I also added a mirror letter in the text of the picture book to the woodblocks drawn by Vilma. I will bring the finished wood block back to Lutz and have it carved.

Although it was quite a fine picture, I was worried that it would be okay, but Rutz said, “If you give me money by ordering from Mine, Ralph or Sieg will take the lead” It was.

While Lutz and his brothers carved woodblocks, I asked the priest to make a request for a visit to make a picture book of the scriptures and to get permission from the children. did. Even though it would be easy for children, I thought that it would be better to get permission because it would make a picture book with a modified scripture.

When I was thinking of doing something new, I wanted to listen to it properly, was given a meeting date, and was again passed through a hidden room. I think it’s okay if there are only eavesdropping magic tools, but it seems that you can’t decide if you don’t listen to the story whether it’s good or bad for others to see what you bring.

“It’s a scripture for children … seems to be useful for memorizing letters and sentences”

“Yes, I’m going to make it with a picture book and I’m thinking that orphans will learn the letters with this”

“To orphans? What is it for?”

The priest squintly squints, but there is no good reason. I just wanted to raise the literacy rate from a familiar place.

“If you serve either side, you will learn, and it will be difficult for the craftsmen at Mine Kobo, who are planning to make a future copy, to be unable to read the product book.”

“… The idea as a merchant?”

“Yes, I want to add more customers …”

The priest who read the text corrected for children asked, “Well, that would be good.” And staring at me, I narrowed my golden eyes close to orange.

“Mine, where did you get your education?”


The priest’s words were abruptly overwhelmed, and the smiling face that had been stuck disappeared, and the face was strengthened. Bakubaku and the heart began to make disgusting sounds, and the blood that flowed quickly became faster.

“I don’t understand what you mean”

I don’t really understand. I don’t know where the question came from.

Without taking his gaze to explore my reaction, the chief bounced with paper and fingers on a paper spelled out for a child while holding it in his hand.

“… The text is too organized. Reading a scripture that is long and difficult to say, grabbing the main points, and turning it into simple words that even children can understand is not easy. I don’t think it’s possible for a person who didn’t even know the word when I read and read the scriptures for the first time at the baptism “

The chest and the back of the chest are thrilling. It seems that this was the first time I showed the chief priest a sentence I thought of myself.

The help of the paperwork was calculated exclusively because I was not yet familiar with the exchanges of the nobility, and all the paperwork and letters to be submitted were made under the guidance of Fran.

字 I was taught to become a merchant apprentice, but I don’t understand the words I use every day, so it is too unnatural as a sentence written by a commoner’s girl who needs to correct a franc to give a letter That would be true.

“… Do you mean you did well?”

“Oh, well done. It’s like being in another country who has been educated in another language but just didn’t know the letters to use here.”

I draw my lips in an eye that looks like a spy. Is the priest who led it so far in one sentence, or is it stupid that I never thought that my writing ability was abnormal?

… But both.

Slowly exhale, desperately thinking. Unlike Lutz, I don’t trust the priest to be able to speak everything.

The priest seems to be a little different from the blue priest here, because the priest is not acting as a priest, but acting as a nobility. I have no idea how a person with great power will deal with the foreign object of me.

“Principal, I was born and raised in this city. I have never been out of the gates except to go to the forest. I first discovered that there was another country.”

Mine has never really left this city. Even when I was young, it was rare to get out of the house. It is clear that there is no opportunity for education.

It seems that the suspicions could not be erased from the eyes of the chief priest, too.

“Oh, I know. The result of the survey I did was not suspicious … but I can’t understand”

In the relationship with the priest who had been kept good to some extent until now, if there is such a suspicion, there will be no blue priest who seems to be on my side in the temple. The reason that I can work without looking at other blue priests is because the chief priest intervenes.

Now, what is enshrined by the chief is that there is no safety net in the tightrope in a temple society where the right and left are still unknown.

…… That is a problem. I’m really in trouble.

¡The answer to the priest must be something, but lies are not meaningful to the priest. Unlike the priesthood’s good memory, I don’t have the head to remember the lies that I vomit, so I’m sure that somewhere will be out of place. Therefore, if there is more suspicion, there is no choice but to deceive as long as there is no lie.

“… I have been told the same thing about cooking recipes. I was asked why do you know such recipes? Where did you know?”

“What did you answer?”

Looking back at the head of the priest, I opened my mouth.

“I’m in a dream.” I answered. I knew that it wasn’t here, it was a dream where I could never go again …. If I say so, would you believe in the priest?

I don’t know what the priest will react, but I can’t answer any more. While looking back at the priest, I bite my back teeth and put my power into the fist.

…… I returned the answer and I didn’t lie.

Only time passes in a mixed state.

I don’t know how long it took. However, a sweaty sweat floated on his back, and while the body was hot, the surface remained cold and uncomfortable.

“… I can’t say anything”

After a while, the priest began to vomit with sigh. With the eyebrows engraved between the eyebrows, the sharpness of the line of sight was slightly relaxed.

I thought that my eyes would be sharper, and I would get angry with “Don’t play,” or “Respond seriously.” Then, I was going to open again saying, “I don’t vomit lies,” but I am more confused by the unexpected reaction.

“I think it’s an innocent story, but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t fit at all. At least my predictions that I’ve been educated elsewhere are not wrong. … and you have all the secrets and lies in your face, and there are no aristocrats who are deceived by you or cannot read your face. “

“Wow …”

¡When I pressed my cheek so that I could not read the complexion anymore, the chief tapped the temple with my fingertips.

“But that’s why I’m confused. I need time to think …. I’ll go there today.”


When I return the paper with the children’s scriptures, I leave the hidden room alone. I felt pain in my gaze on my back.

The next day, I was absent from going to the temple. In order to have the necessary tools for woodcuts, I decided to go shopping with Benno. It wasn’t just that I took a rest because it was difficult to meet the chief. It’s definitely different.

“What do you buy for shopping?”

“I want the ‘rollers’ and brushes needed to make prints.”

“Roller? What is it?”

Lutz and Benno tilted their heads. I try to explain the roller as easily as possible.

“Well, this cylindrical cylinder has a handle like this, so it’s a groovy guy.”

“… I don’t know at all”

It seems like I can’t understand at all when I worked hard with Benno and Lutz. They sighed deeply. Lutz should know any tools used in construction, so it may not be around here.

“Would you like to go to the store for the time being?”

Benno took me to a shop that handles painting tools that I taught when I went to the painting studio. It seems that they have prepared kneading boards and sticks here.

So I looked for a roller and a brush. The shopkeeper did the same thing with the roller, but he didn’t understand. There was a wide brush, but unfortunately the rollers are not selling.

“Hey, Mine. Roller, you don’t seem to find it, what are you going to do?”

“Well, I’ll try it once with a brush. If it doesn’t seem to be possible, I will order it at the blacksmith workshop.”

Even if you don’t understand it by explaining it in the mouth, if you draw a figure or specify the size in detail, Johan in the blacksmith workshop will surely know.

“I’d really like your explanation”

ending shopping with Benno laughing with nose, I go home with Lutz.

When two people walk together holding hands, the cool breeze that makes autumn feel blows through. While walking towards the house in a relaxed mood, Lutz said “I’m looking forward to tomorrow”.

“Why? Why?”

“The board I asked my elder brothers was carved out … Didn’t you say?”

“You haven’t heard!”

Lutz struck a hand when I cried out unintentionally.

“Oh, if I was excited before shopping, I thought it would be awkward. I’ll take it home when I get home.”


Lutz came to our house with a woodblock carved by his brothers.

When I look at the woodblocks that have been handed over, they are carved as specified, but there are places where I have failed.

“Mine, a message from his brothers. This job is too detailed and tight”

“… Yeah, if you look at the woodblock, you’ve found it somehow”

Lutz uttered a message that was difficult to say.

The line is sticking out, or it’s scooped up, because it was sharpened too much. Perhaps it may be because you are not used to the work of making prints, but the fineness of Vilma’s paintings may increase the difficulty.

“Our brothers worked hard, so I’d be more excited than I had decided.”

“Oh, I’m saved”

However, the dislike of Ralph and Sieg working in the woodworking workshop means that it is not easy to create the number of pages in a picture book.

“Well, if this woodblock looks nice, can I ask Ingo’s workshop to engrave?”

“… Yes, it’s better to work through the workshop. It seems that the work is too fine to think that you can make a little money.”

Talking to Lutz, I felt that the cost of the picture book would rise further, and I felt nervous.

“So how do you use a brush?”

Lutz is already thinking toward the direction of printing. I took out the brushes I bought from the bag and started to mess with the tips.

I bring my own self-made horse run and failed paper from my wooden box and explain how to print woodcuts.

“First of all, you’ll lay the failed paper underneath. Place the block on it. Next, moisten the paper with a damp brush and add water to the block. Then, apply peta and ink, and make sure that the ink is even, so that it is imprinted with the tip of the brush like this. ”

rub the brush with nothing on the board, and I show it to Lutz. Lutz is watching the way, taking notes on the writing board.

“At this time, I want a roller. I want to paint it evenly, but I don’t have it this time, so give up. So when the ink is applied, put the paper gently from above. , Apply paper, rub it around with this “maren”, and apply the ink firmly. Rub it evenly and evenly. ”

When I rubbed on a piece of paper with a self-made horse run, rutz said, “I thought I was making something strange again, but it was necessary.” I asked.

“Now it’s slowly peeled off and dried”

“… I know how to do it. I’ll do it tomorrow, right?”


The next day, I went to the Surprise Temple and met the priest, but the priest said nothing. He gives out instructions for his work with no expression as if nothing had happened.

I was able to finish my help without saying anything, and I exhaled.

…… Okay, the biggest challenge has been overcome. The rest is prints.

“Now I’m sorry for today.”

I leave my head with a woodcut that I’m going to make, and feel like I’m going to jump out of a nose song. I didn’t know that the whisper of “… I don’t think everything was over there” leaked behind the closed door.

“Mine-sama looks very happy”

“The priest ’s help has been successfully completed, and now we are making picture books in the workshop.”

When I answered Fran, I was lightly mixed with nose, and when I finished lunch and arrived at Mine Kobo, I was in good mood and a little excited.

“Thank you for waiting. Let’s start printing immediately. Well, Lutz. Please give it to me.”

When I went to the main workshop, Lutz had already made almost all preparations for woodcuts. You can see the failed piece of paper laid on the table and the woodblock placed on it. The children were surrounded by interesting faces around the table.

When I headed to the stand, there were a lot of special seats that were easy to see. He made room for me and watched Lutz’s work there.

“What happens to Mine, this?”

“Ufufu, please look forward to it.”

When Lutz puts ink on the brush and turns the board black, children get excited.

“Wow, black!”

“I can’t see anything!”

Lutz just raised his eyebrows in response to the cheers of the children and proceeded with the work. Gently place the fallin paper on the block with ink on it, apply the paper as explained yesterday, and rub it with the horses.

“Oh, it looks interesting. I want to try it.”

“I and I!”

Maren stopped, the paper was rejected, and Lutz’s finger hit the edge of the paper. While watching the excitement, gently peel it off. The paper that was flipped was inked as I had expected, and a woodcut that I knew was completed.

“Wow, it’s a picture!”

“It was black, but there is a white line!”

The children smiled from the black board and smiled as the pictures were coming out, and then they were happy.

When I instruct the children to return to the paper-making work and break them up, I stare at Lutz and the two of them.

“How is it, Mine?”

“… subtle”

My first impression of waiting for the paper to turn over was exciting.

Unlike what I made in elementary school drawing work during the Reno period, it is somewhat elaborate and artistic. Rather than me or Lutz carving, I asked my brothers to think it was the correct answer.

“If you look at it as a woodcut, I don’t think it’s a failure. But isn’t it suitable for a picture book?”

“That’s right. I can’t read the letters, but are white letters on black a bit hard to read?”

White characters on the black background were still difficult to see and some mirror characters failed. This is my failure, but I’ve done the paintings and letters on a single board, so if I want to fix it, I have to fix it.

And then, I’m scared of paintings that fail in some places. Some are not used to carving, and others are not good at making fine prints. Even if I make a picture book with this, I think that it is quite difficult to attach.

“Is it better to use a letter? Is it better to have the whole sentence engraved?”

“… Even though it is said that there are too many details and it is not worth it, isn’t it impossible to put the whole sentence into a state?”

“Don’t you …”

Engraving around the letters and engraving around the letters will make the effort and time completely different.

“It seems better to think a little more. Woodcuts seem to be at least unsuitable for picture books. The pictures have many black parts and are a bit scary.”

“… Dana”

Putting the printed paper on the shelf near the wall, Lutz begins to clean up the tools. It doesn’t make sense to print as many things as you think is subtle.

…… Well, if it was a Vilma picture, the copperplate print would look better …

When starting a copperplate engraving, I don’t know if a pandora or nitric acid can easily be obtained. It is also annoying to find a substitute for yourself. And in the workshop where young children come and go, I don’t want to use dangerous chemicals if possible.

…… What should I do?

Up until now, I haven’t been down to the point where I failed, but this time I had Virma draw a picture and the things that my brothers carved failed. It’s hard to report that it wasn’t good, and it’s hard to ask for help next time without the prospect of success.

“What are you thinking?”

Lutz returned after finishing the cleanup.

“Is it better to stop painting the children’s scriptures? Isn’t it enough for a book if there is no picture but it is written?”

“… I don’t have any thoughts on the book, but that’s okay”

Lutz stopped me and tilted my head and saw me.

“Do you say a book without a picture is a picture book?”

“I don’t say it, so I think it’s better to use an ordinary book than a picture book”

“… But did you say that the first picture book was the first gift for a cute brother and sister?”

“Huh! That’s right! Don’t compromise! You have to make a wonderful picture book!”

Do not sneak after one or two failures. I have to think about ways other than woodcuts.