As soon as Li Yuanhong jumped down, he regretted that his body, wrapped in the violent wind, flew out at a high speed, but his body did not fall much. In less than two seconds, I was blown about 100 meters by the wind.

Li Yuanhong was so frightened that he almost cried out. If it hadn't been for the strong wind, he would have burst his throat and vent his terror.

Li Yuanhong knew that he could never sit still and wait for death. Otherwise, the wind would not necessarily blow him far away. Whether he lost his way or not, he would fly out of his way according to the speed of his horizontal flight. When he landed, he was blown out of the coordinates, not to mention whether there were crusu soldiers in his foothold. The time spent in finding him back was the time he spent in finding him back What Li Yuanhong couldn't bear.

Li Yuanhong quickly finds a flying claw from the space. It is specially made by Li Yuanhong and Master Yu. This flying claw can easily break the rock, and then firmly grasp the rock, so that it can be firmly fixed.

Li Yuanhong threw out the flying claw, and the flying claw caught the rock wall. But driven by the wind, the flying claw just grabbed a fist sized deep hole in the rock wall, and it was unhooked.

However, this also made Li Yuanhong's body pause for a few minutes, which gave Li Yuanhong a chance to use his magic. So Li Yuanhong took advantage of this short time to display the hourglass time. The whole world entered the slow lens, and even the wind speed became slow.

Li Yuanhong did not relax, and then there was another blink. He immediately moved down nearly 40 meters, and for two consecutive blinks, Li Yuan suddenly felt that the wind suddenly disappeared.

The wind disappeared, but the gravity seemed to increase suddenly, which accelerated Li Yuanhong's descent speed. At this time, Li Yuanhong was very close to the ground, and there was still a dark area below. He had no idea how far away he was from the ground.

"Eyes of truth!" Li Yuanhong thought silently and immediately opened his real eyes. The dark ground suddenly appeared in front of his eyes.

But this time Li Yuanhong was not frightened clearly. The ground was not gravel or sand, but full of spiked stone pillars. During the period, there were poisonous snakes swimming. To his surprise, the ground was covered with a thick fog, which was not a simple thing, because the fog was green. What Li Yuanhong thought of was that the fog was poisonous 。

Li Yuanhong immediately took out a gas mask from the space and put it on. However, when Li Yuanhong entered the fog, he immediately felt that his clothes were beginning to corrode, as if he had fallen into acid.

Li Yuanhong quickly opened his Sabre Qi and formed a layer around his body to isolate the fog. Li Yuanhong generally didn't like to use this method, because this kind of protective layer consumes too much energy. If the protective layer is opened continuously, it is estimated that it will take less than an hour for him to lose his strength due to the depletion of internal power.

Moreover, this kind of fog with corrosion will aggravate the consumption of internal force. It is expected that Li Yuanhong will not be able to withstand it in half an hour.

To make matters worse, Li Yuanhong immediately fell back to the ground, where it was a huge trap. Although he would not be killed by the stone pillars with sharp spines, even the poisonous snakes under the pillars would take Li Yuanhong as food and swallow it raw.

However, as a Chinese, especially the husband of Li San's descendants, how could he be baffled by such a small scene? When Li Yuanhong was close to the ground, he made a blink and stood on the top of a stone pillar in an instant. He stood on the stone pillar with Li San's flying skill of dragonfly skimming the water.

Li Yuanhong still learned this kind of Kung Fu from the guards, but Li Yuanhong didn't have as much Kung Fu as the guards, so he could only stand on the stone pillar for less than 30 seconds. Therefore, Li Yuanhong had to leave as soon as possible. What's worse, the poisonous snake below heard the movement on the stone pillar and began to climb up along the stone pillar.

Li Yuanhong quickly looked around. After all, the spider didn't send a signal to himself for no reason. Finally, on the stone wall, Li Yuanhong found a clue. There was a door, a hidden door. If it wasn't for a slight crack in the stone wall, Li Yuanhong would not have found the door. However, this is also the credit of the real eye. If it is an ordinary person, it is fundamental Can't get this door.

However, Li Yuanhong didn't know the way to open the door, but he had to go there first. Then Li Yuanhong began to jump on the stone pillar.

It was also Li Yuanhong's discovery that the gate was more timely. At the moment of Li Yuanhong's jumping open, a poisonous snake just came up from below. It was only a few millimeters away that it bit Li Yuanhong. The poisonous tooth rubbed the edge of Li Yuanhong's clothes.

Li Yuanhong jumps several times in succession, and finally jumps to the stone gate. In front of the stone gate, there is a platform. The platform is not very big, which is enough for several people to stand. If it is Crusoe, he can only stand one.

Li Yuanhong stood on the stone platform and began to look for the mechanism to open the door. Just as Li Yuanhong was looking for the mechanism, those poisonous snakes at the bottom of the valley began to surge again and crawled towards Li Yuanhong's stone platform. It was so dense that people felt numb.

Li Yuanhong can only seize the time to find the mechanism. He has no time to pay attention to these poisonous snakes. His attention is all on the stone gate.Thanks to Li Yuanhong's real eyes, he soon saw that there was a stone beside the stone gate which was slightly darker than other stones. It was just like the grease left by someone to cover the stone after being pressed, which made the stone covered with mortar over time.

Li Yuanhong immediately pressed the stone. As a result, the stone caved in. Then he heard the sound of "creaking" from the wall. Then the stone gate opened slowly, revealing a dark cave.

Li Yuanhong didn't care if there was any danger inside. When Li Yuanhong entered the cave, he listened to the "squeak" of the stone gate closing slowly. Obviously, the stone gate had a mechanism. After it was opened, it would be closed at a certain time. Just after the stone gate was closed, those huge poisonous snakes climbed onto the stone platform and kept hitting the stone gate with their bodies Ordinary rocks, it is estimated that these mutated poisonous snakes will soon be knocked open, but this stone gate is not only undamaged, but also has not dropped the stone debris.

Of course, Li Yuanhong didn't see them. If Li Yuanhong saw them, he would certainly be interested in the stone gate.

However, Li Yuanhong escaped from the snake Valley and did not dare to relax. He felt that he had entered Crusoe's experimental base. There must be tight defense here, so he must be careful.

Li Yuanhong stood in the same place, did not move, but looked up to see where it was.

I saw that this is a square stone chamber, empty inside, without any furniture, but on the top of the stone wall, there are actually several stone pillars, which are not standing, but lying on the stone wall, just like the heating pipes arranged by human beings.

Li Yuanhong began to recall the map of the underground laboratory that he had seen. Suddenly, Li Yuanhong thought of a place called exhaust emission room. There were several pipes leading to the outside to discharge the waste gas produced by underground magma. The exhaust gas was very corrosive. If it was not discharged, even Crusoe could not bear the corrosive gas of the magma.

"Is the stone pillar the conduit for the poisonous gas?" Li Yuanhong thought to himself.

Although not sure, Li Yuanhong still assumes that this is an exhaust emission chamber, and then he can act according to his memory map.

"Next to the discharge room is the material warehouse, and next to the warehouse is the archives room. I'm going to destroy those files." Li Yuanhong thought to himself.

Li Yuanhong gently opened the door of the discharge room. However, he knew that the door had been opened. Li Yuanhong was shocked by the lineup outside the laboratory.

I saw that the outside was brightly lit and heavily guarded, almost three steps a post, five steps a whistle. As long as you go out rashly, you will be found by those guards.

No way, Li Yuanhong had to gently close the stone gate again, and then began to draw circles in the stone chamber.

Li Yuanhong is trying to figure out a way to enter the treasure house, but he can't get in the passageway outside. This makes Li Yuanhong enter the treasure room and can't get it when he sees the treasure.

After several rounds, Li Yuanhong suddenly came up with a solution.

Li Yuanhong immediately took out his walkie talkie from the space and began to talk to Xu Ying. Soon Li Yuanhong communicated his ideas with Xu Ying. Xu Ying was very worried after listening to Li Yuanhong's introduction.

"Commander Li, it's too dangerous there. I think you'd better go back the same way." Xu Ying advised.

"I'd like to, but I'm trapped now. Do as I say. The more beautiful you do, the safer I'll be here."

In fact, Li Yuanhong didn't say anything wrong. He had no problem jumping down. But if he wanted to go back the same way, it would be impossible for him to climb the stone wall. If he went down, there would be a mutant snake. So if Li Yuanhong went out again, it would be a dead end.

When Xu Ying heard this, she was more anxious, so she said quickly, "OK, commander-in-chief, you can rest assured that I will complete the task."

Listening to Xu Ying's words, Li Yuanhong was relieved. As a soldier, especially a soldier in China, spitting was a nail. If Xu Ying promised so, he would try his best to do it. Therefore, Li Yuanhong can only wait for Xu Ying to get the result, and the situation will be broken here.

Just as Li Yuanhong was waiting for the result, Crusoe, who took the information from the office, was assigning tasks to several of his subordinates.

"You guys, check all the places quickly. In the morning, Milo Taurus is coming to visit. There must be no mistakes. Do you understand?"

"Yes! Understand? We promise not even a fly will escape our eyes. " Several soldiers, with their chests up, answered.

"All right, you go and do it." After that, Crusoe lowered his head again and began to study the real data. He was not willing to take a look at several soldiers. , the fastest update of the webnovel!