Chapter 244: Blessed Prophet (One) (Maiya)

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 244: Blessed Prophet (One) (Maiya)

What do you think youre doing? Yamal cried. Shes still alive, gods dammit! She's still alive!

The Rector regarded him with as much consideration as one would give a pile of rotting trash.

Our god has spoken. The Swarm has judged her and found her guilty. She is forsaken.

Please, hand her to us Yamal pleaded. Do not do this.

Yamal had known that blasted tree was no good the moment he'd set his sight on it. When Maiya had lost consciousness after touching it, Yamal feared the worst. And while the worst hadnt happenedMaiya hadnt perishedYamal was beginning to wonder if it mightve been better if she had. At least it would have been painless.

No. I refuse to let her be burned alive.

Theyor rather, The Silent Onehad acted immediately back then, in the room with the strange tree. Hed checked Maiya for a pulse before deftly slinging her over his shoulder. He'd done it with such grace and precision, it made Yamal wondernot for the first timewhat exactly the large man's background was.

He'd never had a chance to ask, for they had been too busy running to think about anything else.

The caves corridors were a maze, oftentimes leading to hallways that led to rooms and yet more hallways. Most looked as though they hadnt been occupied for centuries, judging from the thousands of cobwebs and the piles of dust. Had there been more light, they would have noticed their robes had turned entirely white from running into the things, and Yamal had to move his hands continuously to prevent the silk from covering his face. The light of their Magic Lamp orbs had only barely pierced the darkness, proving entirely insufficient to drive back the crushing eeriness of those halls.

It was Yamals idea to finally halt, and though hed made the decision partially out of fear, even upon reflection, he could not find fault with it. Despite the dire consequences itd brought upon them.

Those tunnels were a labyrinth. Delving recklessly into them mightve kept them hidden, yes, but itd also have gotten them lost. They nearly were lost as it was.

Hed convinced the Silent One to finally stop. Theyd backtracked to a known passage, then hidden until the Children had finished snooping.

Yamal had hoped to sneak by after theyd left. That way, they could monitor the flow of guards and simply follow after them.

What he hadnt anticipated was the zeal with which the guards protected that entrance to the labyrinth.

Theyd posted two dozen zealots, priests, and who-knew-else at the only exit.

And so, theyd waited for Maiya to wake up. A day had passed. Then two. Their situation grew dire with every hour. Neither had brought with them supplies, but Maiya, ever the careful planner, thankfully had. Shed packed a sizeable waterskin and some emergency rations, along with magic orbs. Many, many orbs, in fact.

Yamals merchant eyes had widened further with each one theyd found. After having witnessed them all, he was almost sure theyd fall out of their sockets.

There was so much wealth on Maiya, in fact, that Yamal didnt doubt she was richer than everyone within a hundred milescombined.

The woman grew more and more mysterious with each passing day, and even the ever-placid Silent One couldn't hide his surprise.

Unfortunately, no amount of wealth wouldve gotten them past their predicament. Theyd given Maiya almost all the water they could, and though theyd carefully rationed her snacks, dehydration began to take hold.

Unable to endure any longer, theyd finally given in and surrendered to the cult.

The Children of Ash didnt have a jail, per se, so Yamal and the Silent One had been allowed to wander. Just that their days of being a part of the organization were over. For Maiya, as well. Theyd all been excommunicated, but as the perpetrator of the crime, Maiya was to be executed.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

No amount of lying and pretending that Yamal or the Silent One had been the one to touch the strange tree convinced them. It seemed everyone who ever did had died immediately.

Which brought them to their current predicamentthe priests refused to accept that Maiya was still alive. A simple test of her pulse would prove it, of course, but these werent rational human beings. They were the craziest, most twisted group of people ever to roam the Known World. Reason had no power here.

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It took only moments to spread like a ring, heating the fuel rapidly. The fire grew hotter as the wood began to burn, and Yamal knew it was over.

Im sorry, Maiya. Im sorry we couldnt!?

The Silent One moved. He pushed through the crowd with quick, efficient motions, which parted like water before him. Before Yamal knew it, he was following in the large mans wake.

W-wait for me!

By the time Yamal arrivedand by the time anyone had processed what was happening, the Silent One had already leaped onto the platform, cut Maiya from her bindings, and was in the process of jumping back down.

Yamal felt the heat of hope light within his chest.

We can do this! I can help!

He turned, intending to pave their escape route through the crowd, but was instead met with a column of armed guards rushing up to them.

In the span of a single moment, victory had turned to defeat. They were surrounded, and with the Silent One carrying Maiya, he couldnt fight like normal.

Yamal finally unsheathed his dagger.

When his life had fallen apart, hed broken. Hed become indecisive, aimless. Wasting each day drinking and wondering what even the point of living was. On more than one occasion, hed considered taking his own life. Who wouldnt, after watching their own wife die with their unborn child? After losing his business, his home his everything?

Now, Yamal felt none of that. If only for a moment, the man he once was surfaced again. Yamal was never a warrior. He barely knew how to carry a blade, but it didnt matter.

With a roar, he plunged the dagger into the nearest guard.

His aim was true, but the cultist flinched away at the last moment, and his knife dug into their abdomen. Though it sunk deeply, the cultist grabbed the hilt, preventing him from retrieving the blade.

Yamal let go of the weapon and stumbled away in shock.

I just stabbed someone!

Kill them! the man screamed. Kill them all!

The crowd erupted in shouts and cries for blood as they swarmed around them. Talwars, daggers, and spears point inward, promising death.

Yamal backed away, sidling up to the Silent One. This was it. This was where theyd make their glorious stand. Fighting to the death to defend Maiya.

The blades closed in. Yamal couldnt say which was more terrifyingthe instruments of death, or the deranged grins of the ones who held them.

No, it was neither. It was the fire that licked their boots. Closing, creeping, with the inevitable promise of a horrible death.

The fire raged so thickly that they could no longer even see the cultists.

The heat was unbearable.

Snap. Snap.

A strange sound came from behind them. Yamal turned, fearing more enemies from behind. Instead, he found Maiya. She was standing. On her own.

His eyes widened.

Maiya rubbed her head. Somebody mind telling me whats going on here?