When Li Yuanhong came to a platform again, he was shocked by the scene. He saw a lot of corpses, both human and animal.

Without exception, these bodies were injected with eggs by sticky insects. Some of the eggs had already hatched, and the worms that had not yet broken the corpse were wriggling and eating the corpse. Some bodies were full of eggs, and their stomachs were round, as if pregnant women were pregnant. But Li Yuanhong could clearly see the eggs inside from those swollen bellies.

At this time, Li Yuanhong knew where the sticky insects came from. This is the breeding ground of glutinous insects. The number of dead bodies here is no less than 1000, and there are many skeletons scattered on the ground. It is obvious that these bones are the remains of bodies eaten by the insects. There's not a lot of vermin around here.

"Let's do it now. Let's spill the gasoline on the body!" Li Yuanhong took out a lot of barrels of gasoline from the space and ordered the soldiers to sprinkle the gasoline on the corpses. In fact, a lot of creatures here are still alive. As long as the eggs don't break out of their shells, the parasitic creatures will be in a deep sleep. Until the eggs hatch, they will be gnawed to death by the eggs.

Li Yuanhong was unable to save the living creatures, so in order to completely eliminate these mutant waxy insects, he had to burn the bodies and eggs together to avoid future trouble.

With the end of the oil spilling, Li Yuanhong struck a match and threw it into the corpse heap. The flames immediately came out and quickly wrapped up the whole corpse pile. The sticky insects that had not yet broken the corpse felt the threat of the fire, so they tried their best to wriggle out of the body, but because of their lack of strength, they gradually stopped wriggling.

The fire was burning more and more vigorously. The high temperature had made the cave unable to treat people. Li Yuanhong had to continue to lead the team forward. This time was very smooth, and there was no more trouble.

With the continuous deepening, Li Yuanhong felt more and more hot. He even heard the sound of "Gudong Gudong" when he was cooking. Finally, Li Yuanhong saw a river, a river composed of magma. The meandering magma roasted everything around, and the faint red light lit up the darkness. He thought that this place should be a wilderness, but Li Yuanhong was here, There are many creatures, not only plants, but also insects that can't be named.

Li Yuanhong glanced at these insects and plants, and found that they were harmless creatures, so he ignored them. He went on and heard the sound of water. This is a wonderful place. There is fire on one side and water on the other. The compatibility of water and fire has created this strange underground world.

Looking for the sound of the water, Li Yuanhong found a big river. The river was nearly 40 meters wide. The river was very fast. If a stone was thrown down, it would be washed away by the rushing river. Li Yuanhong tried the river a little and found that the river water was cold and refreshing, which was contrary to the hot environment on the other side.

Li Yuanhong continued to move on, and the whole underground space suddenly became bright. It seemed that it was back to the ground again. If it was not for the stars in the sky, Li Yuanhong would have forgotten that this was a dark underground world.

In front of him, there were not only grassland, but also trees in the distance. Li Yuanhong even saw the cultivated farmland. However, what he planted in the farmland was not rice and wheat he knew well, but an unknown crop, which was very similar to a mushroom, except that the mushroom was thin and high, a little like a sapling. In the top of these small saplings, covered with green and gray fruits, faintly emitting an attractive fragrance.

At the end of the farmland, Li Yuanhong faintly saw a tall city wall. The wall was fourteen or five meters high. On the wall, there were soldiers on patrol. Under the wall, there was a moat around it, and the flowing water was from the cold river.

Fortunately, Li Yuanhong has a real eye. Otherwise, it is not easy to find the castle in this place where only the lava river is used for lighting. Because the bricks are made of black rock, they are swarthy and have no light at all. If you don't pay attention, you will think it is a shadow.

Seeing the castle, Li Yuanhong knew that the target he was looking for had arrived. However, the castle was heavily fortified at this time. If he attacked rashly, he would surely cause heavy losses on his side. Li Yuanhong did not bring many people here. Together, there were about 500 people.

"Watch out. I'll go ahead and look for it." Li Yuanhong let the team hide and went to the black castle himself.

The underground world is completely different from the ground. The plants are not the green of the ground, but approximate red. The creatures here are also more aggressive. Although there are no large predators on the ground, even a small reptile has the tendency to attack actively.

So Li Yuanhong had to be very careful. If he didn't pay attention, he would be bitten by a poisonous reptile, which would be fun from time to time.

As he approached the city wall, Li Yuanhong finally saw the guards on the wall of Chu city. This was the cave man who had been pit many times.

These cave people patrol the city wall with spears. In fact, they are blind at all and rely on the heat to inspect the enemy. The whole body armor Li Yuanhong wears at this time has heat insulation effect, which is invisible to these cave people.

In fact, these cave people are not worried that someone will come to attack them. Let alone whether the enemy can find the 10000 meter deep underground, even if they come, many people will be lost in the complex underground network. But these cave people did not expect that Li Yuanhong would come in from a road left by human beings.In fact, cave people know about this passage, but they set it as a forbidden area in the face of waxy insects and carnivorous bats, so they didn't expect that human beings would emerge from here.

After walking around the city wall, Li Yuanhong finally found that the underground space and other passageways were all from other directions. However, the strength of cave people was seriously damaged. Before the portal was opened again, they hardly went out. They also collected some resources. The surrounding farmland was planted by these cave people.

Li Yuanhong turns around and finds that the defense on the city wall seems to be tight, but there are many loopholes. It seems that there are a lot of patrolling soldiers, but this mainly focuses on the direction of their passage. When Li Yuanhong comes in, the guards are much looser. This is mainly in the concept of caveman, where they can't walk and others can't go, so the defense force is much weaker 。

After a round of investigation, Li Yuanhong has an idea. It is not the first time for Li Yuanhong to treat these cave people. The next step is to take advantage of the rest of these guys and launch a surprise attack.

Li Yuanhong rushed back to the front of his troops, and then selected 20 commandos to take the vanguard with him. This is mainly because the armor of ordinary soldiers has no heat insulation effect, so it is easy to expose them to the cave people. In his own space, there are only 20 pieces of heat insulation equipment, so Li Yuanhong can only take 20 people to attack.

Li Yuanhong took 20 people to the city wall. Now those cave people have just changed their posts. There is no distinction between the dark sky and the daytime. However, the cave people still work and rest according to certain rules.

Li Yuanhong looked at his watch and knew that it was ten minutes after midnight on the ground. It was the most sleepy time of the human day, so Li Yuanhong chose this time to attack.

The cavemen above are still patrolling as before, but the number is much less than before, almost half less than during the day. More importantly, in the past, the sky still occasionally had a harpoon flying by, but now, almost no Eagle body Banshee figure.

Li Yuanhong chooses a patrol dead corner, takes out the flying claw from the space, quickly throws it to the wall, and smoothly grasps the cutting mouth on the wall.

When Li Yuanhong grasped the rope and climbed up, he knew why the cave people were so careless. It turned out that the stone of the city wall was not only easy to hide, but also very smooth, as if polished. However, Li Yuanhong knew that these stones were formed naturally without any polishing.

In the past, Li Yuanhong used to climb the city wall smoothly, but today, these stones can hardly use force. Li Yuanhong almost climbs the rope with the strength of his arms.

Finally, five minutes later, Li Yuanhong climbed up the wall. He put down a few ropes and pulled the soldiers up one by one. At this time, the team of twenty finally completed the first step of the attack.

In Li Yuanhong's plan, the later he fought with the cavemen, the more favorable he was. Therefore, Li Yuanhong did not rush to fight with the cave men on the wall of the city, but secretly led 20 people into the city.

This is a typical military fortress style. There are no civilian houses and hotels in the wall. There are only barracks, training grounds and dining halls. Of course, there is a bigger castle within the wall. This castle is a typical war castle.

The whole castle is a solid fortification. There are no other entrances and exits outside the gate. Even if it is used as a ventilation window, it is not much larger than the blockhouse shooting port in World War II. Let alone climb inside, even the bigger gecko can't climb in. The whole castle is nearly 30 meters long. It is a five story building. On the top of the building, there are cave men on duty. There are many long-range attack weapons on the top. Judging from the magic light flickering above, these long-range attack weapons are magic weapons, and their power is absolutely not small.

Li Yuanhong, of course, thought that he could make a fool of himself into the castle with these 20 people. Who knows if there are any traps in the castle, so Li Yuanhong should try to create chaos in the city wall so that his 500 people team can attack the city.

As for creating chaos, Li Yuanhong is very good at it. Before that, he didn't make less trouble for the cave people. So Li Yuanhong, with a team of 20 people, began to set traps in the fortress.

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