Li Yuanhong's eyes were fixed on the tree crown. The injured Python could not stand the pain and attacked Li Yuanhong again. Because he was facing Li Yuanhong's entity this time, he was confident that he would kill Li Yuanhong once again in order to avenge him with one stone.

Li Yuanhong stretched out the crown of the tree in the Python's head and rushed to himself. In an instant, he said to himself, "hourglass time!"

In an instant, everything around Li Yuanhong became very slow. The head of the giant snake bit Li Yuanhong like a normal snake bite.

Li Yuanhong stepped aside a little, let the snake's head, and the long knife in his hand suddenly chopped upward. With the long knife cut out, a knife's air met the snake's mouth and chopped straight up. The snake's big mouth was split in two by the knife's air, and the upper and lower jaws were completely separated. A cavity of snake's blood was ejected from the snake, which directly dyed Li Yuanhong into a bloody man.

When the snake died, his whole strength was lost. The snake body on the tree crown slowly fell off from the tree crown and fell to the ground.

As soon as Li Yuanhong killed the snake, the Amazon River, a kilometer away, began to roll. A giant snake, nearly 20 meters long, came out of the water. Its body was the size of a truck tire. As soon as the behemoth came to the surface of the water, he gave a roar in the direction of Li Yuanhong's killing of the python. The shaking River rolled with the waves, and the fish and shrimps in the river ran away.

Li Yuanhong was sitting on the ground, exhausted his energy in the first battle just now. Although Li Yuanhong only used two moves in that war, Li Yuanhong almost exhausted his magic value by maintaining virtual shadow and lurking.

At this time, Li Yuanhong was sitting on the ground, dizzy and distended. He really didn't want to get up again. He just wanted to lie on the ground and have a good sleep.

At this time, from the direction of the Amazon River, Li Yuanhong faintly felt the existence of Longwei.

"Is there any creature near here that is about to turn into a dragon?"

Since the last time he met crocodile dragons, Li Yuanhong knew that more and more mutated creatures would exist at the Dragon level. This Amazon jungle is a paradise for mutant creatures. It is normal that there are dragon level mutants. However, Li Yuanhong never wanted to encounter these creatures. He did not expect that he had just killed a giant snake, and the Dragon level creature came out on his own.

"Go, go, let's get out of here!" Li Yuanhong called to the soldiers in the tent in a weak voice.

Hearing Li Yuanhong's cry, several soldiers immediately ran to Li Yuanhong, stood him up and prepared to leave.

"Wait a minute!" Li Yuanhong asked the soldiers to stand beside the snake, but then he pressed his hand on the body of the snake and opened the space silently. The snake, which was more than ten meters long, disappeared in an instant, leaving only a pool of snake blood on the ground.

"Let's go!" After collecting the snake, Li Yuanhong immediately told the soldiers to leave.

Shortly after Li Yuanhong left the camp with the surviving soldiers, near the direction of the Amazon River, a huge riot broke out in the woods. Many animals fled in all directions. Some small animals and birds that were ready to go out of the cave for food all retracted into the cave, shivering and afraid to move.

For a while, in the woods, the morning, which should have been quiet, became noisy.

When the forest was turbulent, the boa constrictor who had rushed out of the Amazon River finally came to the place where Li Yuanhong had camped before. When he came here, the camp was empty. There were only empty tents and burnt out campfires.

The giant snake spits out the snake's letter and keeps searching in the air. Finally, the snake notices that there is a pool of blood on the open space of the camp, which was left by the snake killed by Li Yuanhong.

At the sight of the bloodstain, the giant snake made a long cry again. At that time, it fainted some small animals around.

If Li Yuanhong does this again, he will surely see that the giant snake has already turned into a dragon. Although the snake still crawls on its abdomen, its head actually has two small horns. The horns are just like that of a stag just growing antlers in spring, but only a little horn appears.

Although the giant python is not yet completely transformed into a dragon, Longwei has already existed. Li Yuanhong, who has walked several kilometers away, has heard the name.

"No, it seems that a giant beast is coming!" Li Yuanhong clearly sensed the sound of the roar, which was the place where he had camped before. It seems that the giant beast ran to his camp to practice his voice for roaring twice.

"Fatso, get the ship down for me Li Yuanhong knows that in the jungle, comparing with these mutant animals is to seek death, so Li Yuanhong asks Lu fat man to come down, and Li Yuanhong wants a ride.

"What's the matter, brother Li? What's the trouble? Do you want me to fire two shots to shake the ground for you Lu said slowly, as if eating something in his mouth.

"Don't talk nonsense, come down quickly!" Li Yuanhong doesn't want to talk to this fat man. Now there are unknown creatures chasing after him. Now he is racing against the clock.

Lu also recognized that Li Yuanhong's voice was urgent, and he was no longer garrulous. He quickly opened Li Yuanhong's locator scan, quickly located Li Yuanhong's position, and the spacecraft flew straight to Li Yuanhong.

The serpent's eyes turned red when he found the pool of blood, and then he became angry. The one who was killed by Li Yuanhong was the child who was about to turn into a giant python, and the only child with the potential to turn into a dragon. So this giant python attached great importance to this child, but he didn't expect to die here today.Although the python did not see the body of his child, but the pool of blood, enough to prove his child's tragic fate. The mang dragon searched around and quickly located where Li Yuanhong had left.

Because Li Yuanhong was soaked in his armor by the blood of the python before, he left in a hurry, and the blood on his body was not handled. Therefore, the smell of the blood was everywhere in the air, which undoubtedly pointed out the direction for the python. With hatred, the python chased Li Yuanhong in the direction of his departure.

Lu quickly found Li Yuanhong's position, lowered the airship, hovered over the tree canopy, and then lowered the hanging ladder. Li Yuanhong and several soldiers quickly boarded the spaceship.

Just as Li Yuanhong was about to board the spaceship, birds were suddenly startled from the depths of the forest, and it seemed that there was something huge in the forest that was going through at a high speed, causing the trees in the place where he passed by to shake constantly.

Seeing this, he knew that there was a mutant beast chasing after him in the woods, so he accelerated to climb to the spaceship. When Li Yuanhong boarded the spaceship, the chaos in the forest was less than 100 meters below the spaceship.

The spaceship above Li Yuanhong immediately said to Lu pangzi, who was guarding the gate of the spaceship: "quick, start the spaceship and leave here!"

Seeing Li Yuanhong's anxious look, the fat man called out to the intercom at the door: "close the cabin door and take off immediately."

Li Honghong's eyes slowly closed from the cabin door of the ship, and Li Honghong's eyes were full of hatred as she walked out of the cabin door of the dead tree.

What Li Yuanhong was more concerned about was that the head of the giant snake seemed to have horns. However, the hatch closed quickly, and Li Yuanhong was not sure if it was a horn.

The ship soon started and headed for the camp. The snake was more than ten meters away from the spaceship, but it was only a dozen meters away. The snake and Li Yuanhong missed it, and Li Yuanhong was able to escape.

The snake looked at the direction of Li Yuanhong's disappearance, and he remembered the last breath of Li Yuanhong.

When Li Yuanhong returned to the camp, he didn't pay attention to the snake that was chasing him. After all, although the snake was terrible, it was out of the forest. On the flat ground, Li Yuanhong was not afraid of it. After all, he lost the protection of the forest. No matter how powerful the snake was, it would not be as powerful as his own aircraft and artillery.

After Li Yuanhong came back, the first thing he did was to hold a grand funeral for more than a dozen dead soldiers. Then, the corpses of spiders and snakes were transported back to Kuye island. These two mutant beasts were covered with treasure. Li Yuanhong didn't want to waste materials. He gave the two mutant beasts to Dr. yuan and Dr. Han. They were the places where the greatest value of these mutant animal corpse teams could be exerted.

After all this, Li Yuanhong went back to his room to have a good bath and have a good rest. However, just as Li Yuanhong was about to have a rest, a bee flew into his room.

Li Yuanhong now let the killer bees out to gather flowers and make honey. The most important thing is to monitor the forest. After all, there are still a group of officials here. Li Yuanhong dare not take it lightly. So Li Yuanhong left a passage for bees in his room. Once something happened in the jungle, bees could enter Li Yuanhong's room to inform him.

When Li Yuanhong saw a bee flying into his room, he knew that something must have happened again.

The bee flew close to Li Yuanhong's head and began to stir up its wings and draw circles in the air. Li Yuanhong and the queen bee had studied bee language for two days, so they soon realized what the bee was trying to express, that is, swarms of mutant animals came to their fortress.

"What kind of mutant is it?" Li Yuanhong asked.

However, the bee still only drew the same circle. Obviously, this bee did not understand Li Yuanhong's question, but simply conveyed the order from the queen.

Li Yuanhong had no choice but to get up and go outside. If he wanted to find out the situation of the mutant beast, he could only go to the beehive and ask himself.

Li Yuanhong came to the beehive. At this time, the vicinity of the beehive had been designated as a restricted area. No one was allowed to enter without Li Yuanhong's permission. This is not that Li Yuanhong wants to keep the secret of the hive, but that he is afraid that some people will annoy these killer bees. When the time comes for the killing bees to rebel, his camp will be in great trouble.

Li Yuanhong came to the hive, gently outside the hive, beating his hands rhythmically, and soon out of the hive came a bee with a bloated belly, which was obviously the queen bee.

Now the queen bee's main job is to give birth. If he doesn't listen, he is full of eggs from the next generation. Hearing Li Yuanhong's signal, the queen bee climbed out of the hive.

Li Yuanhong was not polite, so he asked, "you have detected a mutant animal. What kind of mutant animal is it?"

Naturally, the queen bee understood Li Yuanhong's question, so he asked other bees to fly into the sky and draw different circles to answer Li Yuanhong's questions.

When Li Yuanhong saw the Queen's reply, his face changed dramatically.

Because the queen bee's answer is: "the mutant animals that attack are snakes. The number of them is unknown, and they can only be described as overwhelming." , the fastest update of the webnovel!