"But we have lost the chance to retreat again." The guard was worried.

"Indeed, the third line of defense is our last line of defense, but the mountain below the third line is relatively steep, and after the heavy rain, the hillside is wet and slippery. If the zombies want to charge, they can't run at all. We attack down the mountain and attack the enemy more easily."

"But those zombies can still attack our position at the foot of the mountain!" Guard road.

"It's true that these zombies can attack our position, but you've overlooked an important point, that is, the forest at the foot of the mountain. The reason why these zombies cause us so much damage is that they hide in the woods, and our counterattack can't hit them."

"But if we go back to the third line of defense, it's not the same. If the zombies want to continue attacking us, they have to walk out of the woods, and then we can easily attack them. If they don't go out of the woods, they will also face our next attack." Li Yuanhong said with ease.

"Are we going to start the attack now?" Asked the guard.

"No, it's not the time. You see, the sky is still bright. Although zombies are nocturnal creatures, they also have fatigue. We start the plan now, which will only alert them in advance. Therefore, we need to attack in the late midnight and let the soldiers seize the time to rotate. This evening will be very long." Li Yuanhong took a deep look at the soldiers in the trench.

"By the way, guard, you'll command later. I'll do something." Li Yuanhong said.

"Why, brother Li? Are you not here to direct the battle? " Asked the guard.

"I have something more important than fighting here. You have to hold on to this hill and you will win until three o'clock in the morning."

Li Yuanhong looked at his watch and then said, "there are six hours left. Can you stand it?"

"As long as there's enough ammunition, it's OK!" The guard patted his chest.

"Don't look down upon these zombies. Once these zombies go crazy, it's very difficult to deal with them, especially those giant zombies. Although they are afraid of death, they have strong skills. You should prepare more backhand here. I'll leave you two boxes of chili grenades for you to use when meeting giant zombies." Li Yuanhong said.

"Will those big men come and charge themselves?" Some of the guards didn't believe the giant zombies would charge themselves.

"It's hard to say, be prepared for it!" Li Yuanhong has piled all the weapons and ammunition in his own space on the top of the mountain. Now, Li Yuanhong's space has expanded to 6000 cubic meters, and there are a lot of things he can hold.

After ordering everything, Li Yuanhong called for the support plane, and then directly boarded the plane and went straight to the magic capital.

As the sky darkened, the zombies really began to attack crazily again. After nightfall, the rain in the sky was light, and the slippery degree of the ground decreased. Zombies swarmed on again, especially the human beings retreated greatly, which made the two giant zombies under command see the hope.

"Give it to me. Human beings are almost finished. As long as you rush up, there will be human flesh and blood to eat!" The giant zombie stood in the woods, howling incessantly, directing the clumsy zombie to attack the mountain again.

With the giant zombie shouting, ordinary zombies began to walk on wet legs, began to climb the slippery hillside, the bullets flying in the face, kept shooting a zombie.

If the zombies attack at night on the flat ground, it is difficult to aim at the head, so the zombie attack casualties will not be very large, but this is a hillside, the ground is still very slippery, the zombies have to bend down to climb up, which undoubtedly puts the head in the front, and human bullets can easily hit these skulls. Of course, zombies don't have helmets, so they often have bullets Zombie touch, human bullets win.

As soon as the group of corpses crossed the first line of defense, half of the zombies were shot dead by bullets, which made the giant zombies, who had just forced human beings to retreat, feel depressed immediately.

"I'm afraid it's not good to attack like this, boss, but let's take this place before dawn, otherwise our heads will be..." Said one giant zombie to another.

"Well, he took this opportunity to revenge on us. Last time his Herald sent a wrong order, and we didn't go to support the zombie who went to No.1. This is a grudge. If we were not irresponsible, we would have been killed by him last time!" Another giant zombie urn sounds into the airway.

"Now is not the time to complain. You say that ordinary zombies can't attack at all. What do you say?"

"The old way is to let the zombies on. I think it's more than 100 meters away from where they shoot. As long as the ordinary zombies are in front of them and the power zombies are casting their spells in the back, I'm sure that the human position will be destroyed in a short time."

"Well, do as you like!"

After the discussion between the two giant zombies, ordinary zombies launched an attack again. However, behind the corpses, many different zombies came out of the woods. These zombies looked weaker than ordinary zombies. However, the skin color of these zombies was much darker. There were dark blue, dark red and turquoise. If Li Yuanhong was here, it might be possible You can tell which natural attribute these zombies belong to.As the battle in front of them entered a fierce state again, these zombies began to cast their magic, ready to attack the human position. If it was in the daytime, these zombies would not attract the attention of the people on the mountain, but at night, the light brought by the magic wave immediately attracted the attention of the guards.

"Damn it, I want to attack me by magic again. I haven't counted my hatred in the daytime. It's just time to settle down together. Sniper team, you don't have to worry about anything. Keep an eye on the foot of the mountain. If there is magic wave, shoot me there. You can't let these zombies attack our position with magic! " The guard yelled and drank.

"Yes, make sure to finish the task!" The sniper team nearby has been holding a breath for a long time. Zombies attack in the daytime, almost all of them are ordinary zombies. Even if ape corpses appear several times, the speed advantage of these ape corpses can't be realized because of the slippery hillside. Therefore, these mutant zombies never appear again, which makes the snipers always in standby state. Later, they finally encounter the ability zombies These zombies are hidden in the woods, so they can't aim and shoot at all, which makes the snipers suffocate.

Now I can finally vent my anger in my chest. These snipers are not happy.

A water system power zombie is casting a spell and is ready to perform water bomb. It aims at a machine gun position on the human position. Just now, this zombie fired a water bomb. However, due to the backstroke, the water bomb only hit the earth fence in front of the position, and did not hurt the human soldiers inside. It only smashed the clay fence out of a hole.

Just when the Zombie's magic was about to take shape, a bullet flew over, and the bullet did not hit his head. However, the bullet hit the water bomb which was being formed. Just listening to Peng, the water bomb exploded directly in the Zombie's hand. This is because before the magic method was formed, it was not very stable. Once it was interfered by the outside world, it would burst.

The huge explosive force directly blew up the power zombie. Moreover, this explosion directly forced the energy flowing into the water bomb to return. This internal impact almost made the Zombie's hands useless. When the zombie cast a spell again, the obvious power input was not so smooth.

In addition, his ability zombies were also attacked. Most of them, like the water zombie, were blasted with magic energy, resulting in reverse phage. A few unfortunate power zombies were directly blasted.

As more and more power zombies are attacked, the whole ranks of power zombies are in chaos. Many zombies have some errors in casting, and even some zombies launch spells that directly hit their own corpses.

"Asshole, these damned human beings, how could this happen? Why didn't our attacks encounter such attacks before?"

Giant zombies look at the power zombies that are constantly being attacked, but they can only order to retreat. This power zombie is not like the ordinary zombies that are not too bad to die. These power zombies are all treasure lumps. There are less than 2 million power zombies in the whole 30 million corpse group. Every one of these power zombies is a treasure knot. If you lose one, you will be greatly affected The censure of the zombie leader.

"Now the ability zombie is no longer available. What do you want to do, or have a rest?" A giant zombie looked at most of the powers were injured, and asked in a depressed heart.

"No, we can't stop. Let the ordinary zombies continue to attack, and we need to intensify our efforts. I don't believe these human beings are made by King Kong. If we don't succeed, I won't be tired and praise them!" Another giant zombie clenched his teeth.

"All right."

In fact, the two giants are helpless now. The resources of the mutant zombies and the ability zombies that they can use are very limited. If all the ability zombies are sent to them, they don't care about the loss of more than a hundred power zombies.

As a result, the battlefield entered the most boring, and also the most dangerous offensive and defensive war. Ordinary zombies, like the tide, rushed to the human position one after another, and were beaten down again and again. However, with the passage of time, the situation of human beings is getting worse and worse. With the consumption of spirit and physical strength, the firepower of human beings has obviously weakened, and the accuracy of shooting has also decreased.

"Report to the guards. Our soldiers are losing their physical strength very quickly now. Should we withdraw? How long do we have to guard?" A sergeant came up and reported to the guard.

The guard looked at his watch. It was already two o'clock in the middle of the night. The guard gritted his teeth and said, "in waiting for an hour, we must bite our teeth. After this hour, our reinforcements will arrive."

"Reinforcements?" The sergeant looked at the vast night and did not know where the reinforcements came from.

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