Chapter 148: The Hardest Farewell

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 148: The Hardest Farewell

You ready? Maiya asked, standing proudly in Virs doorway. It wasnt quite the look hed expected. In fact, it was just about the opposite. While training, Vir had thought of several ways of cheering up his best friend, though none of that seemed like itd be necessary.

I dunno if Ill ever be ready for this, Vir replied nervously.

While hed worked as fast as he could, hed only inscribed Parais simplified cycling technique onto the muscle groups on both legs. The arms hed have to do on the flight over.

But my bags packed. Picked up my new armor and Ive got all my supplies, so I guess Im as ready as Ill ever be. Say, why are you so happy?

Oh, youll see, Maiya replied with a smile, though Vir felt it was a bit forced. But not yet. Only when the time is right.

Vir shrugged. Cmon, Neel. Lets go.

Maiya lost her smile in an instant. Vir, um Maybe its best if you didnt?

You agreed to take care of him, right? He can ride with us to the wall.

Thats the thing. Ive been to the Wall. Fought along it for weeks. We patrol the walls diligently in Kinjal, but even then, Ash Beasts slip through. Some just appear on the other side without warning. Its not a safe place, Vir. Not for a bandy like Neel. Especially not if you get into a fight.

Thats true.

Dont worry! Ill return here for him right after I drop you off. Same with Bumpy. Ill bring them both back to Sonam. Theyll get the royal treatment, so dont worry about them.

Yknow, you were a lot sadder about me leaving before. What changed? Youre not planning on following me into the Ash, are you?

If I could, Id be jumping up and down with joy. No, its not that. Youll see, Maiya repeated, again with a sly smile. But for now, its probably for the best if you say your goodbyes to Neel.

Virs mind went blank. It hadnt really sunk in that he was about to leave his four-legged friend behind. Until now.

Dropping his bulging, oversized rucksack, he knelt and stroked Neel behind his ears.

You like that, boy, dont you?

Awooo! Neel said, rolling over to expose his belly.

Yknow, I normally wouldnt spoil you like this, he said, rubbing his friend's stomach. But Im afraid this might be the last chance I get. At least for a while. Im leaving, Neel.

The bandy couldnt understand his words, but he picked up on Virs tone. Righting himself, Neel began whimpering, as if asking what was wrong.

Look, I want you to be a good boy, alright? Maiyas Maiyas gonna take care of you. You like Maiya, dont you?

Awooo! Neel replied, hearing a familiar name.

Thats right. So dont cause any trouble for her. Im gonna be gone a while, but I promise Ill return. So you better protect her, okay?


Having freshly reapplied his makeup, Vir had done everything he could to hold back the tears, but as he hugged his best friend of many years, they rolled down his cheeks, anyway.

Im sorry, boy. I cant take you. I wish I could take you.

Neel whimpered again. His tail was flat on the ground, unmoving.

Wiping his tears and steeling his face, Vir picked up his rucksack and left. When Neel followed him, he nearly cried again, but Maiya squeezed his arm.

Dont worry. Hell be happy with me, she said softly. I promise.

With a nod, Vir locked the door behind him, meeting Neels pleading eyes one last time.

Vir led the way with heavy steps, all excitement about his recent advancement gone without a trace.

If saying goodbye to Neel was this hard, then he stole a glance at his crimson-haired friend, but immediately purged the thought. Dwelling on separating with Maiya might very well break him.The hole in his heart Maiya had plugged might come undone.

Her timing had been impeccable, appearing right when hed lost Tiawhen he was at his lowest. Her mere presence had fixed everything. Their short time together had been so full of contentment. Of inner peace.

With each step, Vir second-guessed his decision. More than the Pagan Order, more than the dangers of the Ashen Realm, it was leaving Maiya that tore at him the most.

Will I ever see her again? How long will it be?

To survive years without her, when even a few months made his heart ache

Dont get so down, yeah? Maiya said, squeezing his hand. Youll see Neel again. Promise.

Vir forced a smile. Right.

Lord Reth, Disanna, and Zora waited for Vir at the Acira stables, discussing amongst themselves.

This is quite the sendoff, Vir said as he approached. Wasnt expecting the whole tribunal to show up.

Not every day one of our own ventures into the Ash. Let alone someone as valuable as you, Lord Reth said with a tight smile.

Youre committed, then? Disanna said.

I am. Youve been incredibly gracious. I dont know how to repay you for all youve done.

This is the last time well get to chat like this, isnt it? Maiya whispered into Virs ear, leaning against him, but there was something different this time. Almost as if she was desperate to be close to him.

Im coming back, Maiya.

I Maiyas words caught in her throat, and she clutched Vir just a little tighter.

You think Im gonna die in there, dont you?

Her silence said it all, even without the tears that welled up in her eyes.

Vir faltered.

Its not easy for me, either, Maiya, he said. But I have reasons to believe Ill survive.

Because Lord Janak said so?

Him and Shardul and Ekanai, Vir said. They wouldnt all be urging me to step right into my death. Plus, I have Ash prana, so whatever benefits Ash Beasts get, Ill get too. Its not as hopeless as it looks.

Vir bit his lip. Even to his ears, his words felt forced. As if he was trying to convince himself. He was. Maiya already knew all of this, after all. They'd discussed it.

Maiya clutched him even tighter.

Dont go? she whispered. Her eyes went wide, and it was obvious she hadn't intended Vir to hear. Sorry, I didn't mean I want to support you, Vir. I truly do.

Tell me, Maiya.

Its your wish, she said, averting her eyes. You need this.

Tell me, Vir repeated.

She paused, clearly unsure whether to continue. Vir gave her time, allowing the silence to continue.

Youll be alone in there, she said at last, pulling away to look into his eyes. Youll be alone, and I wont even know if youre alive.

Her voice was laden with panic.

I just have this feeling, Vir, she said.

Vir knew she was trying to keep her emotions in control. For him. She didnt want him to worry.

I feel like Ill never see you again, she said, sounding very small.

The tears now fell freely down her face, and when she looked Vir in the eyes, he saw terror. And anguish.

Her words made him freeze. Was he making the right decision? This was the Ash, after all. Who could say what would happen to him in there, even with Janaks assurances?

Dad, mom not you, too, she said, her head drooping. Her tears dripped onto the ground. Just not you.

The voice in the back of his head grew louder. The one that told him he wasnt ready. That he was reckless. Just wait a little. Just a little longer, it said.

Can you wait? Just a little longer? Maiya asked, wiping away her tears. Do you have to go now?

Theyll find us, he murmured halfheartedly.

Well deal with it, she said, grabbing his hand. Together.

Vir stared into her eyes. There was an earnest hope there. He found his resolve crumbling. It was desperate of him.

Would be good to train a bit more before heading in, he said. Theyd only just reunited. Maybe he didnt have to leave so soon.

Maiya nodded vigorously. If they do find you, you can always leave. Right? Youll still be stronger.

Vir let out a long breath, feeling the weight of a mountain come off his shoulders.

I never did know how to say no to you, huh? he said, chuckling.

Instead of the smug grin hed expected, he saw something else. Something hed never seen before. Longing.

Maiya looked up at him, placing her hands gently on his chest. Dont leave me?

Vir found himself transfixed, unable to break away from her hazel eyes. His heart roared in his chest. Something about her captivated him. Mesmerized him, and slowly, their faces drew closer, compelled by an irresistible force.

He panicked. Every instinct told him to pull away but he didnt. There was something right about this. Something he couldnt explainbut he felt it. Deep inside.

This was what hed so desperately sought. A place to belong. To be loved. Hed been so blind. Shed been right here, all along. Right in front of him.

They drew close and Vir felt her warmth. His thoughts went blank.

Then their lips touched, and fire blazed through his body, blowing away the nights chill.

It was that simple, after all

His arms wrapped around Maiya, and he held the kiss.

The knots in his stomach untangled, replaced by a sense of calm and inner peace. It was a warm, fuzzy sensation that told him everything would be alright.

And, holding each other in their arms, they fell blissfully into the land of slumber, where calm seas and white shores awaited.