With the addition of Zerg, human casualties began to rise gradually, and those vultures, they attacked the city, so that the city is transporting ammunition transport team, was hindered, although the city also has air defense weapons, but the city needs to deploy the right place, so the firepower density is not enough, which allows these vultures to find space.

As the transport team was blocked, the ammunition in front of them began to be tight, especially the shells. Although the guards ordered the city to step up the fight against vultures in the air, the effect was not significant. On the contrary, more and more transport teams were attacked.

"No, it won't work. If we don't solve these vultures, we will probably not be able to hold on until dawn." The guard looked at his watch. It was less than two hours before dawn.

"Captain, we have thought of many ways. Those vultures are too cunning. They always attack secretly. We can't pull anti-aircraft guns with the car. We can't shoot them at all. These vultures are so fast that we can't aim at them!" In charge of the transport team leader a face aggrieved report to the guard.

"Can they fly? How do they attack you Asked the guard.

"They mainly rely on sharp claws and wind blade magic, but our transport vehicles have been reinforced, wind blade magic does little damage to vehicles, but their sharp claws are too strong, one claw down, they can grab a hole in the armor."

"That is to say, they have to fly down to attack, right?" Asked the guard.


"Then there is a way. You can subdue these vultures in this way!" The guard whispered in the captain's ear.

"All right?" The captain looked at the guard with questioning eyes.

"Go, no, come back to me! But you have to be quick, or there will be no ammunition to fight here! " The guard urged.

"Well, I'll try it!" The captain went outside with doubts.

Not long after, several transport vehicles after transformation, from the warehouse opened, all the way to the direction of the city wall.

At this time, several vultures circling in the air immediately focused on the motorcade, so several vultures immediately attacked the motorcade. Although there were guns on the motorcade, these bullets were easily evaded by these vultures.

Soon, vultures flew over the top of the motorcade, but at this time these vultures found that the motorcade was somewhat different from other motorcycles. These cars were covered with a camouflage net. But how could these camouflage hide the vultures' eyes? These vultures opened their claws and clawed hard at the top of the car. In the eyes of these vultures, these cars were coming to die As long as the outer shell of these cars is broken, the soldiers inside will be allowed to knead by themselves.

However, after the vulture's double claw net was caught, it didn't happen.

Vultures know that they can't catch the soldiers inside, so they stir up their wings and prepare to fly away, and then attack again. At this time, however, the vulture found that its claws were trapped in the protective net and could not be pulled out.

The vulture quickly lowered its head, and with its iron beak, pecked at the camouflage net vigorously, ready to peck off the camouflage net. But I don't know what kind of material the camouflage net is made of. The huge beak that can even peck the bone of a mutant animal can break, but he is still stunned to break the insignificant rope.

Just when a few vultures were fighting with the rope, the soldiers in the car could not look at them, so several rifles opened fire on these vultures at the same time, and the vultures that could not fly away were shot into a sieve.

The vultures in the sky, however, saw this scene. Several of their companions flew down to attack the motorcade. However, when they met the strange camouflage nets of the motorcade, they seemed to be enchanted. They just flapped their wings empty and did not know how to escape until they were shot dead.

Then a few vultures, not believing in evil, attacked the convoy, and the results were the same. They were killed by the soldiers. It is estimated that the night has become an extra meal for the soldiers.

Now those vultures circling in the sky did not dare to fly down to attack the convoy any more. The motorcade smoothly transported the ammunition to the city wall. Under this circumstance, the fire which weakened the firepower restored its vitality again. The corpse group just rushed up was suppressed again by the artillery fire.

The battle continued until dawn. The corpses of the zombies almost blocked the gate of the city. Weng city became a blood river of corpses, and the moat was also blocked by the corpses. Nearly a hundred soldiers guarding the city were injured by poisonous insects. Moreover, abinus became cruel and began to attack the city wall. In some places, the bricks have been smashed and cracked. As long as you give some time, the city will be destroyed It is not impossible for the wall to collapse.

However, at this time, behind the Pharaonic camp, the desert was covered with smoke and dust, and there were rumbling motors in the smoke. However, these did not attract the attention of the soldiers in the city stronghold, because the battlefield conditions completely attracted the attention of those patrolling soldiers.

Only when the smoke and dust were less than 500 meters away from the city village did the patrolling soldiers notice.

"I said," Captain, is there an earthquake? How do I feel the sand beating? " A soldier asked their captain.

"What's strange about this? Now that there's a battle ahead, the gun will shake the ground every time. What's strange about that?" The captain didn't care."Yes, the captain was right. However, it seems that the vibration is strange. The vibration of the gun is one after another. Now the vibration is like tens of thousands of bison running Said the soldier.

"Yes, I also feel the vibration is different." Another soldier nearby said.

At this time, the captain also felt that something was wrong, so he looked up at the source of the sound outside the camp. Although the sky has begun to shine, but the night has not completely faded, the east only the horizon of the sun, the rest of the place is still covered by darkness.

It's just like the wind blowing in the East, blowing up the dust in the desert, making the rising sun dim.

"No, it's attacked by the enemy!" At this time, the captain felt that there was something wrong with the smoke and dust, which was blown by the wind. It was clear that there was smoke and dust when the motorcade came to the camp.

Unfortunately, the captain noticed that it was too late. As soon as the captain called out, a shell shot out of the smoke and dust, and directly lifted a tent in the camp to the sky. Then more shells flew out of the smoke, more explosions came from the camp, and the whole camp turned into a sea of fire.

"What happened?" At this time, the Pharaon came out of his tent in disheveled clothes. Last night, he was excited to hear that the army had invaded the king's city. He fought three lilies with the two maids. He had just slept for a short time, and the dark circles in his eyes had not faded away.

However, as soon as he lay down, the whole camp was bombed. Even if the Pharaon was in a coma and the camp was bombed, he knew that it was the enemy who attacked him. However, the enemy in the king's city was not about to be wiped out. Where else would the enemy come from?

In the chaos, the Pharaon wanted to catch a soldier and ask clearly. However, at this moment, a shell landed near his tent. The huge explosion wave directly lifted his tent, and the maid inside yelled in horror. At this time, the two maidens, who were only concerned about venting their fears, had forgotten that they were still in the state of red fruits.

At this time, the Pharaon did not care about other things, and called out: "come, escort!"

However, the camp was in chaos, and no one paid attention to his shouts.

"Sire, let's run and find general abinus, and let him protect you."

Just when Pharaoh did not know what to do, his loyal chief of the interior ran over and called out to him in a loud voice.

"Yes, I have general abinus here!" At this time, the Pharaon thought of abinus who was fighting at the front line, so he took the chief internal officer and ran to the command post of abinus.

At this time, abinus was also very depressed. Since the whole army charged, the battle situation had been inclined to his own advantage for some time, and even the human artillery had been weakened a lot, so that his zombie army could rush to the city and successfully set up the ladder. Many zombies climbed up the ladder to the top of the city and began to engage in close combat with human soldiers.

Abinus was very clear that as long as a large number of zombies boarded the city, then human beings would no longer be able to defend the king's city. At that time, as long as he crushed and killed all the way, he could recover the royal city successfully.

However, soon the human artillery fire recovered. The dense artillery fire, as well as the burning grenades, would gather under the city's zombies, causing heavy casualties, and the just completed offensive was beaten down again. The zombies who boarded the city wall could hear their roar at first, but soon the sound of these zombies disappeared, and they did not know whether they were dead or alive.

What makes abinus even more worried is that the Zombie's advantage will soon be lost when it is about to dawn, and even the combat effectiveness of zombies will be greatly reduced in the daytime.

But when abinus was worried, suddenly, not far from the camp behind him, there was a violent explosion and a faint light of fire.

For the first time, abinus felt that someone had sneaked into the camp. He didn't expect that someone would encircle him from behind. However, when he saw the ragged Pharaon, abinus realized that there was a big problem.

"What is the matter with you, your majesty?" Abinus asked the Pharaoh.

"General abinus, our camp has been shelled. Come on, take your troops and horses and kill those damned human beings for me!" The Pharaoh gnashed his teeth.

"Sire, from which direction did the enemy bombard the camp attack? How many of them are there? " Abinus then asked.

"I don't know. You'd better lead the troops to destroy them. What do you do with all that?" Said the Pharaoh.

"This Your majesty, I don't know where the enemy is or where I am going to attack? " Abinus is also helpless, now the Pharaoh asked three do not know, simply can not provide valuable information.

"General abinus, the enemy's attack is likely to come from the east of the camp. I heard that the source of the first explosion was in the east of the camp." At this time, the chief executive came to abinus and said softly.

"To the East, is it the reinforcements in the city?"

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