Chapter 98: Bargains & Brotherhoods

Name:Ashborn Primordial Author:
Chapter 98: Bargains & Brotherhoods

It wasnt the array of polearms, or the shields of all sizes and shapes, or even the flails, maces, talwars, or greatswords that caught Virs eye.

Sure, those were all very impressive, crafted of all grades of steels ranging from the mundane to the exotic. No seric, though. Vir had yet to see a single seric weapon in a store.

The store carried chakrams! They carried katars!

Well, one katar, and a handful of chakrams. It wasnt a gallery, but the fact that they had them at all made Vir nearly jump with joy. Since his encounter at Daha, he'd been armed with only a pair of basic iron knives. Nothing that inspired confidence in a fight.

But Vir knew how this game was played. He restrained himself; the well dressed, slim shopkeeper with his waxed handlebar mustache had monitored Vir from the moment he entered the shop. Knowing this, Vir dilly dallied, putting on a bored look despite his excitement.

Can I help you with anything? the clerk asked.

Vir had expected a more stern-looking person running a weapon and armor shop, but while the man lacked affinities of any kind, Vir could tell he was a warrior, nonetheless. Not a warrior after the Kinjalswho were heavyset and built like Ashvabut a more refined warrior. The man had not a shred of fat on him, and the hourglass shape of his torso spoke of muscles built for a purpose.

Just perusing. Thought Id see if you had anything interesting in stock. Not really seeing anything of interest, though, Vir replied, idly checking out a spear.

What sorts of weapons are you interested in? Perhaps I can help.

Oh, daggers, shortswords that kind of thing, Vir replied, angling the conversation. Jumping right to katars would cue the shopkeeper to his intentions. Itd tell him he was after one thing in particular, which would give his opponent the advantage.

The clerk showed Vir several options, all of which Vir passed over with indifference. It was only then that he sprung his trap.

Honestly, Im not looking for a weapon for myself. Just something I can use as a gift. For an acquaintance. Im on a budget.

Ah! In that case, why not look at these weapons, here? the man said, pointing to a rack with kukris and other short swords... along with the unadorned katar.

Vir perused the selection of weapons with disinterest.

Whats this? Such an odd weapon, he asked, slowly moving to it, regarding it with suspicion.

A katar! An exotic weapon, indeed. And rare. It would take some practice to use in combat, but as a gift? It would be fine.

Hmm. Theres nothing special about the weapon itself, Vir said, feigning disappointment. The blade was mid-grade ironnot ideal, as it could break during an Empowered thrustbut the blade itself had minimal rust potting, and the profile and taper were good. The weapon was of decent construction and had seen some use, but itd been cared for, and that was nearly as important. This is a bit plain, Im afraid. Do you have any katars that are a bit more adorned?

Vir, of course, thought it was perfect. He hated the gold on his armor and preferred the weapons simple style. But bargaining this way would get him a better deal.

The man returned a pained smile. Im afraid few buyers are in the market for a katar. This is the only one we have. Most stores do not even stock these weapons.

Vir let out a sigh. Very well then. At least it wont set me back much, being as basic as it is. How much?

For you? I can sell it for five silvers.

Five silvers? Out of the question. This isnt even steel! Its mid-grade iron, and look at the rust. Its barely fit for a gift. I can do a silver and a half.

Vir turned away from the blade, but the shopkeeper didnt let it go, and for good reason.

When Vir first held the blade, he noticed a fine sheen of dustnot on the blade, the shop would keep that cleanbut on the hilt. Which meant the katar had been there for a while. Owing to katars rarity, they were unpopular items. The store hadnt been able to sell it, and that gave him bargaining power, just as it had back at Daha.

Three and a half would be the lowest I can go. Quite the discount, dont you think?

Vir turned back to the katar. Look, it is obvious to me that you wish to sell this blade. From the dust on the hilt, I can tell it has occupied space on your rack for some time. Im afraid the highest Id be willing to pay is two.

Two is a bit the man said, trailing off.

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So, what can I do ya for?

I need information on the Pagan Order. Something deeper than what rumors and hearsay can get me. I have little Brotherhood karma, but Im happy to pay or do jobs to accumulate some.

Hmm, well, youre out of luck, friend. Contracts are few out here. I mean, just look at the place. Do you see anyone else?

I noticed, Vir replied, also noticing this branch's lack of an armory. It lacked many of the services he'd taken for granted in Daha. Why is that?

Not even prana beasts bother people out here. Were about as far from the Ash as you can get. Its peaceful out here, but that means less work. As for information, Im sorry, but Ive only heard rumors about the Pagan Order, and Im the only Executor around here.

What are my options, then?

Well, if its information yer looking for, youd do better at the Avi branch. Rani capitals far livelier. If its work you want well, you could always try catching that guy, she said, thumbing to a wall of the booth, where a small flier was pinned.

On it was an image of the face Vir had used back at Daha.

Wanted Dead or Alive: Neel. Last seen fleeing Daha, Hiranya. Suspected location: Rani Queendom, Kinjal Empire.

Reward: 3 Seric Coins.

Vir chuckled nervously. He had, of course, changed his face paint the moment hed left Daha. Hed never use that face again, nor would he ever go by Neel.

He didnt fail to notice that the bounty was for Neel, and not Apramor, which was his designated Brotherhood name. No doubt Hiranya wouldve contacted the Brotherhood, but it seemed that the organization held true to their word; they hadnt given up Virs identity.

Not looking to go on a wild goose chase, Vir replied. Got any other contracts for me? There must be something?

Well, the veiled woman said, scratching her neck. Theres one but you probably arent gonna want that.

Why? What is it?

Protection detail. For a caravan bound for Eshana. Thats a small little town on the other side of the Legion range. Pay is not great, and yell be going through some steep mountain passes. Just one silver and a hundred karma.

One silver? Vir asked. Why do the payouts never make any sense? Sometimes they seem appropriate. Sometimes it's incredibly low.

They're set by the clients, friend, so they run the gamut. Brotherhood rejects contracts that don't pay enough, but that's only for the really lowball ones.

Uh, and this isn't?

Borderline, the Executor said. Tiny branch like us has to take what we get, y'know? Besides, should only take you a few days. Hardly anything out here that would harm a caravan, anyway. And while Eshana aint Avi, its at least the right direction if youre headed that way. Lots of mercs bound for Avi recently, too. Rumor is theres gonna be a big ash beast subjugation contract near Avi soonish.

That was interesting, but Vir wasnt really looking to take on Brotherhood contracts unless he had no other choice. His top priority right now was gathering information about the Pagan Order.

This caravan protection mission. Apart from the poor pay, why didnt you want to tell me about it?

Well, its the clients, ysee? We almost rejected their contract due to the uh nature of the clients.

What do mean?

Sorry, cant say any more than that without breaching confidentiality. But you should know that theres no penalty for abandoning this mission. No reward, of course, but youre not gonna suffer any karma loss.

Virs eyes narrowed. Hed never seen a contract like this one until now. There had to be a catch.

Even so, money was money, and Vir was confident he could handle this one, even if things went south.

Alright, he said. Im in.

Great! Now let me tell ya about the Brotherhood party youll be working with on this one.