Chapter 23

Name:Ar'Kendrithyst Author:
Chapter 23

After breakfast Erick wished Jane and Savral good luck out there in the Crystal Desert, then had a conversation with Al in Al’s living room.

“I need some advice on some math stuff.”

“Hit me.”

Erick smiled. “You know, if you said that to an orcol, they might actually punch you.”

Al smirked.

“So about these mana costs.” Erick said, “It’s going to be 250 mana per cast after I level Clarity to 10. How can I have [Call Lightning] up all the time? The goal is rain, and that only comes from chain-casting. I’m at 20 Focus, 20 Willpower, and I have 22 points to spend.”

“Do you have any Favored Spells left?”

“All of them.”

“Favored Spell is a good option. That would put [Call Lightning] at 125 mana per cast, which means 750 mana per hour, which means 25 Focus, which is a good idea anyway. If you find out you don’t like [Call Lightning] as a Favored Spell, then Irogh can undo that for a grand-Rad, which costs 1000G. It’s a large price, but you might be able to afford it with the reward from those shadowcats. You might even get a grand-Rad as part of your dispensation from the fight.”

Erick thought about all that.

Al frowned a bit, then reluctantly said, “You don’t have to go for Scion of Focus. It’s a great option, but with those sorts of mana costs and the pressure that’s going to be on you to perform this magic... Put another 5 points in Willpower.” Al struggled to say, “Maybe even 10.”

Erick smiled. He said, “I’m still going for Scion of Focus. Mana Exhaustion is horrible.”

Al chuckled. “Good to hear.”

“All of that was good to hear from you, too! I didn’t know I could reassign stuff by paying a registrar.”

“Bah! Don’t count on that. It’s damned expensive and only available once a year. Even small changes cost a grand-Rad. Most people can’t afford Rozeta’s fees or timetables, so they accept Registrar Quests for smaller, more exact changes. Reassigning a Favored Spell would fall under that category. But Registrar Quests are almost worse than the fees. I did one once. Had to go around the world and deal with a dragon.” He smiled. “Savral was an unintended side effect of that quest, though, so it wasn’t all bad.”

Erick wanted to ask how that worked, but it felt impolite to ask where dragonkin come from when one of the parents was a non-dragon. Just... Imagine what that would look like between Al and, like, Rozeta.

... Adoption is an option. Right. Adoption does exist.

Rather than ask about any of that, Erick just smiled. “Registrar Quests are a thing?” Erick said, “I mean... One of those led me to Spur. I shouldn’t be surprised that a registrar quest can do things besides nothing.”

“They can do a lot.” Al nodded. “So? What are you going to do with your points? Have you decided?”

“15 in Focus, 7 backup. Favored spell [Call Lightning]. 35 Focus will be 1050 regen per hour with [Meditation] active. I think it’s a good plan.”

Al smiled. “A good plan.”

Erick Flatt

Human, age 48

Level 19, Class: None

Exp: 273912/676500

Class: -/-

Points: 7



150 per day



1050 per day

















Favored Spell waiting!

Favored Spell waiting!

Call Lightning 6, 1 minute per level, super long range, 500 MP ~{Favored Spell!}~

Prepare the sky to strike an area or object of your choice for . If used in an active lightning storm, Call Lightning’s duration is as long as the natural storm. Every lighting bolt called reduces the duration of Call Lightning by 1 minute, or a natural storm by .

Exp: 1100/1300

“Looks like 150 mana right now. Clarity is only 9. Can I sustain... Ah. Nope. I can’t. Not yet. [Call Lightning] is only level 6. It only lasts 6 minutes aaand... that’s too much math for me.”

“You’re close.” Al said, “But before all of that, you need to talk to Silverite and get some clearances before you start raining rain across the city.”

“Right! Of course.”

“Chain-cast it with Aurify to level that as well. Once you get to Aurify 2, the range on [Call Lightning] will double, and that will be a sight to see. You won’t be able to make an actual [Call Lightning Aura] until you get [Call Lightning] to 10. But you’ll hit your daily mana exhaustion limit in a few hours, anyway. A good rule to gauge your limits is to take your daily regen and multiply it by 5, which gives a mage with 35 Focus a little over 5000 mana used before mana exhaustion really takes hold.”Witness the debut of this chapter, unveiled through Ñôv€l--B1n.

Erick blanked. More Focus meant a higher daily exhaustion cap? That was a thing?

Al must have noticed Erick’s reaction. He winced. “I am sure I told you this. Did I not tell you?”

“No you didn’t freaking tell me!”

“I don’t tell people to wipe their asses either, but I assume—”

“AL. I’m literally not from this planet.”

“Right. That slipped my mind. Honestly did not realize I needed to say something.”

Erick paused. He said, “Don’t worry about it.” He looked out the window. “What are you doing today?”

“Remaking the sewers and streets in the Human District.”

“If you see a mage tower near a farming area, I think I want it.”

Silverite sighed. “If Bulgan truly has become a Shade, or if he shows himself to you, you have my dispensation to fry that fucker. The damage he would cause outweighs possible repercussions from Ar’Kendrithyst, and based on your ability to fry two shadowcats, this [Call Lightning] might be exactly the ‘stick’ we need to never fear a Great Purge ever again.” She paused, staring off into space for half a moment. Her distraction did not last long. She leveled her glare at Erick. “Do not injure anyone else, or there will be repercussions. Besides the abysmally low possibility of Bulgan making a direct move again, the leaders of the Guard, the Army, and both Guilds, are all aware of the ongoing problem. There is nothing that you, or your daughter, need to either do, or worry about, with regard to Bulgan.”

Erick said, “Thank you.”

“It is the duty of a leader to keep their people safe, Mage Erick Flatt.” Silverite stood up straight. “It is my sincere hope that you continue to prove yourself as one of our people here in Spur. Actual citizenship requires a year of residency, though.”

With a smile this time, Erick repeated, “Thank you.”

He left Silverite’s office.

Hera followed him out of the room.

When he was far enough away from Silverite, he said to Hera, “I feel like I really fucked up somewhere along the line.”

Hera nodded, saying, “Yeah. I can point out several places where you could have done better, if you’d like.” She waved to Taro on the way out of the Courthouse. “Or, you could tell me what problems you think you have created, and I might be able to alleviate some of your concern.”

“That’s basically the same thing.”

“Yup!” She said, “What I did there, was offer you no way out that I didn’t already approve. What you did, was call me on my bullshit, instead of actually attempt to steer the possibilities into a direction you approved. Now, we are at an impasse and you have ceded me authority to dictate how the rest of this conversation is going to go, and this is how I have chosen to go.”

Erick stopped in the middle of the street. He looked at Hera, and said, “I’m not that bad off, am I?”

“Not if you stop teaching those classes this very day!" Hera said, "I used to be apprenticed to Zago. I know all of her tricks, and you skirted some of them, but you fell right into the rest. I still have trouble believing that you actually went and taught a concise, clear lesson. Not even the barest attempt at obfuscation! It’s like you’re begging to be the spark that ignites the Quiet War. Did you even see a single human in that class? I know I didn’t, but you were actually there.”

Erick felt his stomach drop.

Hera noticed. “Good. You are beginning to realize the depths of what you have done.” She sighed. She asked, “Where to? Farmer’s Market, and the Council? You’re going to love and hate Krakina, but I think she’ll be good for you.”

Erick felt heat rise on his face. He said, “Maybe if you assholes wouldn’t solve problems with firepower, then a bit of knowledge wouldn’t be a problem. It could lead to better lives.”

“Oh. Wow. You’re serious.” She said, “Maybe if you were talking about better ways to [Cleanse], you might have a claw to fight with, but you went and added a 500 mana tier 1 war spell to the Script. You fucked up. A lot. This is part of the outcome of your actions, and honestly? It’s going rather well for you, so far. Things could be far, far worse.”

Erick stomped off west, toward the farming district.

Hera followed.

- - - -

The Farmer’s Market was much the same as Erick remembered it the first time. Way too many people buying fresh vegetables and grains from cloth-tent stalls. A few people tried to greet him, to show him some wares, but all Erick could see were greedy eyes and yawning purses, waiting for him to fill them.

Shit. Why did Hera have to talk like that? He knew he was being played by Silverite, but was he being played by everyone? What’s wrong with helping people?

Hera smalltalked to passersby as they went through the market, toward the farms beyond. She seemed to know everyone, and that just pissed Erick off even more. Here she was, saying that he had fucked up by trying to be a part of a community, but she was also being a part of that community with every action she took.

Erick knew he was new to this town, to this world. But he had lived in places like this before; small friendly communities where everyone knew everyone else, but who were suddenly suspicious when you tried to actually move in. He wasn’t welcome, right now, but he had thought he was working toward that goal. Obviously, he was wrong. When the local leaders start talking about murdering you if—

Okay. So Silverite’s precautions were completely reasonable. If Erick murdered someone, even accidentally, he would expect to be murdered back by the locals, or someone else. But just because it was reasonable, didn’t mean that Erick didn’t have a primal, emotional reaction to having his life threatened.

Thinking back to the meeting with Silverite, she had said something he had forgotten.

‘Actual citizenship requires a year of residency’. She meant legally, of course, but in Erick’s experience, it took a year for anyone to socially integrate into a new town. That was not news. Erick already knew this. Silverite was a reasonable person, with reasonable worries, with reasonable threats.

But then Hera had to go and be all like that.

He glanced back at her. She was still talking to random people.

Erick was starting to feel bitter, wondering how much he had been used in the past few days. But, fuck, that was a tiring and alienating way to think about the world. Erick did not want to feel that Hera was using him. He didn’t want to feel used by anyone.

By Zago.

By Silverite.

He didn’t want to have these sorts of dark thoughts, either.

Erick did not want to be the kind of person who was so paranoid about their neighbors that they never left the house. He had helped several people like that in his life. Even if their sort of paranoia was true and helpful on Veird, he did not want to live that kind of life.

So Erick decided to view the past few days through a different lens.

Silverite had hit on Erick’s problem pretty hard. Many other people were capable of more destruction than Erick. Al, for instance, could literally remake the streets and sewers and buildings of an entire city, all by himself. But everyone trusted Al, because Al was a part of Spur. He had been here for a long time already.

Erick was an unknown.

Erick did not want to be an unknown. Part of this change would take time. The rest was up to him.

There would be a few changes going forward. Hera was right about a few things, and one of them was that there were no humans in the classes Zago organized. That was a problem Erick could solve. That was a problem Erick would solve.

Ah. And there’s Valok, father to that Pinkscale girl, member of the Farmer’s Council. He was talking to a rice seller about something. Erick put on a happier face, then walked up to the redscale dragonkin.

Valok noticed him. His demeanor turned icy, a far cry from the warmth he had talking to the rice seller. He said, “You.”

Erick paused. “Me?”

“Ready to work?”

Erick frowned. He felt his anger rise, and if he had not tempered himself against his anger moments ago, he might have said something disastrous. Instead, he said, “Nope. Let’s talk, first.”

Valok grunted, then nodded. “Questions?”

“A concern. I’d like to talk about what sort of plan you want from me. Also, I went to Silverite and she drew up a preliminary schedule. Nightly rains, every few days. That sort of thing.”

Two other people had come up to them while he was talking to Valok. One was the orcol farmer from last night, Apogough. He was also a member of the Farmer’s Council, and had roughly the same status as Valok. The other was a sand harpy. Erick did not know the harpy, but her feathers looked familiar. Erick wasn’t about to mention that, though, it might have been a grave insult for all he knew.

Valok turned to the orcol, smiling, “Apogough!” Then he noticed the sand harpy. His icy demeanor returned. “Krakina,” he said, with a light nod.

Apogough spoke to Valok, but Erick didn’t hear much of that conversation, because the sand-harpy was barreling right at him. Krakina got all up in his face.

Krakina started accusing, “You’re here to take my job, but you have another thing to learn, idiot guildmage! The skies belong to those of us with the skills to fly them, not some upstart hue-man with big ideas and bigger holes in his head!” She yelled, “I have been the WeatherWitch of Spur for the last 35 years, and when I am dead, the job will pass to my granddaughter, and then her granddaughter and more and more, just as it was passed to me from my grandmother!”

Erick stepped back, saying, “I’m not here to take your job.”

“Then leave! You are not wanted! You upset everything! You are a wizard!”

There was quiet enjoyment and some frowns among onlookers, until she called Erick a wizard. Quiet descended. There was a lot of that ‘quiet descended’, now that Erick thought about it. He had been in confrontations that got all quiet before today; he was usually able to defuse those. But it was hard to take the threat of being called a ‘wizard’ seriously. He did not laugh at her threat, here in the middle of Spur’s Market, but in another time and place he would have.

He said, “All I know are a few tricks and I already explained everything to Zago and a few other mages at the guild. Smarter people than I will decide if there’s more to what I said, or if I’m full of shit. But there’s no way to undo all of that. I acted before I thought. One of the consequences to that was explaining myself in the guild.”

Krakina almost had more to say, but she closed her mouth, scrunching her features in both disgust and probably pity, if Erick was reading that right. Krakina said, “You told them... everything? All of it? All the secrets of your weather magic?”

“There wasn’t much to tell! I didn’t think it important to hold back. The only reason I knew anything about this stuff at all was to help a kid with their homework, years ago.”

Krakina frowned deeper. “You are not a wizard. I am sorry for calling you that. But you are stupid! Telling secrets of the world to Zago. That sand-tick! I bet there weren’t any humans in her class, were there?”

“There were not.” Erick frowned. “I’m just now realizing how much damage I might have done.”

Krakina said, “That bloodsucking mage guild has their talons on all knowledge, so it is not surprising that you were sucked into that pit. But you are still not taking my job!”

Erick said, “I don’t want your job. What I want is a place for my daughter to be safe and a life for myself without too much hassle. If I can help other people, then that’s all the better. That’s all I was trying to do with explaining how [Call Lightning] works.”

Krakina narrowed her eyes at him. She said, “Erick Flatt. I will be the first in line to redo my entire build when your spell is added to the wider Script, but you will be long dead by then, killed by a human for failing to pledge your devotion to the angels, or by an incani from the depths of hell. Or a thousand other forces. You are naive! You are a blundering fool and it is painful to watch!”

“It’s been a wake up call for me, too.”

“... painful to watch.” She frowned. “But not unattractive.” She huffed, and left.

“Krakina is a storm all to herself.” Hera asked, “What will you do, when your magic causes a war? What will you do when they come for you?”

Erick said, “I’ll struggle to make sure my daughter survives and likely die to prevent the worst outcomes, like all good fathers. What will you do when war breaks out?”

“That plan has never changed.” Hera said, “I have a city that stands behind me.”

“Maybe I need to get me one of those, too. Does Spur have any vacancies for idiot human mages?”

Hera smirked. “Check back in a few months.”