Under the three-dimensional attack, the town was quickly taken down. However, in the process of cleaning up the zombies, Li Yuanhong found that there were fewer zombies in this town. Li Yuanhong had estimated that such a tourist city had at least 100000 people. However, when Li Yuanhong counted the zombies, the whole number was less than 40000, that is, more than half of the zombies disappeared.

"You're careful, right? Can't the shell blow up the corpse, can't it be lighter? "

Li Yuanhong asked the logistics officer in charge of the inventory.

"Report to the commander-in-chief, we have included those possibilities, but even so, the total number of zombies still does not exceed 40000." Said the logistics officer.

Li Yuanhong frowned, then turned to Xu Ying and said, "commander Xu, immediately send UAVs to investigate the surrounding waters and villages to see what's abnormal."

"Yes Xu Ying also felt that the number of zombies was relatively small, so she began to go down to arrange.

After Xu Ying left, Li Yuanhong felt that he had neglected something. So he took a telescope and looked at the small town. At this time, there was no zombie or mutant animal in the quiet town. It was too quiet.

"Send some robot dogs to search the town door-to-door to see if there is anything unusual." Li Yuanhong's way to a scholar and official nearby.

"Yes The sergeant rushed down to give orders.

After everything was arranged properly, Li Yuanhong began to deliver materials to the shore. These materials were not weapons and ammunition, but bricks and timber, which confused the Italian officials on board. Was it that the commander of the Army wanted to build a wall around the town, but there were no construction workers in the fleet. Would these big soldiers themselves end up as construction workers?

When the diplomat was in doubt, Li Yuanhong returned to the command room and did not say hello to the diplomat at all.

The reason why Li Yuanhong did not deal with this diplomat was to avoid him.

Li Yuanhong comes to the command room. At this time, Lu Pang is in the command room. He is bored with negotiations with the Australian government. If it were not for the exploitation of the stone of time and space, Lu would have run away.

Finally, the negotiation was completed, and under the cover of abandoned mines, the stones of space and time were continuously opened out. Moreover, these ores did not have the color of iron ore. Australian officials thought they were waste ores, so they did not pay any attention to these ores. Therefore, these rare space-time stones and ores were mixed with cheap iron ores and transported out of Australia together.

For this reason, the Australian officials were also very happy, because the "flying ores" were sold to Huaxia at the price of iron ore, which made them think that they had taken a great advantage. However, fat man Lu turned his lips to these Australian officials secretly and said in his heart, "I have no vision. All the good things have been taken away, and I think I have taken advantage of them!"

With the Australian affairs on the right track, Lu Pang could no longer sit still. He drove his spaceship to Africa to meet Li Yuanhong. Finally, before landing in Italy, he arrived in Cairo, Africa, where he met Li Yuanhong.

Yesterday, when he heard that Li Yuanhong was going to attack Italy, Lu Pang was very excited. He thought that his chance to fight was coming. However, Li Yuanhong not only refused to let him go to the war, but also kept him low-key. Even the door of the war room was not allowed to go out. This made Lu fat man suffocated.

"Brother Li, you finally came here. It's ok if you don't let me participate in the war. You still hold me here. It's really hard for me to die!"

"Hiding you is for your own good. You've seen the people who can fight the most in TV dramas. Not all of them are the last ones. You are in charge of the spaceship. That's our most powerful weapon. It's impossible to deal with these ordinary zombies. Let's show you!"

"But It's suffocating for me not to go out here! "

"That's because there are important tasks for you. If you don't appear in front of that damned Italian envoy, your disappearance will not attract his attention."

"What task?" On hearing that there was a task, Lu Pang, who was just a constipation expression, immediately changed his appearance and asked.

Li Yuanhong unfolded the map of Italy, pointed to a place and said, "look here!"

Lu put his head to come over, a look, Li Yuanhong refers to Venice water city.

"Why, brother Li, do you want me to take Venice?"

"Yes, it is not." Li Yuanhong said.

"Well?" Lu Pang looks at Li Yuanhong suspiciously.

Li Yuanhong took out a pen and connected Venice, Verona, Milan and other cities.

"You see, these cities, located at the foot of the Alps, are the key points for getting in and out of Europe. Once these cities are occupied and stuck, it will be equivalent to separating Italy from Europe. At that time, it will be very difficult for Europe to support Italy, or for Italy's zombies and aliens to escape. So I give you this The task is to let you take these places as soon as possible with the ability of quick attack, and then hold them. " Li Yuanhong said.

"This..." Lu Pang was very surprised. He didn't expect that Li Yuanhong would give such a big task as soon as he gave it to him. Although the order is very simple, those cities are all famous big cities before the end of the world. Since they are big cities, it means that there are quite a lot of zombies."What? Is it difficult? "

"It's a little bit. You see, all of a sudden, there are so many cities. I only have one warship here. Even if I can install it again, there will be thousands of people. If we take down so many cities at once, I'm afraid we can't hold it!"

"Well, it's a problem, but it doesn't matter. I'll install a device on your ship at night so that you'll have a steady stream of soldiers." Li Yuanhong said with a smile.

"What device?" Lu asked expectantly.

"Keep it secret now! You'd better hurry up and have a rest. I'm afraid you won't have time to sleep at night! "

"Yes! Commander Li Lu fat man immediately became a very serious face, and then turned around and went back to bed.

On that night, on the coast, a castle shrouded in magic light suddenly appeared on the coast. Not only the city center, but also the supporting defense facilities and barracks were built. Li Yuanhong built the barracks here because he was about to face the last two portal gates, which were both densely populated Before the end of the world, both Eastern Europe and Asia had a large population. In this area, it was impossible to support multi line operations by relying on soldiers from home. Due to the tight time, Li Yuanhong was not allowed to advance a little bit. This is why Li Yuanhong sent Lu pang to fight alone.

At this time, Lu pangzi had quietly left the port and headed for Venice. As Venice was on the coast, Lu did not open the flight mode, so he sailed at full speed on the sea.

Moreover, Lu took some time to familiarize himself with the new device Li Yuanhong had installed for him, which was a portal fixed to the spaceship.

The difference between this portal and other portals is that this portal is not a positioning portal, but a mobile portal. This kind of teleportation is more advanced. If Li Yuanhong had not broken through level 35 recently, and the school of magic had been upgraded, it would have opened the magic Library of a higher level inside. There is a book about the construction of mobile portal This gave Li Yuanhong the idea of building a portal on a spaceship.

However, there must be a major drawback of the portal. Because the portal is not in a fixed coordinate, it needs to consume more energy. This means that it is impossible to transmit large-scale equipment, because the earth has not yet provided the energy crystal needed for large-scale transmission. However, for Li Yuanhong, as long as he can transfer the basic equipment of soldiers, to those large-scale equipment, it can be done by large transport aircraft.

With this mobile portal, Lu didn't have to worry about the lack of people. As long as the portal was opened, a steady stream of soldiers would come out of the portal and go straight to the battlefield.

What Lu Pang had to do was to command these soldiers and let them complete Li Yuanhong's tactical arrangements.

Just as Li Yuanhong was successfully building the stronghold, suddenly the town next to him roared with zombies. Then, groups of zombies suddenly came out and rushed to Li Yuanhong's unfinished town.

"Quick, fire to stop the zombie attack!" Li Yuanhong had long been on guard against zombie attacks, so although it was night, he still kept the soldiers on their posts and prepared to fight at any time. This kind of advance arrangement finally worked at a crucial moment.

As soon as the zombies rush out of the town, there will be a floating UAV in the sky. Turn on the searchlight and directly illuminate the swarming corpses below, exposing the zombies that had been moving quietly.

The group of corpses was also suddenly illuminated by the light column, which made them confused. Especially, the giant zombies, who commanded the zombies, quickly blocked the dazzling light with their arms, and roared angrily. The roar made the stagnant corpses accelerate to the city village which is covered by magic light and rush to the city.

At this time, the gunboats in the sea began to fire shells. The roar of guns awakened the whole world, including the Italian envoy who was with the ship.

In fact, it was only half a day to watch the battle during the day, but this half day's battle was really wonderful. Those brainless zombies were completely sent to Li Yuanhong's head. After several shelling, the zombies who could still stand on the shore disappeared, and the robot dogs that landed later were even more ferocious, biting and smashing the zombies that were not completely dead. These pictures, as well as the hot and dry sea breeze, make the diplomat who often talks feel tired both mentally and physically. As soon as supper is over, he leaves and goes back to the cabin and begins to sleep.

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