide all the technical support. Is there anything worse than that?

looking at Yang Cong's hard work, the members at the bottom know.

Generally speaking, they are not criticized by their superiors because they are blocked by the leaders in charge.

However, in Yu group, a group with technology as the core, the fate of these technical otaku men has been doomed. If they can't keep up with the rhythm of big boss, they have to be ready for training!

"Well, let's go to work first. Let's look at their research results in the afternoon. But don't be discouraged. Do you believe the big boss's eyes? Has the big boss let you down?"

after hearing Yang Cong's words, everyone's mood is really much better.

Because Yu Group has really created too many legends!

In the afternoon, Yang Cong received an anonymous email in his mailbox, which was specially encrypted.

After reading this letter, Yang Cong knew that this was probably the key technology in the old board.

For Yang Cong, who came back from studying in Stanford, decrypting such an encrypted file is just a small idea. Of course, that's what he thought from the beginning.

But soon, reality told him, this email is not so easy!

Before that, it only took Yang Cong a few minutes to decrypt such a specially encrypted email.

But dozens of minutes later, the decryption process of this email has not made any progress!

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