After the sale of Printemps Shokai’s books is over, it will soon become a banquet for spring. Because there was a baptismal ceremony for Melchior, Rieserator and Brünnhilde had to go to the temple to get costumes and accessories.

“Fran and Monica prepared everything, Rosemine”

Reiserator confirms all the temple ceremonial clothing and necessary accessories and laughs with a smile. When they arrived at the temple, it seemed that the francs and the minister’s sidemen divided the parcels so that they could be carried by the beasts and carried them to the front door.

“This is a gift from the children of an orphanage to Rosemine. It seems to be the fruit juice of Paru”

“It’s winter sweetness. Please bring it to Ella.”

“I’m smart”

Brünnhilde carries a small bowl of paru juice into the kitchen.

“Fran is worried about whether Rosemine is in good health or is doing exercise to gain physical strength if he is fine.

Dermuel said so. I listened to Monica and everyone else, not just Franc. Apparently, everyone in the temple seems to remain the same.

â € œOttirie came back there. I have an invitation in my hand.

“There are tea party invitations from Rosemine, Charlotte and Villefried. I’d like to introduce Melchior like a sudden invitation”

Melchior has already set up a room so that he can spend the baptismal ceremony, and he sometimes goes in and out with his close friends to carry additional items. I didn’t know because the floor was different.

Villefried and Charlotte seemed to have first introduced me to Melchior rather than talking for the first time at the baptismal ceremony. In Charlotte’s invitation, “I was very happy to talk to my sister before the baptismal ceremony”.

…… I have to do my best to become a good sister.

The first tea party with Charlotte was not a very good memory for me because Villefleet invaded and changed into an interrogation. But at that tea party, I found out how cute Charlotte was. I’ve never talked to Melchior before, so I’d like to talk before the baptismal ceremony.

After replying to my consent, I wrote to the manuscripts and manuscripts duty ( iso ) 19459025] I waited for the day, with a stain.

“Good morning, older sister”

“I am glad to invite you, Charlotte”

After exchanging greetings with the organizer, Charlotte, his eyes are moved to Melchior, who is waiting to be introduced next to Villefried. The blue-purple hair from the father and the blue from the mother. Since the face is also left to the mother, it looks like a gentle and gentle feeling. And the most important thing. I am a little tall, but I am winning.

…… Slightly, but I am bigger. Even though it looks like a baby, I can look like my sister. Hyafu ぅ! Oh, I don’t stretch out.

When I met Melchior, I cleared the height problem that I was most worried about, and when I found out that it looked like an older sister, my tension began to rise.

“Our younger brother, Melchior, ask me … Melchior, his sister, Rosemine, who is also the head of the temple who gives blessings at the baptism.”

“Sister Rosemine, I haven’t finished the baptism yet, so I can’t really pray for blessings, but I’ll greet you.”

Melchior introduced to Villefleet moves forward with a slightly tense face, hits the spot and drops his head.

“Please allow me to pray for blessings in a rare encounter with the rigorous selection of Evilive”

“Forgive me”

“Rosemain’s sister, the blessing of Evilive, the god of life …. My name is Melhior, son of Aub Ehrenfest. Thank you in advance.”

Melchior raised his face with a satisfying expression that he was able to do exactly what he was taught, and watched Villefried and Charlotte alternately as if he were listening. They looked at Melchior with a gentle smile.

“I think it was good, Melchior”

“Yeah, my first greeting was nervous. I did my best.”

The innocent figure that seems to be the youngest child who is happy to be complimented by her older sister is cute. You can see that she grew up and grew up under her foster mother. I just looked at me and my expression was relaxed.

“My sister moved to the north, and the children’s room where there was no one to play with was very lonely, and I wanted to move to the north quickly. I’m happy to be able to meet. “

“I’m happy to be with Melhior for the first time in a long time”

Charlotte said and boiled Melchior’s head. Sarah and Melchior’s hair shakes.

“Yeah? Melchior and Rosemine are really like sisters because their hair colors are similar”

Villefried touched Melchior’s hair and said it in comparison with my hair. Certainly, the blue-purple hair inherited from the adoptive father is more similar to my hair than the pale blondes of Villefried and Charlotte.

…… Is Kamil growing up like this? Is it about 5 years old? “I should be growing up with my father and mom, so I think they ’re growing like this.

Finally, when did you see Kamil from the temple? When I was searching for my memory, I saw Kamil’s hair color, which was similar to me, and Melchior’s bluish-purple hair, inherited by my father.

…… I wanted Kamil to call her sister.

“Let’s be in tea. My sister has brought me sweets that Melchior has never eaten.”

When Charlotte urged and sat down, the tea party began. Eat a sip of sweets brought to you and drink tea. The first snack I brought in today is Parrou’s Bavaroa. When Otomar Shokai delivered Katarkar, a territorial competition, he gave me a freshly made gelatin in winter.

] I asked Ella to make a bavaroa, but it was my first time to give it to someone else. I found that Brünnhilde was quietly watching the evaluation of the three.

“It’s sweet and delicious through the sword and throat. I like sushi. Can you enjoy a variety of flavors?”

“Yeah, I think you can enjoy a variety of flavors. This uses the sweetness of winter called Paru”

I also put Bavaroa in my mouth. Paru’s taste is a nostalgic taste of downtown. You can see that the face gradually falls into the sweetness that spreads in your mouth.

“… It’s sweet, but the new candy on Rosemine’s older sister has a mysterious touch”

“I prefer cookies”

Although it was popular with Charlotte, it seemed a little subtle for boys. If you don’t improve it based on the reputation here, you can’t put it out in the nobility.

…… Purin didn’t have a good reputation at first, and Bavaroa is no good.

“Is Melchor’s baptism tomorrow? Are you nervous?”

The topic is also about Melchior’s baptism, which approached tomorrow. In response to Villefried’s question, Melchior replied, “Because I was told to enter alone”.

“When I entered the baptismal ceremony, I was very nervous in the eyes of many aristocrats around me. I was a little relaxed when I saw my sister waiting on the stage. Melchior is fine if he walks towards his sister. “

Charlotte says that, Melchior’s tension is relieved.

“Since Charlotte was a baptism in winter, I think it would be nice to be with a number of children to show off. I and Melchior walked alone there.”

The aristocracy’s winter christening ceremony will be held together with the unveiling, but the spring and autumn christening ceremony will be held with a priest at home. The spring baptismal ceremony seems to have to walk alone in that hall. I remember that my father and mother walked together at my baptismal ceremony. There were many invited guests at that time, but it was much better than the baptism at the castle where almost all the nobility gathered.

I reviewed the baptismal procedure with Melchor, who was nervous, laughing as Villefried and Charlotte argued that “this is better” and “no, this is” I was watching.

“What do you like about Melchior?”

“This is a toy made by Sister Rosemine. Could it be made by Sister Rosemine?” I heard from my brother and sister.

Melchor recognized me as a very big sister, thanks to my mother who read a book I made, and Villefried who taught me how to play Carlotte, Carta and Trump.

…… I’m showing a good start as my sister! Thank you, Villefried, Charlotte!

Impressed, the tension increased. Immediately after deciding to hold a fist under the table that Melchor would not be a good sister for Melchior, Melchior laughed very cutely and came to kill me.

“The book made by Rosemine Sister is so fun that I want you to read it elsewhere. I love books.”

…… Ooh!さ れ る To be killed! I was told that I love you with a smile! ] This is a lovely book brother who loves books! I want to thank God for giving me such a cute brother right now!

When I was trembling to hold down the magical power that seemed to overflow, Richard came to worry. Today is a tea party between brothers and sisters, so there is no necklace to store the magical power of the chief priest.

“Princess, please relax”

“It’s okay, Richard. I’m still …”

I made a book-loving friend at the Aristocracy and attended the tea party several times. You can’t die even if you die until you recommend more books to Melchior and make him a younger brother who loves more books.

“What kind of story do you like about Melchior? Is it a knight story? There are now many stories about other territories.”

Although it is not yet in the form of a book, there are many if it is just a story. If Melchior says he wants a new book or story, I will try my best to answer it.

Okay, come, I urged Melchior to answer, and Melchior laughed with a slight tilt.

“I like the story of God. Carta can also do it, so I read it well to the side servants. In order to become like Rosemine, you have to know God very well. You said “

…… Do you like scripture picture books?

At Ehrenfest, the scripture picture book is positioned as a reference book, and it is often read for the purpose of winning the Carta and learning the name and ritual of God, but I like the story of God purely There are few who have said.

“I understand. If Melchior likes God’s story, I will do my best. Richard, now the temple master’s scriptures …”


Richard dabbled my shoulder before uttering everything.

“I understand that Melchior is cute and can’t help but really calm down. Ferdinand Bachama said that the scriptures of the temple chief are not so easy to show to others.

The scriptures with strange magic circles and wordings should not be shown to others carelessly.

“Is it better for manuscripts?”

“It may still be difficult for Melchior to understand. It is enough for the princess to tell a story that is not a picture book.”

…… I wanted to show you a book because it was so hard.

Because Richard is right, I will tell Melchior the god who is not a picture book. Melchior listened to the story, shining blue eyes that looked like a foster mother.

After a tea party that enjoyed interaction with a new brother, I went back to the main building and saw off Melhior and his entourage.

“Melchiol is really cute. I want to be cute with all my strength”

When I announced my determination to Charlotte, who held today’s tea party, Charlotte sharpened my lips a little unsatisfactory.

“I feel like Melhior has stolen my sister”

“What do you say, Charlotte? Rosemine is sweeter to his brother and sister, and sweeter to women. Attitudes towards Charlotte and me are more different”

I saw me with a look that Villefried asked me that I had never shown such a sweet attitude.

“Concluded, Rosemine should be sweeter to me. Will he be my fiance?”

“Oh, I’ve always been told by Ferdinand that I’m too sweet for Villefried,”


Villefried tilts his head and makes a mysterious face, “Did he have a sweet response to me?”

“Before the show, and the White Tower incident, I was told that the response to the Villefried brother was too sweet, but did you prefer the more severe one?”

Villefried opened his eyes as if he was surprised.

“The sweetness of the next lord, Villefried and his brother and sister, is different, as the healing of Fruthrene and Lungsumer is different. You are also a fiance, so you have to grow more. I don’t think you need the sweetness to turn to my brother or sister. “

What is needed to become the next lord is not sweetness. Villefried was stuffy in my words.

On the day of the baptismal ceremony, take a bath in the morning to cleanse yourself, straighten your hair, and dress in the white costume of the temple chief. A silver belt is tightened on a gold frame and decorated with green accessories that are precious colors of spring. The hair ornaments made by Turi are very springy with the green leaves swaying as ordered.

As usual, I was headed to the waiting room while riding around the Reservoir, with the escort knight stiffened around. The people involved in the temple are a little different from the nobility, so they cannot act with Villefried or Charlotte. After the aristocratic entrance, I will enter with the priest.

“You can use physical enhancement, so walk well.”

The priestess dressed in blue ceremonial clothing told me so, I whispered lightly and spread the magical powers throughout the body. If you don’t consider the difference in leg length that my three steps are one step of the priesthood, you should be able to walk normally and gracefully.

Walking in the middle of a large hall where many nobles gather. I’m still nervous about the line of sight that is attracting attention, but I’m starting to feel like this. I think I’m growing a little too.

In the center of the stage there is an altar, and on the left side of the stage are the lords and their escorts and side guards. When we went up to the stage, the adopted father stood up and walked to the center.

“The Goddess of Water, the flow of Fleetlane, swept away the god of life, Evilive, and the goddess of earth, Gedulrich, was rescued. Bless the thaw!”

At the banquet for the end of spring, there will be a presentation of excellent people, and you will receive a memento from the adoptive father.

“First of all, this year’s excellents will be announced. Many students, thirteen, have achieved excellent grades.”

Surprise and praise for incredibility and applause.

It seems that it was only me who took the best, but from my side, Leonore, Cornelius brother, Haltomut, Villefried and three from his side, Charlotte and two from his side, The old Veronica group told Matias and another to go up to the stage as excellent.

“Well done, Rosemine. This is a souvenir. I want it to be useful to the future.”

I received a souvenir from an adoptive father who laughed saying that. The souvenir magic stone is smaller than last year. The budget may have been insufficient. I smiled with a magic stone in my hand.

After the winners are announced, the results of the Ehrenfest will be announced at the Aristocracy. He said he was 10th in the territorial competition. If you think that you were 6th in the mock battle, it might seem like a battle. However, it was explained that he managed to get rid of Hunderthyllen, a very time-consuming minor monster, and it was praised that the cooperation has improved considerably.

“Bonifatius will continue to undertake knight apprenticeships and educate new knights because of the various things that happened at the Aristocratic House this year. Everyone encourages you.”

The achievements of apprentice apprentices and the growth of side serving apprentices are also mentioned. It was reported that the start of commercial exchanges with the center and Klassenburg has certainly increased the influence of Ehrenfest, and it has attracted a great deal of attention in territorial competition.

“Applications for marriages with other territories have increased this year. These should be carefully examined before making a conclusion.”

And this year’s Aristocratic House published an Ehrenfest book and felt the response, so be careful not to neglect to be ready to start selling books next year Flew.

It can be seen that the atmosphere of each Gibe and its nobles related to printing and papermaking has changed. The important thing is how much preparation you can make before the sale begins.

Finally, there will be a presentation of new adults who graduated from Aristocratic House and their assignments that will formally work rather than apprenticeship. Cornelius brother and Hartmut graduates went on stage. Brother Cornelius announced that my escort knight, Haltomuto, was my civilian.

“Now, I will baptize my child, Melchior. Here, the temple head,”

上 が る As if I replaced my adoptive father, I will be careful not to step on the hem on the platform prepared in the center of the stage. The priest stood next to me and opened his mouth.

“Give a new Ehrenfest child”

♪ The musicians start playing music all at once in the voice of the chief reverberating in the hall, and the door is slowly opened. Melchior was a green costume that was a little bluish so as not to quarrel with the color of the hair, smiling like a child and waiting for the door to open.

Although it doesn’t seem to be too tense, I walked straight in, looking at me with blue eyes, as I referred to Charlotte’s advice, “You should watch your sister.” Come on stage.


I call Melchior and present a magical tool for magical power inspection, wrapped in thin leather that does not allow magical power to pass through.

“It’s okay if you hold it”


Melchior picked up the magic tool stick and flashed it. The applause begins to boil, I take out the medal, push the magic tool like a seal, and register the magic power.

“Merchiol has the blessings of the five gods of darkness, water, fire, wind, and earth. You can receive more blessings by doing what is appropriate for the blessings of the gods.” [19459002 ]

When you finish registering the magical power on the medal, immediately put it into a box for the chief to manage.

At the same time, an adoptive father with a magic tool ring came to the center of the stage and presented a ring with a green magic stone to release magic power to Melchior’s hand.

“As my son, give a ring to Melchior recognized by God and everyone. Congratulations Melchior”

“Thank you, my father”

The adoptive father who was watching Melchior laughing happily raised his face and sent me a glance. I whisper lightly and put magic on my ring.

“Merchhire, the goddess of water, the blessing of Fruthrene”

…… Oh, was it a little too much?

Celebration for a cute little brother who loves books, a little more green light than planned. But if it is about this, it will be acceptable. When I asked the state of the priest, it was seen with a cold gaze, saying “This idiot.”

…… It seems that the tolerance has been exceeded for a while.

When I reopened that it was inevitable, the blessed Melchior put magic on his ring.

“I’m sorry”

Poor green light flew away and flew to me. With this blessing, applause from the nobility occurred, and Melchior’s baptismal ceremony ended.

Thus, the number of inhabitants in the north increased by one and life in my castle became even more lively and fun.

…… Let’s pray and thank God for celebrating the book-loving brother!