A few days later.

Ren is washing clothes in the yard. Ning Shui chats with her neighbor's aunt.

Lin Baicai's voice rang out from the door, "cousin, my third sister has sent me something."

Then he broke into the house.

Ren Huiqing didn't look up and roared: "send things, send things, as for so excited?"

Lin Baicai, "..."

He was not excited at all. It was the sound of pain!

This broken box is so heavy!

But, it was his cousin who was always afraid of him. He could only smile and say, "it's very heavy. I don't know what it is."

Ren Huiqing casually wiped her hands on her body, "just put them on the ground and take them apart."

Painstaking coolie to open the express, see the things inside immediately stunned, "aunt, aunt."

He picked up the milk powder.

Well, it's a foreign thing. It's much more expensive than malt cream.

Emily Ren and several neighbors walked over.

After a moment's absence, Ren said, "what is this?"

This must be asking Lin Baicai.

Lin Baicai lost his mind.

Ningshui knew her. She saw it in the newspaper. She quickly came back and explained, "this is a foreign thing. Milk powder is much better than our wheat milk essence. Where did Sanya come from?"

Ning Qing is Ren Huiqing's most proud daughter, and her eldest daughter has given her the answer and said what she wants to say.

Ren Huiqing put the milk powder on her daughter, "you quickly put it away, your third sister gave it to her future nephew, what's surprising."

The last sentence, she said to Lin Baicai.

Isn't it milk powder? It's not like I haven't seen it.

Lin Baicai was despised and used to it. He had the cheek to ask, "aunt, do you need to write back to the third sister?"

"No, I'll call your third sister from the supply and marketing agency later."

She ran out in the eyes of envy.

In the afternoon, Ningqing sent foreign milk powder back to his family, which was passed down by people from hanjiacun and ningjiacun.

Mother Lu is completely ill! Angry!


When Ning Qing received a call from his mother, he was making Hanfu for his social brother at home.

When she heard the phone ring, she heard her mother's voice coming from the opposite side of the phone, "Sanya, I received the package you sent me."

Ning Qing instinctively breathed a sigh of relief, well, not to scold her like, "received good, I also gave you and my father made clothes, fit?"

Ren didn't see any clothes at all. Her mind was full of foreign milk powder. When she heard her daughter ask, she still nodded, "it fits. Your father and I like it very much."

"That's good."

"Sanya, where did you get that milk powder?"

"Oh, a few months ago, it was sent by the army commander. There was no one here to drink. Just when my elder sister needed it, she sent it back."

"Well, it's a coincidence that foreign milk powder is a good thing."

As soon as Ning Qing heard this, she knew that her mother had asked someone about it. She laughed, didn't she? It's pure milk. It's a special tonic for children!

She listened to her mother with a smile that the difference between Western milk powder and wheat milk powder was quite different.

What about the children? How's it going? "

"All good. School starts today. Now it's all at school."

"Oh, yes, school starts today. Take good care of yourself. Don't use too much oil. Learn to live by yourself. Don't rely on Qing Yao to hurt you. You can't do anything. Do you hear me

Ning Qing said, "well."

Oh, Hello, this is really my mother. If I ask you, it will not change every time!

"Well, I'm going back to wash clothes. It's almost noon. Go and cook."

Then, without waiting for Ning Qing to speak, he hung up directly.

Ning Qing hears the sound of Du Du Du in this telephone, dumb, helpless smile.

She looked up at the time and went to the vegetable field in the back yard.

At noon today, I'm going to fry eggplant, scramble eggs with cucumber, a pot of egg soup and rice.

She planned in her heart. As soon as she got to the vegetable field, she heard Cui Xiang's helpless voice: "little Feifei, that thing can't be eaten, this one can't be touched..."

Ning Qing is a Leng at first, lose laugh afterwards.

As Zhang Fei grows older, he is more and more skinny now.

Ning Qing: "xiaofeifei, do you miss me?"

She said and went to the middle of the vegetable field.

Xiao Zhang Fei is about to hold the rabbit in the rabbit cage. Hearing aunt Xiao Qing's voice, he turns around excitedly and says twice, "I want to."

With that, the saliva flowed down.

Ning Qing lost a smile, "what do you think? It's all coming down. "

Xiao Zhang Fei grabbed his aunt's pants and pointed to the opposite, "Mom, mom, play."

Cui fragrance helplessly picked up the children, "brothers have gone to school, no time to play with you.""Auntie."

His little fat finger pointed, which means to play with his aunt.

Ning Qing picked the ingredients for today's lunch and said with a smile, "it's still early. You can take him over first. It happens that I have a walker here. Put him in directly."

Chasing dogs in the yard is better than harming vegetable fields at home.

Cui Xiangfang saw that the child had to pull the vegetable leaves again and nodded quickly, "OK, I'll take him right away."

Ning Qing smiles and puts the vegetables in her hand in the kitchen. After going to the warehouse to find the self-made walker, Cui Xiang comes over with Xiao Zhang in her arms.

The gate closes.

Cui Xiang flies Xiao Zhang to the car.

Xiao Zhang Fei immediately ran after the dog.

The cat and dog suffered, and Cui Xiang was liberated!

Cui Xiangfang breathed, "this little Zhang Fei is really noisy."

Then she poured a lot of water on herself.

Ning Qing adds water to her, and Yu Guang looks at Xiao Zhang Fei, who is happy to take off. "Just be in a good spirit, and be noisy! Children are very noisy. "

"Oh, sister-in-law, I really want to ask you, how did you take two children? I take Zhang Fei of mengping's family and the lid of my pot, and I feel like I'm in the dark and can't do anything well. "

This is the mother-in-law can help, the husband came back to help with the children.

Then she hammered herself twice.

Ning Qing drank water, "you're not used to it. You'll get used to it after two months! By the way, how about going home to visit relatives? "

"The relatives are very good."

Obviously, I don't want to talk much about it.

Ning Qing is not an illiterate person, changed the topic, "our hospital new nurse, do you know?"

"Well, I didn't ask for leave when they came." Cui Xiang looked at Ning Qing jokingly, "sister-in-law, it's all for your fame."

"Fragrance, I've heard this sentence several times since I came back. You can have a rest."

Cui Xiang said with a smile, "sister-in-law, how do you make this walker? Can you give me a step? I want Lao Shen to make one for the lid of the pot. In a few months, that bastard will learn to walk. I'll just put him in and save it. "

"OK, when your brother comes back, I'll let him look for the drawings."

When Aunt Liu came back from the supply and marketing cooperative, she saw her daughter-in-law and Ning Qing chatting in Lu's yard. Inside, she wore the voice of her grandson chasing the dog, and her face was stained with a smile, "fragrance, Xiao Qing."

Ning Qing entertains people.

Aunt Liu put her things on the table and sat next to her. She looked at her grandson who ran past. Her smile continued, "this boy is really crazy."

With that, the conversation turned and asked his daughter-in-law, "where's the lid of the pot?"

Cui Xiang's smile froze. After thinking about it for a few seconds, as soon as he was about to answer, he heard the children's howl from the Shen family -
