She believes that her man is one thing, but on the other hand, she should be careful to defend her marriage.

But after hearing this from sister-in-law on Wednesday, Lin Qinghe didn't take it seriously.

Instead, I talked to my sister-in-law on Wednesday about her performance on Friday.

"If you want to go to the county middle school, you need to work harder. Take advantage of this summer vacation, try to recite more poems and songs that need to be written by heart. I will give them two papers in a few days, and let them try to do it." Said Lin Qinghe.

"That's a real hassle." On Wednesday, my sister-in-law was busy.

"It's not too much trouble, but it's hard for children to study. Don't worry about the third sister-in-law and her sister-in-law. Now the conditions are better than before. Let them eat two eggs a day to make up for it." Said Lin Qinghe.

That's why she didn't ask for their eggs.

Basically, I don't buy meat very much. The only meat in my family is this egg.

In addition, there are some fish, shrimp, loach, eel, etc., but apparently the eggs are big heads. She is not satisfied with taking their two eggs.

I told sister-in-law on Wednesday that she would wait for sister-in-law Zhou to come back and tell her next week, and then Lin Qinghe would go home.

As soon as she came out of the gate of the old Zhou family, Zhou liuni followed.

As she grows older, the girl is more and more frowning now.

It's true that people are smart, but obviously they are too smart. Smart people will be liked.

But those who are too clever will only make people unhappy.

"Aunt four, wait for me." "Come on Saturday," she cried.

Lin Qinghe looked at her and said, "six nines, what's the matter?"

"Aunt four, are you going to stay in Beijing and not come back?" Asked Ni on Saturday.

Lin Qinghe smiled: "how can it be that my hometown is always my home and this is our root? Even if we go out and develop in the future, people can't forget their own root, Liu Ni, do you think?"

Saturday Ni said: "aunt four, if you stay in Beijing in the future, can I go there? I can go to work for you. I can do everything I need at home. I can also do laundry and cooking. "

Lin Qinghe understands. Look, she's right. This girl is too clever.

"It's still a matter of no shadow. Just help your mother do the work at home." After Lin Qinghe finished, he turned back.

Zhou liuni took a look at her back and frowned: "I have a good life, and my niece is not promoted, so cruel, no wonder I can't have a girl in my life."

"Six Ni, what do you say!" Said Zhou Wuni.

On Saturday, Ni was shocked and turned to look at her. She didn't have a good airway: "do you know that people who are scared will be scared to death? There's no sound when you walk! "

"It's you who speak ill of aunt four, and dare to argue when I hear you?" "Friday," said Ni.

"Nonsense, aunt four is so nice. How can I say bad things about Aunt four?" On Saturday, Ni turned around and left.

Zhou Wuni was so angry that she came back and told her mother.

"Don't worry about her," said the sister-in-law on Wednesday, frowning. "Your four aunts can't be calculated by a little girl film."

Then I feel like sighing.

These two rooms are also true. Don't you know what their two daughters look like? Everyone is looking at them. How come they haven't seen either of them?

Lin Qinghe doesn't care about this. As sister-in-law Zhou said, can she still be counted in by a little girl movie of Zhou liuni.

In fact, if it's a good one, it's nothing to help you to open a shop or something after you go to Beijing and get a salary.

But Zhou liuni, who dare to take it out?

As for the eyes, it's not honest to walk around for a moment. How to look at them is not reassuring.

Lin Qinghe didn't care about it. When he got home, he continued to read his books and write his own sentences.

Now that the summer harvest is over, Zhou Qingbai is the only one working in the field. Zhou's father ate breakfast early in the morning and drove the ducks out.

As for mother Zhou, this meeting son should go to talk to other old ladies.

When Lin Qinghe saw half of the book, he found that it was a little hot.

Zhou's mother came back after a while. Lin Qinghe asked, "Mom, do you look at this day? Is it going to rain?"

"I look like it's going to rain." Mother Zhou also said.

It was so sultry that Lin Qinghe simply made lunch. Because Zhou Qingbai had to work, he ate steamed bread with soup and made some other dishes.

Then after lunch time, Lin Qinghe came to the city on his own bicycle.

As for the two and three children, they went on to make up for school.

Since the recovery of the college entrance examination, both the commune primary school and the commune middle school have started a new chapter, and they are all working hard to cultivate students.

Of course, there is no need for money to make up this summer vacation. There are not many people who make up the lessons. They all need to get the best grades, but the two and three brothers have both attended.

Lin Qinghe comes to Shen Yu's side to have a look.

Shen Yu was very happy to see her coming. "Sister, what do you want to buy today?"

"Give me some shrimps, and some dried red dates and osmanthus." Lin Qinghe said with a smile.

She wanted to buy a lot of things, but it was milk powder. She bought a bag of milk powder for her and Zhou Qingbai to drink in the evening.

There are also two big watermelons.

When the goods are sold out, they are packed and put aside. Lin Qinghe whispers, "how are they selling?"

"Very good." Hearing this, Shen Yu pulled Lin Qinghe out with a smile and said, "there are still some left, but I guess it should be sold out this time."

In fact, when Lin Qinghe came here, he saw Shen Yu's happy face and knew that his business would not be bad.

Although the styles of those clothes are a little plain in Lin Qinghe's eyes, they are really very good in this county.

When the female comrades read it, they would never be able to move forward.

Today's fashion is not the same as before. Lin Qinghe, over there in Haishi, saw this year that some people even began to wear skirts they haven't seen for a long time.

So ah, such clothes come here to sell, and the business will never be worse.

Lin Qinghe made almost seven yuan for each dress or man's belt. Shen Yu and her colleagues raised another two or three yuan. From Haishi to the city, a dress costs almost ten yuan, which is not too expensive.

Have you bought it in Haishi?

But the top of the clothes is still small, and it has to be the fan watches, which is the big money.

But so far, it's really not easy to make it. When next year's atmosphere gets better, she will take Zhou Qingbai to Beijing and ask him to set up a stall.