However, under Lin Qinghe's education, big boys don't fight very much. Sometimes they fight in private, but they pretend they don't know. Boys must fight when they are young. It's good for physical and mental health.

Don't be too strict.

Moreover, the big one is straightforward and has excellent performance, so it's easy to make friends.

On Wednesday, the boat said, "I also want to send Wuni to study."

"Read." Lin Qinghe looks at her unexpectedly and says.

The girls of the old Zhou family didn't read any books. The three daughters of sister-in-law Zhou, two daughters of sister-in-law Zhou Er, and sister-in-law Zhou Wuni didn't read any books.

But it's not her child. She can't control it. It's good that she can manage the big boys. Naturally, she won't talk.

I didn't expect that my sister-in-law would come here to tell her this on Wednesday, so she would give a positive answer.

"Do you think so?" My sister-in-law saw her on Wednesday.

"Of course, reading is good. Only after reading can you be smart, and there will be infinite possibilities in the future. Otherwise, all your life is to dig and eat in the ground. Even entering a city is a luxury. If you don't say anything about it, the old Zhou family took a fancy to me at the beginning, not only because I look good, but also because they heard that I studied and read." Said Lin Qinghe.

On Wednesday, she asked, "how much is a semester?"

"It's not expensive. It's only a few yuan. You and uncle San can't afford it. Let Wuni read it. When she grows up, she will be grateful to you." Said Lin Qinghe.

"I don't need to be grateful. She'll be fine." Said the sister-in-law with a smile on Wednesday.

Lin Qinghe nods. His parents are all like this. They hope their children are good, except for Lin Fu and Lin Mu.

On Wednesday, my sister-in-law decided to let Wuni go to school.

Wuni is very happy to hear the news. Wuni has gone to school. Other nines are not so lucky.

But Zhou sanni, who was sent out by her sister-in-law on Tuesday, also had some thoughts, but just as she said this, she was ruthlessly suppressed by her sister-in-law on Tuesday: "what kind of books are you reading? Are they useful things? Do you think those in the village who know how to read books are not going to the countryside to cultivate land?"

In a word, Zhou sanni was blocked.

Sister-in-law Zhou also complained with brother Zhou: "the fourth family has money, and the third family is also struggling. What is this for?"

Brother Zhou told the truth: "I don't have no money. I can send sanni and liuni to study for several years."

Although reading is really useless, but it is also very good to read, at least to read.

"I won't let any of them go. You want two more. Is the money in your family from the strong wind? How many girls in the whole village go to study?" Second sister-in-law on the spray way.

At the end of last year, each family divided some money, but the money was firmly controlled by sister-in-law Zhou. She would never take it out.

Reading to your daughter? It's a waste of money. Her son doesn't even plan to send him to school!

Brother Zhou didn't say anything.

Mrs. Zhou asked in private that we suddenly wanted to send Wuni to study on Wednesday?

"I don't think it's good for girls to read and read at home." My sister-in-law told me the truth on Wednesday.

She has to admit that she is envious that she can read so many books and write so well.

So when she heard that Da Wa was going to study, she was also moved, that is, she had not divided her family before, but now they are all divided. She made her own decision, and she wanted to send her daughter to read.

"Reading is so good?" Mrs. Zhou was puzzled.

"I don't know, but I asked my mother-in-law. She told me to read and read, and then she could find a good wife." Said the sister-in-law with a smile on Wednesday.

Mrs. Zhou agrees with this. Her eldest daughter is not young. If she said that she had read a book when she was talking about marriage, her husband's family would really look up.

"Then I'll take Dani Erni Sini to read it together?" Said sister-in-law Zhou.

"Ask Madame On Wednesday, my sister-in-law couldn't say why, so she had to say.

Mrs. Zhou also thought Lin Qinghe was very knowledgeable, so when Lin Qinghe came to use the sewing machine again the next day, she told her about this.

Lin Qinghe smiled: "it must be good to send Dani and them to read, but how many years are you going to let them read?"

"Just a word." Aunt Zhou said with a smile.

"Let's go. The last two or three years are almost the same. We usually work harder and we can do the work at home." Said Lin Qinghe.

"Do you agree, Madame?" Said Aunt Zhou with a smile.

"It's not the key that I agree or disagree with you, but what do you think, sister-in-law? Personally, I'm for girls to read books and read words. At that time, we had no conditions. Now, sister-in-law, you're all separated. You're in charge of your own family." In the end, it's a little quieter and can't be too loud.

Sister Zhou nodded, isn't that it?

In the past, when they were children, they were happy to eat more than one mouthful. Basically, they didn't want to read. But now the conditions are much better. Do they have to read?

"Dani is not young either. When she entered the school, she was a cultural man. In the future, people with poor conditions dare not come to talk about it." Said Lin Qinghe.

Aunt Zhou nodded.

Then I decided to let my three daughters go to school. If they don't have a job, they have to help them. They also need to give more work points for pig grass and other things!

Zhou Erni and Zhou Sini are very happy. Zhou Dani hesitates a little: "Niang, am I a little older?"

"I'm only 14 years old. I've been to school for two years." Said Aunt Zhou.

Read two years and then stay at home for another four or five years, when it's just time to get married.

So when the new semester began, big boy took his sisters to school to pay tuition and report to school, and Zhou Qingbai passed.

Because we need to help big boy with the third grade jump, parents have to go.

It's a little bit of a sensation that big boy jumped the rank. What, is Zhou Qingbai such a good reader? Even if I go to school at such a small age, I can even jump to the third grade.

Zhou Dawa is particularly proud of this.

Lin Qinghe splashed cold water on him: "you can be proud of it. This time, you are allowed to muddle through, but if you can't read well in the third grade, how many people envy you now and how many people laugh at you later."

"I'm sure I can't read it badly!" When she finished, she went to recite the text.

After reciting it, he came to Lin Qinghe to proofread it for him. I have to say that this kid's memory is really good. He can remember a text by reading it four or five times.

It's the villain of the future.

After reciting the textbook, I wrote the math again, and then I ran out to play.

Lin Qinghe doesn't care about him either. Before going out, he stuffed a red jujube bun to make him pad his stomach first.

"Mom, when can I read?" On Tuesday, she said with a sigh.

"Next year, you'll learn from your elder brother first. Ask him if you don't understand. Maybe you can go to the second grade next year." Lin Qinghe knew that none of the three sons could be fooled, so he had to be serious.

"Good!" Her eyes brightened on Tuesday.