Chapter 275: Kartara Nights (Three) (Maiya)

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 275: Kartara Nights (Three) (Maiya)

To Maiya, the flight back took no time at all. She hardly noticed when they crossed the border to Hiranya, and then finally to Kinjal, barely even registering the Acira transfers in between.

Her thoughts roiled within her head, entirely consumed with the image of the man shed seen. A man whose face had been shorn off and shoddily healed.

Hes still alive.

She shouldnt have been surprised. Riyan was like a cockroach. He wouldnt have died so easily.

Memories of another life flooded her mind. Of training and living together with Vir in Riyans strange, yet somehow cozy, abode. It was a different time, then. A simpler time, with fewer responsibilities. It was only a year ago.

Maiyas thoughts wandered as the frigid air slowly turned warm again, stoking the flames of her nostalgia.

How had Riyan survived? Where had he been all this time, and what had he been up to?

Why was he in Sai, of all places?

Yet the more she stewed over it, the more it made sense. Riyan was not a difficult man to understand. Scarred, jaded, and ruthless, yes. But not complicated.

Riyan loved Hiranya. That was the core of his very existence. To that end, hed devoted his life to ensure Princess Mina would never wear the crown, and hed succeeded.

He paid a hefty price. Though I suppose he wouldnt see it that way, Maiya thought bitterly.

Riyan wouldve gladly sacrificed his face or an armeven his lifeto see Mina dead.

She wasnt dead. Not quite, but close. From the Kinjal intelligence networks reports, it sounded like the princess had fallen into delirium, babbling nonsense and ranting at anyone who came near. Apparently, Hiranya had to have her locked up. Both for her safety and for those around her.

Does it give him joy seeing her this way? Maiya wondered. She somehow doubted it.

Riyan seemed to have turned his sights outward after his pyrrhic victory. Sai was Kinjals ally, and a border nation to Hiranya. As such, they posed his country a threat. It wasnt hard to guess that Riyan intended to install a government hostile to Kinjal.

Which would, ironically, interfere with the Princess plans. Though she was planning a coup, would the new Saian regime see it that way? Maiya wasnt certain. She was also uncertain whether this new government would survive the invasion Andros was bound to initiate.

Too many pieces were moving, and Maiya felt as though she lacked sufficient information to decipher it.

As Frumpy landed in Jatan Forest and the excitement of the night finally began to wear off, Maiya felt fatigue take its hold. It was late, she was cold and tired, and her bed called.

After submitting a brief verbal report of the nights events to the handmaiden pilot, she tromped off into the chilly forest, her Magic Lamp guiding the way.

The pilot would remain on standby until Maiyas double returned which should be in just a few moments.

It took her some doing to locate the well-hidden secret hatch, but once she did, it took only a few more to reach the false wall bookshelf that hid the entrance to her room.

Back home at last!?

Maiyas eyes widened in horror.

Blood covered the stone ground of her chambers. Her bedding was shredded, the chair and desk had been obliterated, and her personal effects were strewn all over the room.

Standing in the very center of that carnage was none other than the Blessed Chosen. He gripped the neck of her double, holding the poor girl in the air as she suffocated, her legs flailing helplessly.

Oh good, the Blessed Chosen said, turning his head almost casually toward Maiya. Youve returned at last. This will be easy.

The handmaiden wrenched her head and locked her eyes with Maiya. She didnt need to whimper or scream. From her eyes alone, Maiya could see her fear. Her terror.

She was young. Even younger than Maiya.

Please put her down, Maiya said, showing her open palms. She was acting under orders. The blame rests with me. I dont know what you want, but Ill cooperate. Please, just let her go.

You will cooperate, then? the Blessed Chosen said.

Whatever it is you want, Maiya repeated.

The Blessed Chosen regarded her without even the barest trace of emotion. Whatever I want, is it?

Ill do it. So just let her


The handmaidens legs abruptly stilled. The Blessed Chosen dropped her limp corpse, which thudded onto the ground.

Her neck was twisted at an impossible angle.

Good, the enormous man said, teeth glinting. Come. Have a seat.

Maiya didnt respond. She simply stood there, gaping at the dead girl on the ground, trying desperately to blink back her tears. She was unsuccessful.

Maiya sat in the chair in a daze. It wasnt that she was unused to death. Just that this was so sudden. So cruel. So unnecessary.

This is the world you have been awoken to, the Blessed Chosen said. This connection to the Children. You were always one of us. But now? Now, you are the core. They are connected to you.

Maiyas voice shook. Youre saying Im sensing the Children of Ash?

The connection didnt scare her. This ability was a form of powerstrange magic that followed no rules she was aware ofbut power nonetheless.

That was, if it wasnt also accompanied by the crippling sense of loss.

Every. Single. One, the Blessed Chosen confirmed, releasing her hand. Maiya snapped back to reality, a sudden sense of nausea making the world spin around her.

What was that? Maiya thought, heart nearly pounding out of her chest. That sensation It was unlike anything shed ever felt.

Death, Maiya whispered. It was death. This is what you live with?

It was as if someone had ripped her very being into pieces. Like her soul had been corrupted, somehow.

She quickly checked herself over. To her relief, whatever it was had been temporary. Only the memory of the feeling remained.

This is your final warning., the Blessed Chosen said, and this time, Maiya listened. You are delving into matters far beyond your comprehension. Turn back now, or forever regret your actions.

Maiya didnt know what to make of all this. Her head was still reeling from that experience.

What was that? Maiya asked. Please, tell me.

Power, the Blessed Chosen said. And its terrible cost.

Its how you found me, didnt you? Maiya asked, biting her lip. You felt me leave the premises.

The Blessed Chosens silence answered her.

Then youve known. Youve known I was a Kinjal agent all along, Maiya said, grinding her teeth. Shed been in far more danger than shed thought.

I cannot harm you. But I can harm those you care about. Yamal. My brother. Even that dog of yours that lives in Sonam. The gods are on my side.

If youre counting on dead gods to save you, Im afraid youll be sorely disappointed, Maiya said. The confidence in her voice was nothing more than a thin act. Maiya had every reason to believe the Blessed Chosen would kill them. One look at the handmaidens corpse was all the proof she needed.

You speak of the Prime Imperium, the Blessed Chosen said, a small grin creeping upon his lips.

Maiyas eyes narrowed. She knew about the woman Vir had met within the Ash. This Ashani Automaton. It had all sounded so fantastical, yet from all that shed heard, the gods were well and truly dead. Ashani may very well have been the last vestige of their legacy.

False gods, the Blessed Chosen spat. No, I speak of those who surpass them. Those truly deserving of the mantle of divinity.

Just a few moments ago, Maiya would have dismissed his words as deranged rambling. After experiencing that connection to the othersthat soul-crushing weightshe wasnt so sure anymore.

I dont understand, she said. Ive never heard of these gods. Do they have a name? Why arent they in the history books?

Youll find no reference to them. Though invisible, their influence can be felt. Though unknowable, they weave the threads of reality. You will never meet them. You will never see them. But you will feel their presence, if only by way of Fate. They are quite real, Im afraid.

That was a lot of words to say very little, Maiya thought, feeling a headache come on.

Life is so impermanent, wouldnt you agree? the Blessed Chosen said. People are born. People die. Nations form, thrive, and fall. And through it all, certain entities remain.

Entities? Maiya asked.

Organizations. The Guild of Merchants. The Order of Mejai Sorcar. But do you know which among them is the oldest? Which among them has existed ever since the fall of the Imperium? Which thrives even to this day?

The Children of Ash, Maiya said bitterly. Shed never thought about it before, but now that she did Not even the Order of Mejai Sorcar boasted that record. They formed centuries later. Yet records of the Children go back all the way to the Age of Gods. Shed know. Shed researched those records extensively as preparation.

The Blessed Chosen smiled wryly and leaned back as if having made his point. Odd, is it not? That an organization such as ours should bear that distinction?

Maiya considered the implications of the man's words and summarily rejected them.

No gods watch over this cult, she thought. Dont fall for his lies.

Maiya only wished she had more conviction in that assertion.

There is still time. Leave this place. Never come back.

Maiya remained silent.

The big man stared at Maiya for a long moment. I see. Then I will have you under guard from now on. I dont know why I waste my breath, anyway. You may think you have control over your actions, but the gods prevail. They always have. The last few words came out as a whisper.

Then, abruptly, the Blessed Chosen stood, forcing Maiya to do the same in reflex.

He strode to the door and left without a second glance, slamming it behind him.

Maiya was, very suddenly, alone. Alone, and utterly exhausted. Like a marionette with her strings cut, Maiya crumpled next to the corpse at her feet. She tenderly held the girl's quickly cooling hand and blinked back her tears.

Ira. I need to see you.