And this is the morning of the graduation ceremony. Greater came to wake up shortly before the second bell rang.

“Please wake me up, Rosemine”

“Isn’t it too early?”

Talking so, I lay down in the futon and looked up at the Greatia.

“It’s rare for Greater to wake up. Was there something in Richarda?”

“It’s a little early, but Aub told me that we would like to have breakfast with Ferdinand from the second bell. Richarda is preparing breakfast in the tea party.”

Greetia told me so and I jumped up. Since it was busy cleaning up the tea room after breakfast, it was initially prohibited to have breakfast together.

“Ferdinand-sama has been drinking alcohol with Aub, and after talking about various things, he has still reached out to the research materials. Rosemine is sure to wake up by visiting breakfast.

Apparently, the adoptive father ordered him to wake up early and send Ferdinand by time. There is an estimate that if the three aides are accompanied, the tea-room will be cleared quickly.

… Wow! Thank you Father!

Greetia and Brünnhilde helped me, and I started changing clothes. This morning, I can’t see the riser or Leonore in my room because I’m going to have breakfast for the second bell. After breakfast, you have to finish a light bath before your parents come.

“Graduates are hard to prepare”

angelica wasn’t very prepared, and laughed with couscous and remembered two years ago when she was prepared by three people, Reiserator and her parents.

“Good morning, Ferdinand-sama. I’m ready and I’m going to the tea party for breakfast.”

Upon leaving the room, Charlotte was ready. There is also a Villefleet down the stairs. If you go to the tea party, you will be greeted by the prepared sidemen. There was no space for the pals that had been made in the tea ceremony room, and the chaise lounge was changed so that graduates could wait for it. The wooden box to put the luggage seems to have been brought into Ferdinand’s space.

“It’s already a great deal”

“Yeah, breakfast is ready here. Well, here are the princesses. You guys have finished breakfast in the cafeteria.”

Minor entourage who accompanied us to the tea party room went to the cafeteria, and our lord candidate guided by Richarda to the table. I heard the voice of arrival. Ferdinand also came out from behind the screen. She is well-dressed but has a face that is still not enough.

“Good morning, Ferdinand-sama”

“Oh, good morning”

“The voice seems to wake up, but is it too much to read the research materials?”

He looks like he was talking about research with Hirsur two years ago. The dazzling Ferdinand is very rare.

“… Also, that chaise longue was better than expected.”

“If Ferdinand was able to sleep well, there was an armor that he would bother to carry. Would you carry it with you when carrying your luggage in the spring?”

Due to sudden news, he headed to Ahrensbach, so Ferdinand took only the necessary daily necessities and minimal wedding gifts. Erenfest is still home to daily necessities used after the seasons have changed and gifts sent from aristocrats this winter.

“I don’t need it now because I’m still in the room”

“It’s a story after the end of the star knot ritual in spring?”

“… If I get my room, I will think at that time”

For Ferdinand who thinks about the future, it’s an answer that can’t be boiled, but it will surely be a problem if you bring it in before you get the room. When I answer “Please tell me if you need it,” Ferdinand whispered and sat down. And beckoned me.

“Rosemine, here. Did the fever fall?”

“I think I’m doing well this morning …”

I stand quietly in front of Ferdinand. Charlotte screamed at the state of Ferdinand, who measures heat and pulse, asking, “Did your sister get sick?”

“I was tired from the territorial competition and just a little feverish. I took medicine and this morning my fever has fallen.”

“Noisy, Rosemine. Close your mouth. Difficult to measure pulse”

“I’m sorry”

After finishing the usual examination, I received a message saying “The fever is falling, but don’t overdo it,” and I also sit down.

“I didn’t think I was getting sick because my sister was less likely to fall asleep lately”

“You may have been impressed with the first award ceremony. How was the dinner last night, Charlotte? I couldn’t hear the situation because I left the room. “

While having breakfast, we ask Charlotte about the dinner at the cafeteria where he could not participate. It seems that it was an enjoyable dinner because the students were excited by producing many excellent people.

“Speaking, what did Ferdinand-sama talk to after adoptive father after we slept? Because he exchanged alcohol for the first time in a while, would the story bounce?” [19459002 ]

When I talked about Ferdinand, Ferdinand turned his eyes down to think a little and then shook his head and told me not to give details.

After finishing the breakfast and cleaning up the table, Yustox began to line up in various ways. Two recording magic tools, and one leather bag. Ferdinand pushed one magical tool in front of me.

“This is the recording magic tool that I have been asked for. I have put a lot of cautionary words in line with your side-serving request.”

“What happened to Ferdinand, my request?”

“Well …”


I’ll play the magical tool that was handed over while bulging my cheeks. As Ferdinand said, from the beginning, there was a slogan, “It’s time to eat. I don’t know what you are doing, but stop it quickly.”

…… What else?

“Rose Mine, at least not in this place, listen in your room. It feels strange to hear your voice in the same room.”

“I was stopped by Ferdinand who frowned.” I wanted to hear it all here, but if I didn’t listen to it, it would be picked up.

And he was given a leather bag that does not pass magical power. When you open it, there is another magic tool and paper.

“You were left with the magic tool that registered Zergius’s magic power last night, so I’m left with it. I want to go further with this research. Please use it exactly as written on it, and tell me the result. The result can be a letter. “

“I understand”

It was originally a collaborative research, and if you are told to continue your research, you can’t refuse. I received a leather bag.

“Then, can I get the spare part? I want to think about how to use it by the next winter”

“It’s Ferdinand-sama who made it and I’m paid for it, of course.”

Wake up Ferdinand and have breakfast together. Later, Ferdinand will change into full dress and will meet Dietrinde. We have to move to a multipurpose hall because we get in the way of changing clothes and cleaning up.

“Rose Mine, Richarda. I heard from Gilvester that they gave me this room. I was very relaxed and was able to spend it all night. Thank you.”

I knew that Ferdinand was relaxed enough to express his gratitude. I was particularly pleased that I was not able to give up last night because I was wondering how to spend a good time with Richarda. I am glad but I feel lonely when I realized that it was a farewell greeting.

“Thank you so much for saying that,”

slap lightly to shake off the lonely feeling. Ferdinand showed a gentle smile that he had never seen before, when he thought it would be a sarcastic smile as usual.

“… Thanks, Rosemine, Richard”

Speaking of that, it seems that there is really no time, and Ferdinand disappears beyond the screen. It seems that I was not the only one who got my eyes on Ferdinand’s obedient words of gratitude. Richard also speaks to us with moisture.

“Now head to the multi-purpose hall. Ferdinand has to be called.”

I could see students gathering in preparation for the auditorium in the entrance hall. When I try to go there, Villefried stops me.

“That person is waiting in the multipurpose hall, as Richard said, but I lost my physical condition in yesterday’s territorial competition, but if I’m overwhelmed from now on, I’ll be leaving on the way. Dietrinde ’s uncle will be worried if he disappears from the venue. ”

There is no room for objection. This year, I left all of the preparations to wait with the escort knight Udit in the multipurpose hall. When you are in the multipurpose hall, parents of graduates come. Leonore and Rieserator’s parents come and say hello and head to the children’s room.

escort opponents come around when the guardian wave has passed. Mr. Cornelius and Haltomut, who were dressed properly, faced the multi-purpose hall with “Good morning, Rosemine”.

“Leonole ’s parents have just arrived, so I think it ’ll take a little more time to prepare, brother Cornelius. Please come to Hartmut to pick Clarissa early. That’s why

Considering the momentum so far, it seems that Clarissa will come if he doesn’t pick him up.

“Did you get permission to marry?”

“As a result of considering various circumstances, I received the answer that it was the safest.”

…… How about that as a marriage permit?

It would be nice if the surroundings were convinced, but I was a little worried about whether it was really okay. While talking to Khaltomut, Villefried’s aide who had seen his face at the castle approached.

“Lose Mine, let me say hello”

That’s what Rieselter’s opponent Torsten said. I heard that he was a Villefried writer, but his face and his name didn’t match, so he didn’t feel at all. A calm and calm person. Perhaps the wavelength is the same as that of the riser.

“Thank you for the lyzer”

“I’m smart”

By the time I finished the greeting with Tolsten, my foster father and foster mother came back to Ehrenfest. The adoptive father sits on the chair in a somewhat relaxed manner.

“Thank you, Jilvester-sama”

“How about your foster mother, how are you?”

The foster mother smiled at my question with a slightly pale face. No matter how you look, it doesn’t look good.

“It seems like I’m a bit drunk on the transition.”

“So you said you should rest at Ehrenfest”

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime graduation ceremony for students. I know that I am my self, but would you like to celebrate it?”

Communicating with foster fathers and foster mothers over and over again. From this, you can see that the foster father really likes foster mothers.

“Let’s go to the auditorium soon. If parents are not entering before they enter, it will stand out.”

“What will you do with your foster father and foster mother?”

“Since Florenzia is resting here until the last minute, he should go first”

It was said that even walking was slow, and I went to the auditorium with Richard and Judith.

As with last year, the walls have been removed, and the auditorium has a staircase-like auditorium like a Colosseum. In the center of the auditorium, there is a white columnar stage for performing votive dances and sword dances.

“This is the seat of the lord clan”

“Your sister is here”

Unlike the guardian seat last year, it is a place very close to the stage. From here you can see the votive dance. I was invited by Charlotte and I took a seat.

“Did your father and mother come to you?”

“Yeah, but it seems that the foster mother was drunk by the transfer team and seems to rest in the dormitory until the last minute”

“I’m not so good. I’m worried.”

The adoption father told me that there is still a high possibility that she is pregnant and that it should not be leaked to others. There are a lot of other aubs, and there are various troubles such as the problems of the second wife, so it seems that they will inform them after returning to Ehrenfest.

Adopters and foster mothers came to the last minute when graduates started to enter. The foster mother takes a seat with a smile as usual, whether she took some medicine, was good to be resting, an aristocratic habit that didn’t reveal her emotions or physical condition.

“Do not overdo it, foster mother”

“That ’s what you can say, Rosemine?”

When the foster mother laughed with couscous, the door for graduates to enter opened. Graduates entered and lined up on the stage, but there was an existence that caught the eye and made the surroundings look rough.

…… Oh aaa! Fernando, I have failed to persuade you! ?

Deetlinde’s hair, which entered with a smile that seems to be good, was so popular. First of all, I thought that I could make a lot of decorations. Like Marie Antoinette, the hair itself is quite high. The color alone makes it more gorgeous by raising the height of a gorgeous blonde that is sufficiently luxurious.

There are three Ehrenfest hair ornaments in shades close to red, and the surroundings are decorated with lace and ribbons. It’s amazing that the surroundings are stunning, and it’s probably not because the laughter of Ferdinand walking next to it looks empty.

… No, it’s amazing in a way. I didn’t expect to see such a hairstyle in Jürgenschmitt.

If you look closely, not all Ehrenfest hair ornaments were used. Perhaps it was persuaded by the surroundings to be disrespectful to the royal family unless the floral decorations were conservative. And he must have decided to use a different decoration instead of flowers.

…… Ehrenfest hair ornament flowers have been reduced to match the royal ornament? But I don’t think the number of flowers has anything to do with ribbons and laces. Above all, can you votive dance?

I unintentionally looked at the seat where the Arensbach lords sat down. Georgine is sitting with a cool face. Did she not stop her daughter’s mischief?

…… If you stop, you can’t enter in this state. What does Georgine like to make Dietrinde like?

I felt very uneasy, but Dietrinde himself, who has received a great deal of attention, seems very satisfied. After finishing the escort on the stage, the opponent who is not a graduate moves to a designated seat, but Ferdinand already seemed very tired.

Then, an adult ceremony was held by the temple head of the central temple, and music dedication was held. I haven’t seen the sights of Leonore and Reiserator today because I had left before the Leonores came out in the dormitory. Yet I wasn’t able to find them yet because Dietrin deprived all of his eyes. This is the only opportunity for Dietrinde to get off the stage for music dedication.

“Where is the lyzer? Can’t find it because of my eyes on Dietrinde”

“I understand how your sister feels. I can’t find my entourage.”

If you look around where there are many people, you can see the enlightened head first. There is no telling where the modestly dressed riser is. You should be in the middle of singing, so keep your eyes on it. It seemed that it was very easy to see just because Dietrinde was gone.

“Yes, I’m a lyser”

Wearing a light cream-colored outfit, I noticed that the hair of the same color was adorned. Riezera always feels one step down, so it doesn’t stand out as a beauty, but it looks beautiful today.

… According to Muriela’s story, it seems that the students of other territories were also motemote.

After the dedication of music that managed to find a lyzer, the next was Leonore’s sword dance. The music people got off the stage and moved around to the stage. Instead, those who go to the stage are sword dancers wearing blue costumes. Twenty people go up on the stage. Due to the small number of women, Leonore was immediately known. White and red flowers can be seen in scarlet hair like reddish purple. Probably born in winter.

If you hold the sword out of the stap, the music starts to flow, and the sword reflects and flashes along with it. There is a feminine movement in the movement of a powerful and sharp sword. Leonore’s sword dance is flowing and elegant, and feels somewhat soft despite having a sharp sword.

“Leonole is really beautiful”

“Yeah, it’s superb, but Alexis won’t lose”

Villefried laughs proud of his entourage.

While talking about which was great, the sword dance ended.

“Next time is a votive dance … Can I dance in that?”

I think that the foster father’s whistle was the voice of everyone’s heart. All the attention of the venue was gathered in Dietrinde, who wore fluttering votive costumes.