"Originally, there was only one contract between us, but now obviously I don't need to continue to be a distant mother. I hope President Jiang can respect himself in the future."

Jiang Siming looks at the well-dressed lady Yin, with some desolation in her eyes.

When Yin Jiaren leaves, Jiang Siming looks at the empty room with a wry smile. It turns out that he plays such an important role in Yin Jiaren's heart.

Not long after she came out of the hotel, Yin Jiaren received a call from Yao Yue.

"Hello, lady, you Are you awake? "

Walking on the street, Miss Yin gave a hum and was thinking about whether to find a place to eat. Who knows that Yao Yue saw that Miss Yin didn't speak. She thought that she was angry about last night's incident and said quickly: "Miss, yesterday's incident I It's all my fault. I don't know what I am. After I drink, I want to find a man for you. If you want to blame me, scold me. If you don't feel depressed, I'll go to you and beat me up. "

She thought it was funny, but she wanted to tease Yao Yue. She could only bear to smile, sighed heavily and said, "now what's the point of saying this?"

Yao Yue on the other end of the line was worried and even said with a weeping voice: "beauty, it's all my fault. You Won't you forgive me? "

Hearing this, she finally burst out laughing, took a deep breath and said, "it's OK, Yao Yue. Jiang Siming came over last night."

Yao Yue is still deeply remorseful at the moment. She just sobbed and said, "lady, don't comfort me. I know you don't want to make me sad. How can Jiang Siming go? He doesn't know about it at all

How did Jiang Siming know about it. Yin Jiaren also felt very strange, but the fact is that the person who stayed with her all night last night was Jiang Siming.

"It's true. I didn't know that was the case."

Yao Yue was stunned, and her face suddenly turned pale. She stammered and asked: "beauty, Jiang Is Jiang not angry? "

Angry? Yin Jiaren thinks of Jiang Siming's reaction to herself in the morning, and seems to be very angry.

"I should be angry..."

Yao Yue almost didn't stand firm. Her mobile phone slipped. Fortunately, the other hand caught it in time and didn't fall to the ground.

"It's over. I'm going to be cool." Yao Yue bit her finger, and a cold sweat came out on her forehead: "if he knew that this was my attention, he would open a good room for you to go in, and President Jiang would certainly peel my skin."

Yin Jiaren was still wondering what Yao Yue was talking about. Now she heard what she was worried about. She could not help laughing and said, "don't worry, Jiang Siming thinks I'm looking for it by myself. I won't blame you."

When Yao Yue heard this, she was suddenly relieved. But she thought of something and said, "but in this case, Jiang is not always throwing fire on you."

Yinjiaren rubbed the waist which is still painful, said: "it's OK, anyway, it's over now."

Yao Yue nodded, still can't help apologizing: "beauty, next time I won't be a fool, almost hurt you."

"It's OK. Don't worry." Yin Jiaren laughs and says two more words before she hangs up.

It's been a good weekend, and so many incredible things happened.

In the hospital, Lu Yueya came to the door of Yin Nanyang's ward with her meal. After knowing that Yin Nanyang had another woman in her heart, Lu Yueya didn't know how to face him, but even so, she couldn't help coming to see Yin Nanyang.

Knocking on the door, after hearing the answer inside, Lu Yueya changed into a happy smile and went in.

"Brother Nanyang, how do you feel today?"

Yin Nanyang is reading a book at the moment. When he looks up and sees who is coming in, he frowns slightly. Lu Yueya, who puts Yin Nanyang's subtle movements into her eyes, can't help feeling cold, but it seems that nothing has happened on the surface.

"Very good." Yin Nanyang put away his book and said calmly.

"That's good. The doctor said that your brain is working at a high speed every day, so you must not take nutrition lightly. I cooked some of your favorite meals myself, and I don't know if you still like them."

With that, Lu Yueya covered up the bitterness of her eyes and put the food on the table.

During this period of time, how much Lu Yueya paid for himself, Yin Nanyang put down his heart, he felt that it was time to have a good chat with this girl.

"Crescent moon, you don't want to be busy. I have something to tell you."

Lu Yueya's hands faltered. She seemed to have guessed what Yin Nanyang wanted to say. With a smile on her face, she said, "it's OK, brother Nanyang. If you don't take out the food, it's going to be cold. You'd better talk while eating."

Yin Nanyang didn't say anything more. Looking at Lu Yueya's busy work, he didn't pick up chopsticks to eat. He just took a deep breath and said, "Yueya, I have something to say to you."Lu Yueya felt that her disguised smile was about to collapse. She pulled the corners of her mouth. Even if she didn't look in the mirror, she knew how ugly she was now.

"Brother Nanyang, you can eat first, or the food will be cold soon. Look at this sweet and sour spareribs. You used to like it best. I made them for you when I was in Yin House. You..."

"Crescent moon." Yin Nanyang interrupted her, frowned and said: "I know it's unfair to you, but the reality is like this. I don't remember the past things, and I don't remember what I felt for you. But now, what I have in my heart is someone else. It's unfair to you."

Tears poured out as if they had burst a dike. Lu Yueya doesn't want to let Yin Nanyang look at himself crying. Don't hurry to wipe the tears on her face with her hands, but I don't know why. The more she wipes, the more she wipes.

Yin Nanyang just looked at Lu Yueya and cried. He knew that such a day would come sooner or later. Instead of making Lu Yueya more sad, he might as well say it now.

After recovering for a long time, Lu Yueya pulled a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "brother Nanyang, when I was a child, my family and I were noisy for a while. At that time, I always loved to cry. You helped me teach beautiful women every time. Do you remember?"

In the past, Yin Nanyang can only say that he has a little impression. Now listening to Lu Yueya's words, he has some childhood shadows in his mind.