Book sales will be held this afternoon, two days after the star knot ceremony. It seems that it was introduced at the occasion of ceremonies, and there seem to be more aristocrats remaining in the noble town than usual.

Therefore, in these two days, Darmuel’s courtship became known throughout the castle and was teased by everyone.

Although it was relatively popular among women who saw a story-like courtship in front of their eyes, it would be impossible for a man to get the magical power of a lower-class aristocrat, Darmell, to balance the middle-class aristocrat Brigitte , And seemed to laugh at reckless courtship. Still, the honor of Brigitte’s honor from former fiancé is appreciated. “I’m looking forward to the next year,” and sometimes she was smashed with a smile.

And the courted Brigitte said, “I’m glad enough to keep my honor, no matter what the result in a year later.” It’s an expression that protects you on the spot, and you can see that it’s impossible to realize.

“One year later … Dermuel, do you make it in time?”

The speed at which magic power increases varies from person to person. I taught Dameel how to compress me, but I don’t know how useful it is, or how much magical difference between Darmell and Brigitte.

“… I don’t know, but I’m glad I just got a grace.”

Dermuel’s face, which was decided by his own deadline and prepared, looked dignified, unlike his usual slight expression.

Today, when there is a sales party, a meeting with Gibe Irkner is scheduled for lunch. When Brigitte decided to make a costume, he was told that he would like to take time to thank him.

A ship on the way. I wanted to talk about the Printemps Shokai and talk about going to Irkuna, so I set the meeting date to be the same as the sales date.

“Sorry, Ferdinand, Gibe Irkner”

When I headed for the dinner room, Gibe Irkner and the Priest were already waiting.

The Priesthood officially became my guardian this time, so I will be present in discussions about the printing industry so that I will not be beaten by the nobility or cause strange troubles. That’s it.

The foster father, who is the primary guardian, is a lord and cannot attend all meetings about me. My father is a knight leader and lord escort, so I can’t stay with me. For this reason, the head of the priest has a white arrow.

”The priest has already exhaled,“ I didn’t return. ” Congratulations.

After a long greeting between the nobility, lunch is carried. When I ate it, the priest and Gibe Irkner picked up the cutlery.

¡Eat a bite and Gibe Irkner happily raises the lips.

“I was really surprised by how delicious the meal was designed by Rosemine in the winter social world. Brigitte sometimes boasts of meals and I look forward to today’s dinner.

Brigitte seems to have boasted to his family that the rice at work is delicious, and rubs his brother lightly while dyeing his cheeks to the exposed embarrassment. Gibe Ilkuner, who received the line of sight, entered the main theme with his eyes relaxed.

“I can’t stand to thank my sister Brigitte for a new costume at the star-knot ceremony. Thanks to the kindness of Rosemine, my sister’s honor has been restored and a suitor has appeared.

Gibe Irkner glanced and said so, moving to Dermuel. An expression close to remembering and laughing appears slightly. Apparently, Gibe Irkner seemed to be watching the scene.

“I didn’t look at the site because I left the blessing soon after the blessing. What was the situation?”

Brigitte’s situation from his brother’s point of view sounded more like a story of encouragement punishment than a love story. It is different from the mother’s perspective and interesting.

ending lunch while listening to such a story.

“I don’t know if I would like to thank you, but please come to Irkner. I would like to prepare a wide variety of wood for Rosemine.”

While drinking tea after meals, Gibe Ilkuner suggested that as soon as he tried to jump, “please wait”, the priest head lightly stopped.

“As Rosemine, Gibe Irkner, I want to show my former fiancée that Brigitte is sponsored by the lord’s adoptive woman, so that no further trouble will occur. If you have something, you could get involved. ”

The Priest said quietly while looking at Gibe Irkner.

As I thought about costumes, I intend to back up Brigitte completely. There is no resistance to sponsoring Gibe Irkner through Brigitte.

“I don’t like to hurt Brigitte, and I don’t care if I do it for Irkner by doing plant paper research with Irkner.” [19459002 ]

Gibe Irkner wants my support. I want Irkner wood and research. Since there is something you can get from each other, you can dispatch Printemps Shokai without pain.

“Research on plant paper?”

“Well, you need paper to print. Before you can spread the printing industry to Ehrenfest, you have to make a plant paper workshop.”

“… Can I leave it to Irkner?”

Gibe Irkner was lightly eye-catching. From the beginning, you can join a new project led by the lord’s adoptive woman. I can clearly show my patronage to other nobles.

And I can study plant paper without hesitation.

“While studying new plant papers at Ilkner, it’s not easy to teach you how to make plant papers. Similarly, it’s possible to go one step further than the surrounding industry of forestry.” 19459002]

“I’m sorry”

Gibe Ilkuner relaxes his face, knowing that my sponsorship is certain. I also smiled.

“To that end, I will leave the man of Printemps Shokai, a merchant who deals with my workshop and plant paper, for a while. Is there a place where the priest stays at a harvest festival or a prayer ceremony? If you use it, I think you can start right away. ”

“… Is it right now?”

I greeted Gibe Ilkuner with a big smile and blinked with a big smile.

“I recently learned from a geography lesson, but Irkner is in the south, so unlike Ehrenfest, the river won’t freeze in the winter? It may be possible. “

“… That helps a lot”

“Let me explain to Plantan Shokai about the detailed profit distribution when making plant paper. Probably because it costs transportation, it will not be exactly the same profit as my workshop. The Printemps Shokai should have arrived in the room. Please call Benno. ”

When I asked him to call Benno from the Printemps Shokai, which was preparing for a sales event in a separate room, Benno and another young man came into the room together.

“God of fire, blessed with the glorious good day of Leidenshaft and the guidance of the gods … Gibe Irkner, I am Benno from the Printemps Chamber of Commerce. “Okiwo” “

“Blessing of Leidenshaft, the God of Fire for Printemps Shokai”

Gibe Ilkuner’s blessing arrived to them.

Since the greeting is over, I will explain why I called Benno. Benno’s face is not impatient because he has been informed in advance about the appointment schedule and the possibility of a call with Gibe Irkuner. I will grow a little too. Ufufun.

“Benno was talking with Gibe Irkner about research on a new paper. When can the Printemps firm go to Irkner?”

“Whenever there is a call from Rosemine, we have both the tools and personnel necessary to make paper.”

While giving up the Printemps firm that work was fast and excellent as usual, when I looked at Gibe Irkuner, Gibe Irkuner looked up and saw me.

“Lose Mine, you can accept it anytime if you just open it away, but how long will you stay there? A priest comes at the Harvest Festival, so you need to leave.”

“The period of stay is until Irkner’s Harvest Festival. At the Harvest Festival, I whisper and listen to the research results at the same time as the Harvest Festival, and take home the Plantin Shokai and the workshop.”

Then, there should be no problem. Basically, if I go to Irkuner as I go around my direct control, I know that I am looking at Irkuner.

“Sir Ferdinand, please take me to Irkner at the Harvest Festival”

“Let’s consider”

The priest spoke slowly without stopping my speech.

“Departure will be after my workshop is ready. Detailed schedule will be communicated via Ordnance through Brigitte.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll be waiting for you.”

After obtaining the approval of Gibe Irkner, Benno asked for remarks.

“Ferdinand, Rosemine, Gibe Irkner. May I introduce you to the merchants from the Plantin Chamber to Irkner?”


“He is Damien. He is the grandson of Gustav, the guild head of the commercial guild of Ehrenfest. I have heard that you have met Rosemary once a few years ago.”

Damien, standing behind Benno, crosses his hands and goes to the spot. Pale maroon hair and beard-like eyes. Height is about the same as Benno. Despite being a few years old as an adult, I felt that I was settled down here and was a merchant who was used to negotiating with aristocrats.

Because it is introduced in this way, it must be Frida’s brother, but in my memory, it has a boyish impression of the early teens. It wasn’t that big and I wasn’t an adult.

“I met Gustav and Frida once when I was taken care of, but the impression is quite different.”

“I suddenly grew up in a year, so if you didn’t meet a little, you look like another person”

When Damien’s introduction is over, I take out the letter board and convey my request for staying in Irkner.

“Instead of teaching you how to make plant paper, I’ll leave it to Irkner to prepare their meals. Let one of the gray priests help you every day. Selling plant paper made with Irkner Can you discuss Ben and Benn with Benno at Ilkner? “

After that, basically the story of Printemps Shokai and Irkner. I just make adjustments so that neither is penalized, or simply tell the merchant’s case.

“Rose Mine, a little later, the bell of 5 will ring. I should head to the sales party.”

«The chief priest came to pay attention to what he was looking at to judge the time.

Leave Benno and Damien and exchange greetings with Gibe Irkner. To sum up the long greeting, “Let me know my sister who has become the center of rumors”.

After finishing greetings with Gibe Irkner and heading to the room where the sales party was held, there were a number of merchants. There are only faces I don’t know except Benno and Marc who give directions. It might be Darua that was sent from another store. It seems to be well educated and the movements and humility are impeccable.

…… Lutz may need more education in this respect.

It seems that preparations for sale are almost over, and books are lined up on the table. In addition to the picture book of the Supreme God and the Great Pillar and the genus of each season, there are five short stories of the knight story. There are 6 music scores. This is the result of everyone working hard at the orphanage, including the Hasse workshop.

In addition, a lot of carta, playing cards and reversi made by winter handicrafts are also prepared.

“Rose Mine”

Benno, who noticed me, whispered and merchants crawled with it.

“I didn’t need a greeting because I received a greeting earlier. Is it better than that? Are you all ready?”

“I’m almost ready. Is Rosemine your chance to see it?”

Merchants who stood up with Benno’s words began to move in preparation for the rest. The movement is smooth and ready as you see.

“Benno, are you ready for the example?”

“Of course”

The sale was reported after the bell of 5 rings, but noblemen began to visit for greetings before that.

“Thank you, Rosemine, for listening to my request. I wanted a book for every season.”

In the children’s room of the winter social community, we announced in advance, so students and their parents who want to prepare for their classes come to buy a family picture book. I recommended a product while sitting in a chair and receiving a greeting.

“According to my escort knight, if you read and remember this picture book carefully, the third grader’s lecture will be very easy. Please study and do your best”

“What is this?”

A girl holding a picture book of a genus pointed to the cover on which the silhouette of a man playing a feshpeel was drawn.

“It’s a Fespil sheet music. The woman’s picture is on the cover, a practice song for kids arranged by my musician, and the man’s picture on the cover is Ferdinand. It was a song that was performed at the concert. ”

Rosina’s score was an arrangement of the school song I was playing and singing. The music was already printed when the lord meeting ended and returned to the temple.

“Nam, did Rosemine-sama compose?”

“I’m not composing so much. Somehow, the musician and Ferdinand have just heard the humorous song.”

The girl said, “Still, it ’s amazing,” but picked up and purchased the most difficult piece of practice for children.

“I was struck by the fact that I wanted a playing card. The tea party was so well-received that I would like to give one.”

The middle class or lower class noble wife came to be stuck with a boy. In winter, I bought a carta for studying characters, but it seems like I can’t help playing cards.

“It ’s also a practice of calculation, and it ’s ranked and rewarded, so everyone is desperate. Would this win the next winter?”

“Practicing hard and getting sweets”

Next to the boy who smiled happily holding a playing card, a relatively old nobleman came and looked into the cover of each.

“Hoho, is this a print?”

“This is a printed material that will be an important industry for Ehrenfest. Please take a look.”

Since children are not given priority this time, there are also aristocrats who are interested in the printing industry and who want to interact with me. He wants to know what printing is like.

A knight story filled with characters sold.

“Since Ferdinand-sama was played at the concert? Please let me buy it …. Rosemine, do you have any pictures sold at the concert?”

At the end, while answering “I don’t have” to the young lady who secretly asked me with a small voice, I instructed Benno to say “the example thing” and smiled.

“This knight story is a fictional fiction, and all the groups and characters that appear are fictitious. Even if they look similar, they are different people.”

Marc took a file made of a thin board and handed it to me. I gently opened the file in front of the daughter.

An illustration of a knight story is spelled between thin boards. Even if the books were arranged, the illustrations inside could not be seen on the cover alone, so we created a special illustration collection of knight stories. Since the title is written under the illustration, it is an excellent way to choose the book you want to buy from your favorite illustration.

I thought about overhanging like a signboard with a barn or putting each illustration in the back of a knight story, but there was a fear of being banned by the chief priest, so I could see it as secretly as possible saw.

“Rose Mine, would you like this book?”

“This is not for sale”

The young lady scrutinized her eyes while shining in the illustrations presented, and purchased a knight story. Immediately afterwards, the file is returned to Marc.

The young lady seemed to speak immediately, and the number of female customers who came to buy the knight story increased so much that everyone wanted to see the file.

Sold in large quantities.

The best-selling sheet was the Feshpeel sheet.

The songs performed at the Priest’s Feshpil Concert were only that performance, and the original songs were not known at all, so there were more ladies and young girls seeking music than expected. It was.

It is interesting that there were various audiences, from those who wanted to reflect on the performance while practicing and playing, those who wanted to listen to their musicians, and men who wanted to use it to persuade women.

And the knight story sold to women. The most popular is the story of a knight who defeats monsters and devours magic stones to the princess. It seems that the illustration of a knight who marries with a sweet smile grabbed the heart of a woman.

The priest may be a model, but if you pass the Wilma filter, you are completely different. The chief does not have such a sweet and gentle smile. It is a scary and beautiful smile with more poison.

“But it’s a shame that there are no pictures on sale.”

A mother who bought an adult knight story and music still unfortunately sighs.

“That’s right. It’s really disappointing because it sells the most, but it was banned by Ferdinand”

“I wonder if this is what I want, but can’t it be done?”

I look at me for a moment but I can’t do what I can’t do. I raised my face, swinging my head loosely.

“It’s absolutely impossible for me, mother … for me”

Emphasizing the last point, the mother shines her eyes as if she was relieved and places her hand on the cheek.

“Oh, yes. That’s right. Isn’t it impossible for Rosemine?”

“Yes. Unfortunately, I am forbidden.”

The intent seems to have been communicated. When I smile, my mother also smiles.

“Rose Mine, Aub Ehrenfest wants to expand the printing industry, right?”

“Yeah, mother. I’d like to expand the printing industry over the entire territory over the past 20 years to become the industry of Ehrenfest.”

“Let me ask my brother to help me with my cute daughter’s business. Will you get a consultation in winter?”

“Of course”

It is the intention of the lord to expand the printing industry within the territory. no problem.

So even if the illustration of the priest came to be printed, it doesn’t matter to me.

The mother began to make plans for the future with her eyes shining if she had to find and raise an artist immediately.