"How is it, does your head still hurt? I'll call the doctor. "

With that, Jiang Siming got up and prepared to leave.

"Eh, no need." Yin Jiaren quickly pulled him back, "I'm fine now, let's talk about it tomorrow. Even doctors have to rest at night."

Thinking about it this way, Jiang Siming silently looked at her, and only sat down after he was sure that the woman was alright.

"Far away?"

"At home, the servant coaxed him to sleep."

Yin Jiaren nodded and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Why am I in the hospital? Who sent me here? "

"The cleaners found you. You lost too much blood when you got here. The doctor said that if you were ten minutes late, there would be no cure."

Yin Jiaren could not help but sigh. It seemed that she was truly blessed to have such a great life.

"Do you remember who pushed you down?"

The call that he had asked the assistant to look up was for a call, he could not find any information on the user, and the monitoring system on Zheng Guoren's side also did not have any leads, so he could only ask Yin Jiaren.

"Push me down?" Yin Jiaren was startled, she remembered that when she fell down, there was someone she saw, but as long as she thought about who it was, her head would hurt.

"I... I won't remember... "I don't remember."

Yin Jiaren frowned in pain as her head was about to explode.

Jiang Siming was shocked, and hurriedly shook her hand.

"Don't think about it. It's fine if you don't remember."

After calming down for a while, Yin Jiaren finally felt the pain from the explosion better.

Seeing that there were no more problems, Jiang Siming heaved a sigh of relief, and comforted her to rest.

He had to investigate this matter slowly.

Fortunately, besides a slight concussion and excessive blood loss, Yin Jiaren didn't have any other major injuries. After lying in the hospital for a few days, she continued to stay alive and kicking.

As long as he ate it, it would be good as long as he fried the liver. Yin Jiaren was about to vomit when she heard the words "pig's liver".

However, very quickly, Yin Jiaren felt that she was too naive, how could her words compare to Jiang Siming?

"In the next half month, all of the people of Jiang Family will eat porcine liver three times."

These were the Young Master Jiang's exact words.

Like this, Yin Jiaren had no other choice. After all, everyone was eating pig liver with him.

Taking advantage of Jiang Siming's absence, Yin Jiaren secretly instigated the thought that Pig Liver was not tasty in front of Jiang Yuan. Since she did not stop talking about others, then wouldn't she listen to her son's words?

"Far away, go tell daddy that the liver isn't tasty, okay?"

Jiang Yuan waved his hand seriously, "No no no, liver, mother will eat, good!"

How could a child understand the principle of using the liver to replenish blood? He must have heard what Jiang Siming and the servant said, even though it moved her son's concern for him, Yin Jiaren couldn't help but to sigh when she thought of her last trump card.

She hadn't gone to the company for almost half a month, and the moment Yin Jiaren thought about the pile of work she was doing, her head started to hurt. Although Jiang Siming ordered that she should go to the company as soon as she was injured, who would care about that after he went to work?

When Jiang Siming went to work, he threatened Uncle Zhao, telling him not to tell Jiang Siming. Only then did Yin Jiaren take her bag and go out.

Maybe it was because the bandage on her head was too obvious, but Yin Jiaren had more eyes on him when she went to the company this time.

The assistant was shocked when she saw that Yin Jiaren had actually come to work.

"Director Yin, why are you here!"

Yin Jiaren put down his bag and looked at her strangely, "Why can't I come?"

The assistant looked at the door and walked over to close it firmly. He whispered, "I heard that someone in the company is harming you. It's so dangerous. Why are you still coming to work!"

This assistant had followed him for several years already, Yin Jiaren felt warmth in her heart, she never thought that she would actually care about him so much.

"Don't worry, I was careless last time. She won't have such a good opportunity next time. Go and organize the work for me during this period of time. Notify everyone that there will be a meeting in half an hour."

The assistant originally wanted to say something, but after hearing Yin Jiaren's words, he could only shut his mouth, nod his head and leave.

Half an hour later, in the conference room.

The employees looked at each other, obviously not expecting Yin Jiaren to come to work with injuries.

"I've seen the work done during this period of time. There are signs of relaxation. Can anyone explain it?"

Yin Jiaren no longer had the usual appearance of bickering with Jiang Siming, her eyes were filled with a cold light, if Jiang Siming was here now, she would definitely feel that it was new, this woman was actually more and more like him.

A conference caused everyone to tremble with fear. Because she had been admitted into the hospital recently, her management work had relaxed by quite a bit. Yin Jiaren had wasted her effort to rectify the situation.

"Alright, this is the end of today's meeting. I hope that everyone will listen to what I have to say. Tomorrow, give me a report on the most recent part of the meeting. Let's adjourn the meeting."

Hearing the words "the meeting adjourned", everyone hurriedly ran out of the meeting room. It had only been half a month since they last saw each other, why was Director Yin even more terrifying now?

Heaving a sigh of relief, Yin Jiaren organized the documents in front of him and was about to leave, when the assistant came over.

"Director Yin, An Duoduo is in your office …"

An Duoduo? Yin Jiaren frowned, if the assistant had not mentioned him, he would have forgotten about him.

She had obviously left the company for a long time, but the lady still refused to let him go. Yin Jiaren felt a headache and nodded as she walked towards the direction of the company.

Pushing the door open, a strong perfume scent wafted over. Yin Jiaren frowned, and then saw An Duoduo sitting on the sofa.

"What's the matter?"

Glancing at her, Yin Jiaren walked over to open the window by herself. Fresh air flowed in, making him feel much better.

"Look at what you're saying, can't I come and see you if there's nothing wrong? "I was extremely worried when I heard that you were injured." Saying that, An Duoduo pretended to be worried.

"Worried about me?" Yin Jiaren scoffed, if there was anyone who would not care about him at this time, then that person would definitely be An Duoduo.

"That's right, think about it, if you become a vegetable, you will not be able to get divorced with Zheyu. At that time, won't he be feeding you for the rest of your life?"

When she thought of this possibility, An Duoduo had an unhappy face. At the same time, she was cursing this woman for being lucky, to think that she would actually fall down such a high staircase without a problem.

"What a coincidence, I'm awake now."

Seeing that the lady did not have anything to do, Yin Jiaren did not waste time talking to her and continued to look through the information.

Being ignored, An Duoduo was unhappy and coughed, "said that you two are already planning to get divorced, why have you not signed on it?