“Did it end without any problems …”

Bonifatius replied to the chief sighing at the dinner table, “Grüne is a monster that must be subverted anyway. At the same time, he asks that the lack of cooperation between apprentices of knights is more of a problem than that of Grun. Villefried whispered to the whispers and agreed.

“I didn’t know what the knight apprentices were wrong until I saw what happened today. As Rosemine said, knight apprenticeship is important. To protect someone Is it necessary to practice? “

“Why don’t you go to the gathering while protecting the apprenticeship of the civilian? You can practice the apprenticeship of the knight, you can also collect the apprenticeship of the civilian yourself. Rather, I want you to have the consciousness of the protected side. ”

“What do you mean, Rosemine?”

I saw me as the priest could not understand well. I will explain the actions of the civilians when Grun came out.

“A civilian who is not accustomed to attacking, in the event of an emergency, cannot prepare a beast to move immediately, set a stap, or at least follow the instructions of escort knights.” It will be abandoned by the escort knight who protects the lord clan …. I think that familiarity is important. “

“Fum … surely, Rosemine was able to act unexpectedly calmly when Grun came out”

I have been facing the beast many times in the collection of the material in Jureve. In addition, I’m not happy because I have been attacked several times, but I’m getting used to acting with an escort knight.

“In addition to knight apprenticeship, train apprentice apprentices to such a degree that they can’t be clenched with their limbs …? It would also be better to give priority to the lord family’s apprentices.”

“Bonifatius is willing to train a knight apprentice and a civilian apprentice, but it would be better for the Knights to explore the forest first to see if there are any other monsters to defeat. If you have enough feet and feet, you will be in trouble when a strong demon appears. “

In the words of the chief priest, the Knights searched the forest for several days, and apprenticeship training was closed for several days.

After the holidays, civilians also decided to join the training, and the filine who heard the story turned deep blue. Considering the rate of attack so far, my aides are very likely to get involved, so Philine should have a means of self-defense. If you aren’t conscious of running away, you can’t fall into the trap because you’ve been proven in the forest.

During the days when training was absent, I decided to make a recovery medicine in the castle workshop with my aides. The supervisor is the priesthood chief. In addition, show the simmered pot and teach the entourage the fourth stage of magic compression.

After all, it seems that the aristocratic lady and young lady have never cooked by themselves and seemed to see the work of boiling down with fire for the first time. Bulk ( Bulk ) looked intriguingly as the moisture decreased .

Mr. Ferdinand, in a lecture on magic compression, Mr. Hirschl told you to boil down your medicine, but why don’t you know that senior aristocratic and higher grade Hartmut will also boil down? 19459002]

“There are drugs that increase potency when boiled, but they are less common.”

Apparently, all the ingredients are put in a compounding pot and stirred with magical power. It seems that at least it is not in the range taught in the lecture.

…… Teaching first graders how to make a less common medicine as an image of magic compression. No, I’m sure it would be helpful to teach me how to do it.

Everyone was taught the fourth stage of magic compression, and at the same time I decided to teach Filine how to compress magic. This is because a low-ranking nobleman who has the lowest basic magical power among allies, requires a lot of effort.

お 金 There is no problem because the money was earned at the Aristocratic House, but I was a little worried about what to do with the contract magic. It is too expensive to use contract magic that covers the whole country for a single filine. So, as with Dermuel, I decided to sign a contract with other people next time, and for the time being, I decided to conclude only the contract magic that was effective in Ehrenfest. I don’t think Filine will be angry, but it’s important to show that you have used contract magic against others.

With such feelings, the aides went on to take over training, made recovery medicines including the part of civilians trained with the collected materials, practiced feshpeel, The symposium ended when the costumes were embroided with Reiserator and Brünnhilde, and Hartmut asked various questions about the blessings and rehabilitated.

“Please come home”

“You came to pick me up”

The foster mother laughs with a smile as he sees Villefried, Charlotte and me waiting in line in front of the room with the transfer team. The adoptive father laughed and said, “The detailed story is tomorrow’s report meeting.

The chief priest was called to the dormitory of the Aristocratic House several times, and Norbert, the key behind the scenes, was convinced. The lords and wife returned with a smiling smile.

“Come back, father!”

“Oh, I’m back now. Rosemine seems to be fine”

Talking to the father who accompanied him as the chief of the Knights, the father faintly smiled at his mouth. His face looks more tired than his adopted father. What there was wonder.

Worried and looking up, the father urged, “After this, the escort knights and side servants and civilians will return more and more, so leave the room.”

And the next day, I head to the conference room where the debriefing will be held with Villefleet and Charlotte. The lord family seems to have to attend a briefing session at the lord’s meeting from the age of heading to the aristocracy. This is because the results of the lord meeting are greatly related to their aristocracy life.

Because I was soaked in Jureve, Charlotte, who is not attending the previous debriefing session, and Charlotte, who is the first aristocratic house this winter, will be participating for the first time.

“Is this year’s ranking decided? I’m looking forward to it.”

Villefried walks laughing confidently, “It should have been higher than last year.” I replied, “Would you like to go up” while riding on the beast? Charlotte was tense at the first debriefing session, walked in a few words, and arrived at the conference room where the debriefing took place.

This is a meeting where the lords and their collaterals, knights, and senior officials gathered. In a meeting room where a large number of people gather, when you arrive at a designated seat, the clerk and side service begin to move. After everyone was ready, the lord and wife came in.

“I will report to the lord meeting. This year there was a big change, so there are more contacts than usual. Perhaps Ehrenfest will continue to increase its influence and change. I want to move up as much as possible without missing this machine.

At the debriefing session that started with the words of such an adopted father, the rankings of this year were first announced by the adopted father’s official. Ehrenfest is 10th. The next aristocratic house will use the door and room number 10. This seems to be the highest in terms of the Ehrenfest ranking so far.

“The results at the Aristocracy have improved considerably. To be honest, the results of the aristocracy were just a little higher”

However, compared to the results of the Aristocratic House, there are few human resources who went to the center, and the influence of Ehrenfest is still low when the epidemic began to be transmitted. Therefore, it seems that the rank of the territory has settled to 10th place.

“If this year’s successful exchanges with merchants from other territories, we will be able to improve our rankings next year. Instead of doing a smooth transaction and ending with a transient epidemic. It is important to establish a fashion and to send out a new fashion “

I think from my father’s enthusiasm, I think that some territory told me that it had an unpleasant taste, such as “temporary trend of Ehrenfest”. There has never been a buzz before, and there is no help for it. This is especially true for territories that are close in rank or that have been selected by Ehrenfest this year.

However, the words seem to stimulate the adoptive father, who has a dislike of the language. I looked around the conference room with a clean face, and my adoptive father grabbed his fist.

“New papers are being developed one after another at Ehrenfest and preparations for the printing industry are progressing. With this as a weapon, we aim for a higher rank!”

Applause from the surroundings came to the declaration of the father. Up until now, Ehrenfest, which has been called Kata country, has gradually raised its rankings over the years, and moved from 13th to 10th here. Elderly people who were familiar with Ehrenfest, who always wandered the bottom, happily broke their faces.

“To maintain this ranking, I would like the lord candidates who belong to the aristocracy to make efforts to maintain their grades in the future. At the same time, we need the cooperation of our adults. Please explain this in detail, Ferdinand “

The head of the priest who looked at his foster father once nodded and stood up. Then look to everyone in the meeting room.

“When I heard about the aristocracy from the lord candidates, it seems that after the political change, many teachers were replaced, and the course of the lecture had changed a lot. It seems to have been the biggest change to Ditter that competes for speed. “

部分 Taking the example of the part that everyone sees as a battle against the territory, how the priesthood changed the student’s learning due to the change in the course, and which knights who graduated from the Aristocratic House I will explain in detail whether this is the case.

“Tonight, the Knights are specially trained in newcomers and knight apprenticeships, so the distance between the civilian and the knight seems to be far away, regardless of the treasure thief.”

The priest tells that each department wants to train newcomers, keeping in mind that the territory has been totally different from the ones that have been working together to install magical tools and create recovery drugs. It was.

The civilians also seemed to have noticed the change of the newcomer, and said, “I see.” Apparently, the treasure thief, which was abolished due to the lack of small territories, was quite important in education.

“Let me report on the newly decided deal. We’ve decided on a new epidemic in Central and Klassenburg as we discussed earlier.”

The report by the civilian has begun.

Apparently, the appeal of the fashion at the lord meeting seemed to have been successful. It seems that he was pleased to sell hair ornaments, rinshan, plant paper, new recipes at the party, and Katrukaru recipes for territories that cannot be traded.

“Rosemine has handed the name paper to the two territories. The civilian handed over the other hand to the guild head of the commercial guild to deal with merchants in other territories. To make it work properly ”

…… Oh, I was saying that the Nansave paper was bad because the name of the material appeared on the front, but in the end it became a fitting paper.

“There were many territories that I wanted to trade next year, so I would like to increase the number of workshops and somehow increase the number of trading partners. I have to talk about the commercial guild head and the neighborhood.

While I was interested in other territories, I felt awkward to the downtown area as a civilian trying to increase the number of workshops.

“That’s because Linshan isn’t so difficult to make, so if you increase the number of workshops, when you can make them in other territories, you won’t need them, and you’re more likely to go to work. In addition to the items to be spread this time, there are things that will be popular from Ehrenfest, so there is no way to increase only the workshop of Linshan, and there is no way to increase only the workshop of hair ornaments. Please take care to increase the number of workshops so that there will be no large number of cases. “

The civilian had a mysterious face in my opinion.

“If there are other things to be popular, if the Linshan fashion is over, wouldn’t it be possible for the commoner to make the following?”

Certainly, if Linshan’s manufacturing method is known to other territories and cannot be sold, other things must be made. But you can’t change jobs so easily.

“Because this job is gone, it’s easy to say, do other jobs, but it’s not easy to do. You have no job as a civilian, so you will be working as a knight from tomorrow. If you are another job that the civilian is doing, you will not be able to work in different fields. Please increase the number. “

“… I’m smart”

As for the downtown area, the civilian spoke slowly, looking at me as determined to not be a breakwater as much as possible.

“Next, the most interesting application at Ehrenfest is about the engagement between Villefried and Rosemine …”

The atmosphere of the conference room was tightened in an instant in the words of adoptive father. It is a problem that is most related to their lives, such as increasing or decreasing influence between factions. Rather than talking about territory rankings, you can see that everyone is listening.

When the whole territory had to deal with various things, I sighed whether it was a factional dispute. I think this is even more true because the aristocracy was able to shift its eyes to competing with other territories rather than factional disputes.

…… Similar to the Aristocratic House, can you somehow turn your eyes to the outside and organize the Ehrenfest to some extent?

While more than half of the aristocrats who didn’t go to the lord meeting were grieving and watching, the adoptive father opened his mouth looking around the conference room with dark green eyes.

“Approval has been granted by the king. This is now officially engaged. Just as you would object to the decision of the king.”

Now, not only Reizegang but also part of the former Veronika group can stand out and complain. Once the engagement is finalized, it seems that they are starting to think about how to move next. I feel that the glare of my eyes has changed.

…… I don’t think there is room to fight in Ehrenfest.

“And there is one more report about the king’s approval, which is the engagement of Prince Anastazius and Mr. Egrantine, Krassenburg’s lord candidate. Prince Anastazius is now under the prince Sigiswald, who are committed to moving the royal witchcraft as the royal family and govern the expanded central territories.

Anastasia and Egrantine appear to have been successfully approved for engagement. It seems that due to the political change, the directly controlled area that was absorbed and expanded in the center will be governed. I understood that it would be treated like a central Gibe, leaving the royal family to handle magical tools.

For the time being, I knew that Anastazius had taken a step from the next throne, but what effect would it have?

I was pondering and noticed that I had an expression that no one was thinking about. Perhaps because the trend of the royal family has not been greatly involved in their lives so far, the surrounding interests seem to be less than our engagement.

“And this is also an engagement case. Marshall was decided by an offer from Ahrensbach. Lamplecht and Freuden will welcome the two brides into Ehrenfest.”

The meeting room was noisy. Arendsbach’s nobleman, Count Bindewald, entered the city of Ehrenfest without permission, and attacked me and the Priest, and private soldiers owned by Count Bindewald were rampant. I was thorough so as not to have any interaction.

And, because of the lack of magical power, Aub Ehrenfest, who had previously rejected marriage applications, said that he had married a nobleman of Ahrensbach.

“Since the date of the first application has passed, we will buy it as soon as possible, so two brides will come from Ahrensbach at the end of this summer”

養 The foster father’s eyes that looked like it seemed more and more busy. Perhaps it was because Arlensbach was overwhelmed that the congratulatory story did not sound very happy. If you tell the upper territory that you will have two brides, you will not say that you do not want to accept them.

…… Especially, this year we refused to do business.

It will be a foundation for next year’s transactions. And perhaps it must be an infiltrator to get to know the inside of Ehrenfest. The brother of Lamprecht’s bride is in a position to get a wealth of information about the Knights of the Knights, the mother of the printing industry, Villefried, and her sister.

…… The father who came back is quiet.

It seems to have become a very difficult situation. Even his brother Ramplecht has a face that he can’t be pleased with when he gets married.

According to the adoptive father, it was a marriage given by Aub Ahrensbach, the middle noble Freuden’s bride, a brother of Lamplecht, a bride of Aub Ahrensbach, As a result of considering the tension between the territories, the relatives of both territories and both lords came to the boundary of the territory, and a simple ceremony was held on the spot.

“Lamplecht and Freuden, the two brothers, and the temple head and the priest shall be prepared”

ラ ン プ Unlike Lamprecht’s older brother who clouded his face, he could see a brightly colored face around him. Those who wish to interact with Arensbach, the former Veronica group. In addition to the disappearance of the flag head, the influence of the old Veronica group was gradually being scrapped by the fashion and magical compression, but this marriage will also activate them. The factional struggle within Ehrenfest must reignite.

…… I want to improve the ranking of Ehrenfest soon. The pressure from above is cumbersome, honest.

When I was wondering if Ellenfest would be messed up again with the marriage of Mr. Lamprecht, only a sigh came out.

The report meeting is over, and the buzz comes back to the conference room. There were a lot of reports, and I knew that Ehrenfest was changing greatly.

Everyone leaves the room with a bright expression.

“Rosemine, Ferdinand, etc. have moved to my office. There is a story to the temple head and the priest.”

Me and the priest were called by the adoptive father and moved to the lord’s office. Entourage will follow with you.

The foster father’s office had a fine book and a letter on it. When I was deprived of the book, my adoptive father narrowed my eyes and looked at the book.

“This is a deposit from Dunkel Felger. Apprentices, treat them politely, take them home.”

… I love Hannelole!

While I was trembling with excitement, Hartmut and Filine wrapped the book carefully in the cloth prepared by the civilian.

“From now on, we will talk a little about the star-knot ritual. The ritual talk doesn’t need an entourage. Like it goes down a little.”

Employees are paid, and not only my side, but also the side of the adoptive father leave the office. Only four people left here were adopted father, father, priest and me.

The door suddenly closed, and the footsteps that moved all the way became far away. At the same time, the adopted father collapsed at the office desk.

“Your father?”

“I’m tired, Rosemine. It’s the first time I’m tired of a lord meeting. It was much harder than the first lord meeting.”

It seems that the territory is dignified and busy because the status of the territory is rising, it seems that it was trying to hide the tired expression and bitches before inspiring the civilians, but the aide is lost It seems that the switch has changed.

There was no lord-like attitude so far, and I started to lie down on my desk and said, “I don’t like it anymore”.

“I was really glad that Ferdinand had advised me to get engagement approval from the king before deciding on a trendy deal. So, why don’t you try Rosemein? Drevancher says that her daughters and sons are close friends, so she wants to deepen her relationship, and Frebert Turk says that Ludygar and Rosemine are good for the year. Ahrensbach seems to have been aiming for Villefried, and without the king’s approval, he couldn’t swing. “

It seems that it was in a very tight tightrope state.

Through Egrantine, Klassenburg, who knows that I’m in fashion and composing, seems to have asked me about the second wife of the next lord.

“I was forced to think that it was a large territory. Even though there was little interaction, I realized the uniqueness of Rosemine and wanted to capture it …”

The father shook his head, saying that he was tired just standing behind Jilvester. It seemed that he had thoughts that his stomach would hurt as he started to go round one after another.

“When and how did you get along with Drevancher? I think there was little going up in the report of Yustox …”

“Drevancher had almost no interaction. It was introduced to Egrantine at the tea party hosted by me, and I started to interact. Since Egrantine graduated, I started to exchange. I think it will increase. “

Certainly, it was an older sister called Adolfine. I think that the exchange will increase because I will become a patron who will change to Egrantine in the future aristocracy.

“Yes or not”

The adopted father dropped his shoulders and exhaled.

“Drevancher is a land with excellent civilization and a lot of unusual magical tools. Aub Drevanchel and his entourage were interested in fitting papers. But it seems easy to make and easy to use for ordinary people without problems. ”

It was interesting to see who made it and how it was made, and it was said that he wanted to give it away. The material is also revealed when the paper is examined, so he says he has avoided it by saying, “It is still rare in Ehrenfest, so this time we only bring it to the center and Krasenburg for trading”.

“I don’t get much information at the lord meeting, so I think there will be more contact with Drevanchel at the Aristocracy.”

“… Is it bad to get along?”

“No, it’s better to get along. Klassenburg, Dunkelferger, Drevancher, it’s important to get along with any territory. Is it possible?”

Can you do it? I was told that I was worried about socializing, and I couldn’t answer “I can” with myself. When he rubs his mouth without saying “I can’t do it,” the priest taps the temple with his fingertips.







