Note: I put chapter 8 part 3 there so that I can put it on Novel Updates.

"Hey, let's go somewhere together."

Those words came out of my mouth naturally.

I grabbed the sleeve of Kato's uniform and I wouldn't let go.

No, I couldn't let go.

I wonder if what I'm doing annoys Kato?

"Where are we going?"

"Anywhere is fine."

"Is it no good?"

I'm having a mixed feelings to what I'm doing.

I feel that I was being a nuisance to Kato, but at the same time I wanted to be with him.

Kato accepted my request and we got off to the last station.

"Let's go shopping!"

I've been on an after-school outings with girls before, like with Rina and the others, but never with a boy.

This is my first time doing this with a boy.

The rain had stopped.

I took Kato's umbrella and hold it up as we skip along.

I can feel myself getting carried away because I don't usually do this kind of thing.

My heart is racing with excitement at this unusual event.