Chapter 238: The Reaper’s Wish (Four)

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 238: The Reaper’s Wish (Four)

Vir left his cave the same way hed arrivedthrough the shadows. Why Ekanai hadnt pursued him, he couldnt say.

All he knew was that he had to end the demon. Both to escape this place and to do right by Ekanais memory. The real Ekanai, that was. Vir suspected the demon would be disgusted at the abomination that had manifested here.

Vir searched the caves until he found one that suited him. It was a long, narrow tunnel, dimly lit by green bioluminescent moss.

The location favored Vir, the smaller of the two combatants. While they both wielded chakrams and katars, Ekanais height and gangly limbs would only get in the way here.

Calling upon the Foundation Chakra, Vir calmed himself and prepared for the battle ahead, though he didnt sink into his mindscape. He wasnt sure just how much time passed while he was in there, and until hed tested the details, he couldnt risk being caught off-guard.

Virs strategy would leverage the fact that Ekanais physical manifestation was based on Virs memories of the demon. With luck, knowing what he knew now, the Ekanai he fought would be different. He might be more reasonableand hopefully, weaker.

If he wasnt, Vir was going to have his hands full just staying alive.

He shook off the thought. Maiya wouldnt have mentioned conquering his fear if it wasnt critical for this fight. His trust in her was absolute, and so his mind was calm.

Vir didnt have to wait long. Ekanai appeared some paces away, Artifact chakram and orb in hand, snarling viciously.

Hello, Ekanai, Vir said calmly. How are you feeling?

The demon smirked. Never better. Your friend here has made quite the spell. Gave me some trouble, but I managed it. Now I need only test it. And soon, he said, holding up another, empty orb, I will have another. Your body will be the perfect vessel for me, and your soul will be my weapon. With two soul weapons, not even Fate itself can stop us!

Virs hope disappeared the moment the demon started talking. Ekanai was no less vicious than before. He hadnt changed. And now he had a new, powerful weapon.

No thats not quite right, is it?

There was something different about him. The overwhelming, oppressive aura hed emitted before was now gone, and it wasnt only on account of Virs Foundation Chakra protecting him from the demons mental attacks.

Its my fear! It was somehow strengthening him. And Maiya knew

Logically, it made no sense. Then again, nothing about this place did. If, as Vir suspected, none of it was real, then this fabricated reality was likely bound by a different set of rules. Rules that were obviously impacted by Vir himself.The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

By vanquishing his fear, hed somehow robbed Ekanai of a portion of his power. It wasnt the outcome hed been hoping for, but itd have to suffice.

With Haste active, Vir Blinked forth, spearing Ekanai with his katar.

It was only a distraction. The Chakri Barrage hed simultaneously launched was the real attack. Dozens of the tiny prana disks ripped through the air, filling the entire tunnel.

The demon moved slightly, barely dodging his katar. The Chakris, however, were another story.

Clarity was a powerful abilityoverwhelmingly sobut it had one flaw. Namely, knowledge of the immediate future was only useful if one could act upon it.

Previously, the demon had been able to do exactly that. His strength, speed, and armor had all been impossibly formidable, allowing him to execute mind-bending feats. That was no longer true.

Ekanai moved a smidge slower now. A weakness amplified by the tunnels tight confines, turning it into a killing field. With his gangly limbs, Ekanai couldnt possibly move his body quickly enough to avoid them all.

He didnt have to. He sunk into the shadows.

It was exactly what Vir had done countless times to avoid danger. Yet, it too, had a crippling weakness.

Vir grasped Ekanais arm with a death grip. Either the demon had been too preoccupied with Virs Chakris, or he hadnt used Clarity, because his eyes widened in shock and realization.

Virs earlier katar attack had been a double feint. Not only did it divert Ekanais attention away from his chakrams, but it also put Vir within physical range.

Now dodge this, Vir rasped, as a dozen prana disks ripped into the Iksana ghael. Cirayus had said that ghaels are normally physically frail, relying on their stealth arts to be effective in combat.

Not so with Ekanai. His Primordial nature erased such weaknesses. His Prana Armor flared, absorbing the first several prana chakris, but Vir had expected this, too.

Because Ekanai being a Primordial cut both ways.

With his arm still firmly on Ekanai, Vir pulled. Ash prana surged into him, instantly depleting the layer of armor Ekanai had built.

Perhaps sensing the future with Clarity, Ekanai desperately tried to pull away. He failed.

Ekanai hurled Virs own Artifact Chakram back at him, but without hesitation, Vir snatched it out of the air.

Thats my weapon. Did you honestly think it would hurt me?

The demon snarled.

The next prana chakri sliced cleanly through the arm Vir held, freeing the demon to twist away in pain. The subsequent two missed, but the fifth drove into his body, gouging deep, and the last nicked his leg at the ankle.

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For without prana armor, without his medley of magic, Ekanai was just a ghael, like any other. There was nothing to fear here.

I guess being saved once in a while isnt so bad after all, Vir said, though his heart wasnt in it. Even now, he was absolutely gutted over how he had no way to help her. Even if he had defeated Ekanai, then what? Was Maiya doomed to be trapped in that orb until he found a way to restore her?

Vir shuddered at the possibility.

Did it hurt? he asked. Being, er yknow. The orb stuff.

Ekanai scratched his head. A little. It was just really weird. Not having a body, but being able to see everything happening. It was uncomfortable, more than anything. You wont believe how awkward it is not having hands and feet. But er, lets just say Im glad I stopped Ekanai when I did. Every time he activated the orb, I felt like a piece of me disappeared.

Virs stomach lurched. Are you

Maiya waved away his concern. Im fine. Whatever I lost, I retook from him. Dont ask me how Im doing any of this. Im way outside my depth here. Still she lowered her voice, Made me wonder about all the orbs we take for granted. Did they really all come from souls? Did the Gods do what Ekanai did?

Vir had so many questions, he didnt even know where to begin. Ashani had never once hinted that the Imperium employed such despicable practices. Then again, she never claimed that the Imperium created the original orbs, either.

Had they uncovered the magic at some point, and simply built upon it? Or was there a darker side that Ashani wasnt revealingor perhaps didnt even know about?

Questions for another time. Right now, Vir was filled with mixed emotions about this whole situation. Should he be elated at Maiyas success? Thankful that she defeated Ekanai? Or heartbroken that she had to endure such pain?

So, uh, what now? Maiya asked, though Vir had the same question.

I honestly dontMaiya! Vir shouted, pointing.

Maiya looked down at her arm, which was steadily dissolving away.

Maiya! No! Vir shrieked, rushing up to her. Nonono!

Prana bled from Ekanais body at an alarming rate as it crumbled away to dust. Vir desperately surged Ash prana into Ekanais body, but to no avail.

Gotta admit. Didnt see this coming, Maiya said nervously.

No. Stop. Stop! Vir didnt even know who he was yelling at. This cant be happening. Maiya! Vir roared. Maiya!

Ekanais body continued to vanish before Virs very eyes, and there was absolutely nothing he could do. Nothing, but watch as Maiyas eyes filled with tears, but she didnt cry.

And if she didnt, how could he?

Maiya said nothing. She simply held him gently right until she was gone.

Vir, whod been holding back his tears, fell to his knees.

But the tears didnt come. His eyes widened.

For instead of an empty cavern, a brilliantly white form stood before him. Maiyas wispy form, exactly as shed been when he first found her fighting Ekanai.

No, not the same. Maiya shone as brightly as ever. Prana surged through her veinsboth her Ice and Wind prana, but also Ekanais Ash prana as well. Not within hersurrounding her. Then it surged into her body, causing her to convulse. It didn't enter her bloodstream as Vir expected but rather disappeared somewhere deep within her, and her hair shone so brightly it almost looked as if it were on fire.

Maiya!? Vir blurted. Are you

I feel great! Maiya said, whirling. What in the Realms

Vir stared at her dumbfounded. She was alive. Maiya was alive!

He was about to embrace her when she began to disappear.

Not just her. The entire cave crumbled away, leaving nothing but inky darkness.

No. A terrible thought formed in Virs head. What if none of this is real? What if Maiya isnt

Just an hour ago, hed wished it wasnt real. That it was all just his imagination, and that Maiya hadnt endured any of the pain shed gone through.

Now? Now, he was terrified it might all be fake.

Its alright, Vir, Maiya said as her form dimmed. Im just returning. Its okay.

How do you know! Vir wailed. How can you possibly know?

Call me sometime, yeah? Maiya said, as her essence disappeared entirely. Ive missed you. A lot.

Vir tried to reply but felt a sudden lurch. A brilliant white light flashed, and suddenly, he was on a bumpy rough surface in the middle of a circular room.

Green roots covered every inch of the room, and at its center, a tree rose from the roots to form a great trunk.

A trunk that pulsed with prana and chakra.

What in all the realms?