Soon, Li Yuanhong received the document. It was a map of magic capital, but now there are many lines drawn with pencil.

Li Yuanhong looked at it for a while. Among these disordered lines, there were several intersections in the same building. Li Yuanhong knew that the intersection was probably the site of the corpse demon in charge of command.

In the night, Li Yuanhong quietly boarded an airship. During the day, these airships were responsible for investigation. Since the rapid combat aircraft came into being, the airship has been out of the combat sequence. However, Li Yuanhong defined the airship as an armed reconnaissance transport aircraft, which must have a long-term air stagnation capability, which is not comparable to the aircraft.

With the help of the night, the airship slowly sails to the enchanted city and approaches the target sky soundlessly.

The target building is a commercial building, which is located in Fengxian District. The building is not as exaggerated as that in the city center. The building is more than 30 stories, and the height is less than 200 meters. However, the floors are generally not high here, so you can still see everything along the coast.

But when he saw the shape of the building, Li Yuanhong frowned. Li Yuanhong's idea of exploring from the top of the building, which is as sharp as a knife edge, can't stand at all. If you want to explore from the bottom of the building, not to mention that the chances of meeting zombies will increase, and at the same time, they will frighten away the corpse demons, then they will risk nothing.

Li Yuanhong began to search for his own space, hoping to find something standing on the building, but after looking for it for a long time, he did not find it. However, he saw two leather baths in the corner.

"It seems that we can only make do with it!" Li Yuanhong doesn't want to return without success. He plans to take a risk with two skin baths. However, Li Yuanhong doesn't tell others.

Li Yuanhong went to the door of the airship, opened the hatch and jumped into the night sky. Because of the dark surroundings, only the outline of the building can be seen from below. If Li Yuanhong had not a real eye, otherwise, jumping down in the night sky would have been no different from suicide.

However, if anyone saw Li Yuanhong's appearance, he would laugh. He was wearing a mysterious black armor, which was completely integrated with the night. However, he held two leather baths in his hand, which seemed so abrupt, just like a robot in the future to do sewer dredging work.

Of course, Li Yuanhong will not laugh at himself. What he is thinking now is how to sneak into the building. The rapid fall made him unable to think about other things. When he was less than three meters away from the top of the building, he suddenly moved to the inclined section of the top of the building. Because the roof was made of glass, although no one took care of it for more than two years, and there was some ash on it, the surface of Guanghua still made Li Yuanhong unable to stand firm. As soon as he landed, he could not help himself Slide down.

Without saying a word, Li Yuanhong directly buckled the leather baths in his hand to the glass. One of them was not firmly fastened because of the dust. Fortunately, the other one was stained on the glass.

Li Yuanhong steadied himself with the firmly buttoned leather bath. Then he took out a glass knife from the space, then released his hand and began to cut the glass. It was about a hole as big as one person. Li Yuanhong went in.

Since Li Yuanhong is close to the edge of the building, there is no zombie here. Li Yuanhong fell into the room and quickly looked at 40000.

Li Hong's desk and chair have been on the floor of the office for a long time. It's obvious that the desk and chair have fallen on the floor in the end of the day, but it's not on the floor.

With the help of his real eyes, Li Yuanhong carefully avoided the debris under his feet and tried not to let himself make a sound. Then he came to the door, opened the door gently and looked out.

There are many zombies wandering in the corridor, including some high-level fat zombies and King Kong zombies. Li Yuanhong determines that there should be a leader's Zombie in this floor, but Li Yuanhong can't determine which room the leader's zombie is in.

Looking at the zombies in the corridor, Li Yuanhong knew that the passage outside was impassable, so Li Yuanhong carefully set up the room and quickly found the central air conditioner.

Li Yuanhong gently moved a chair and put it under the vent. Then he took off the protective net and got into the air conditioner. He began to move slowly to other rooms.

When Li Yuanhong was looking for the corpse demon, the corpse demon was giving orders to several shadow zombies. Your failure in the daytime made the giant zombie very angry. So the corpse demon was called to a training session. Although the corpse demon was a military master, the giant zombie was also courteous to him, but today, human beings have intensified their contact attacks, and the corpse demon's response is always slow, which makes the giant zombie incomparable Angry.

Being reprimanded by the giant zombie, the corpse demon was also very angry, but no matter how he said it, he could not fight against the giant zombie, so when he came back, he planned how to ambush these disgusting human beings.

No, the corpse demon had just figured out a way. So he called over the shadow zombies who were running errands to deliver letters, and began to assign tasks to Li Yuanhong.

After ordering one, a shadow zombie ran out. Of course, these zombies don't open and close the door very gently. As soon as they move around, the door will be clanged and the whole floor can be heard.Li Yuanhong, who had no clue in the ventilation duct, naturally heard the sound of the door opening and closing. He wondered, "what are these zombies doing in the middle of the night if they don't sleep well?"

However, Li Yuanhong looked back and thought that the zombie would not sleep. At this time, there was a sound of opening and closing the door, which should have been caused by the zombie walking. So Li Yuanhong slowly climbed to the place where the door rang to see what was going on at that time.

When Li Yuanhong came to the top of the corpse demon's room, Li Yuanhong looked down through the air vent grid. He saw that the corpse demon he was looking for was howling at several shadow zombies. Obviously, he gave them some orders. As long as he roared for a while, a shadow zombie would quickly turn around and rush out of the door, and then the door would give a "bang" When "hit.

"I finally found you!" Li Yuanhong was secretly happy, but he was not in a hurry to jump out. After all, his vision was still too narrow. It was not clear how many zombies were outside. If he jumped out, he might bring unnecessary trouble to himself.

So Li Yuanhong took out a spider robot and let it go. The spider robot crawled out of the mesh and began scanning the room.

In addition to the corpse demon and some shadow zombies, there are also a few fat people standing in front of the window, in case someone comes in from the window and attacks the corpse demon.

At the door, there are two fat zombies, and each corner stands a fat zombie. Through the gate, which has not been closed tightly, Li Yuanhong noticed that a dozen zombies were wandering outside.

This house can be said to be surrounded by the fat zombie. If you can't kill the corpse demon in the first time, the corpse demon will run out and then evacuate smoothly under the protection of the fat zombie.

But the place where the corpse demon stood was still some distance away from the vent where Li Yuanhong was. This made Li Yuanhong think about how to kill the corpse at the first time. Soon, Li Yuanhong came up with a way.

Li Yuanhong quietly released a few spider robots, tied a pepper grenade to each spider, and then ordered these spider robots to climb into the passage, and soon these spiders were basically in place.

With Li Yuanhong's order, he saw these spider robots pull the grenade wires apart and throw them out of the ventilation duct. Then he heard the "jingling" of the grenades landing on the corridor. This sound was particularly harsh in the quiet night.

All the zombies in the corridor were in a daze. They were looking for something to cause the sound. Just then, the grenade exploded.

With the grenade explosion, the entire corridor corridor suddenly turned into a red fog area. The pungent smell of pepper made the zombies in the corridor howl in pain.

The corpse demon, who was giving orders to the shadow zombie, heard the chaos outside, so he yelled at the guard at the door twice. The two zombies guarding the door opened the door to see what happened outside.

However, as soon as the door opened, a strong hot pepper mist rushed in. The zombies, who were able to distinguish things by their sense of smell, could not bear the influence of the hot pepper fog. Suddenly, two fat zombies were howling.

"Close the door Although the corpse demon did not know what the fog was, but also knew that it was harmful to itself, so he quickly ordered the shadow zombie in front of him to close the door. At this time, the fat zombie standing around also began to move closer to the corpse demon, for fear that someone would take advantage of this opportunity to attack the corpse demon.

However, at this chaotic time, no zombie noticed that several grenades were thrown from the ventilation duct above their heads and fell into the room. When the fat zombies gathered around the corpse demon, those grenades just exploded, and several fat zombies crowded together were shrouded in the explosion of pepper smoke.

So the room also issued the same pain and wail as the outside. After a while, the fat zombies rolled on the spot. Especially, these zombies kept rubbing their eyes with their hands, but the pain was not alleviated, but intensified.

When these zombies lost their combat effectiveness, Li Yuanhong floated down and went directly to the corpse demon surrounded by the zombie center. He quickly took out the moon sinking knife from the space and cut off the head of the corpse demon.

At this time, the corpse demon was choked by pepper and lost all five senses. The fierce pain made him lose his sense of prevention. When the sunken moon knife came, he just moved his body a little, and then his head was cut off by Li Yuanhong.

Li Yuanhong quickly collected the corpse demon's head into the space, and then walked back to the ventilation duct, leaving the building before the pepper fog cleared. , the fastest update of the webnovel!