After the skeleton soldier threw his arm out, the shield of his left hand was also chopped at Li Yuanhong's neck. The skeleton soldier was absolutely merciless to his opponent.

However, the next moment, the skeleton soldier was surprised. He saw that the bone knife with arm went straight through Li Yuanhong's soft rib and flew out. There was no blood on the knife. Moreover, Li Yuanhong's body was rippled like water.

"Cheated, that's magic shadow!" The skeleton soldier knew the reason immediately, and he didn't think much about it. He immediately bent down and rolled on the spot to avoid Li Yuanhong attacking himself behind his back. After all, he threw out his knife and shield. Now he can say that he is unarmed.

However, the expected attack did not appear. On the contrary, there were a few more smoldering grenades under their feet. When the skeleton soldiers did not understand what was going on, the grenades suddenly burst out, and the dazzling white light immediately made the skeleton soldiers feel sharp pain. It felt like thousands of silver needles sticking their own brains. The skeleton soldiers howled and the rest A dead claw, holding his head and shaking.

At this time, Li Yuanhong appeared behind him. With a sword, he directly cut his white and deep skull from his skeleton shelf.

The skull, which had left the skeleton frame, was staring at Li Yuanhong with green eyes in his eyes, for fear that he would lose the master this time.

Li Yuanhong came to the skull with his sword: "how can you not accept it? It's all conspiracy. You use the throwing knife and I use the split body. Everyone is half a dozen, but you are not lucky. "

At this time, the skeleton even laughed, Jie Jie's smile, the movement makes people feel cautious, if you come out at night, you will definitely be scared to death.

However, at this time, Li Yuanhong stabbed his sword into the skull's eye socket. The sword Qi directly penetrated the skull, and the skull began to crack. At the same time, Li Yuanhong heard a "clang" sound behind him. The skeleton claw holding the bone knife fell to the ground. At this time, the point of the skeleton knife was less than an inch away from Li Yuanhong's back heart.

"I'll play Yin when I'm dying. I said, you're not lucky!" Li Yuanhong pulled out his dragon sword and kicked him on the skull. However, it hurt li Yuanhong's feet.

"The bone is still hard. Fortunately, he has no eyelids!" Li Yuanhong read a few words again, then looked up in the sky. He didn't know where the fat man Lu had gone.

Now that Lu Pang is gone, Li Yuanhong begins to bend down to collect his booty. This bone knife and bone shield are all good things. They are master level weapons, and they are not low-level equipment. The skeleton soldier's crystal core also has level 24 and the armor. What's more, Li Yuanhong finds that the skeleton soldier has a strange ring, which he wears there On the withered finger, after identification with the real eye, this ring is actually a space ring.

"Ha ha ha ha, good thing. It's a good thing. The value of this ring is not lower than his armor!" Li Yuanhong is content to take the ring back to his own space, and when the battle is over, he will check the ring again.

Li Yuanhong searched the corpses of the skeleton soldiers and waited for another 20 minutes before Lu Pang flew the bat plane to pick up Li Yuanhong. Li Yuanhong got on the plane and asked, "how did you come here?"

"It's not that I just emptied and bombed the zombie again. As a result, the fuel was insufficient. I went back to add fuel, so I came late. Brother Li, your speed is too fast. I thought you would have to wait for a while. "

"How are the zombies out there now?" Li Yuanhong leaned back on the chair, slightly closed his eyes and asked.

"Now those zombies are in a mess, especially the two corpses that besiege the park base are like headless flies. I don't think these zombies are a threat now Lu said.

"Don't be careless. There are giant zombies in the corpses. As long as the giant zombies exist, this group of corpses may fight back, so we can't take it lightly. " Li Yuanhong said.

At this time, the giant zombies on the southeast side are also puzzled. The former skeleton soldiers' strong control power just disappeared, which makes the giant zombies have a very bad feeling. Especially now, the attack of human beings is becoming stronger and stronger, and they are all ordinary zombies. Those senior zombies are in the hands of skeleton soldiers. Their zombies can't stop human tanks Attack.

What worries giant zombies even more is that human beings even sent out airplanes to bomb his troops. Although he leads a million zombies, the plane will blow up 100000 zombies in one round trip.

Just as the giant zombie was retreating, a plane came from the sky and hovered in the sky for a long time, always looking for the giant zombie. In order to quickly end the battle, Li Yuanhong wanted to behead again.

However, when the giant zombie heard the sound of the plane, he hid early. Moreover, with the attack of human beings, the ammunition consumption was very large, and the subsequent attack slowed down. This gave the zombie a buffer opportunity, and it was getting late. In order to prevent the zombie from attacking, Li Yuanhong had to order not to stop the attack and wait for the attack to start at dawn.

It's strange that the zombie building built by Li Hong in the daytime and the zombie building in the night is very strange. It's strange that the zombies built by Li Hong in the daytime and the zombies in the night have no advantage."Inform all troops that they must strengthen patrol, especially when it is near the early morning, when people are most likely to be sleepy. If a zombie stealthily attacks at this time, it's very easy to tell the troops not to be careless!" Li Yuanhong told the communication officer.

The Communication Officer immediately went to convey the order, but Li Yuanhong sat in the battle command room and did not dare to close his eyes. Tonight is the key night. As long as he stays through this night, the zombie can be completely eliminated tomorrow.

As the night breeze is blowing, there are soldiers outside who are busy transporting ammunition and preparing for the next day's battle. Li Yuanhong sits in the combat room, waiting for the reply from all parties for fear of an accident.

As a result, the night was quiet, with occasional gunshots and sporadic gunfire. There was no fierce battle expected by Li Yuanhong at all. When the day was getting brighter, many soldiers found that the corpse group shaking in front of their eyes yesterday had disappeared.

"What, the corpses are gone?" After receiving the report, Li Yuanhong was shocked. Could this zombie disappear overnight?

"If you look for it, you must find it for me. By the way, send a plane to search from the air, and let go of any clues." Li Yuanhong ordered.

"Yes The Communications Officer immediately went down to give orders.

Li Yuanhong paced back and forth in the room, and finally came to the map: "the zombie is gone. Where will it go?"

"Brother Li, why is the zombie missing?" The guard came in. He brought his troops from Dujiangyan in the northwest. When he got up in the morning, he found that the corpse group which had been fighting with them for a whole day had lost its trace. So the guard quickly led the soldiers to join Li Yuanhong. He thought that the zombie had come to besiege Li Yuanhong.

"I'm also wondering, did the zombie escape?" Li Yuanhong said to himself.

"It's not likely, is it? Zombies still know how to escape? " The guard was stunned at first, then quickly denied.

"It's really possible. Do you remember that there were some giant zombies in spring city in Northeast China? They also ran away secretly. They couldn't prepare for the giant zombies here." Li Yuanhong said.

"Are the zombies here so spineless?" The guards didn't believe it.

"Giant zombies cherish their lives. They can do it."

"What are we going to do next?" Asked the guard.

"If you want to find them, you must find them. You can't let them go. Once you let them escape, it will be difficult to kill them." Li Yuanhong appraised.

"Well, I'll send someone to search." The guard turned and hurried out.

At this time, Li Yuanhong's walkie talkie came the fat man's voice: "brother Li, we found the trace of the zombie!"

"Where is it?" Li Yuanhong asked quickly.

"The corpses are running southwest. They may want to enter the mountain!" The fat man said.

"If we want to enter the mountain, no, we can't let zombies enter the mountain. If zombies enter the mountain, our weapon advantage will not be able to play." Li Yuanhong is a little worried now.

"No, I'll lead a team to chase them, inform the follow-up troops, and do a good job in the city's zombies." Li Yuanhong said to the guard.

"No, I want to go with you. There are not many zombies in the city, so many people can't be used." Guard road.

"All right, let's get going." Li Yuanhong said.

Li Yuanhong and the guards quickly jumped into the armored vehicle and took the mobile armored corps to chase after the zombie army.

At this time, the giant and the corpse group were marching towards the southwest mountain area on the highway. At the beginning, the skeleton soldiers and skeleton archers came from the southwest. These two giant zombies knew that there was a large army of the skeleton army in the southwest direction, so they wanted to take the remaining zombies to go to the mountain.

But the giant zombies forget that the zombies have endurance. They have two legs to go on the road. All night, they have only walked less than 100 kilometers. There is still a long distance from the mountain area. Moreover, millions of zombies have pulled a long distance. What's more, on the road, the corpses are not covered at all. As soon as the day breaks, they are found by the reconnaissance plane.

Hearing the sound of the plane, the two giant zombies immediately felt nervous. They knew that the plane was badly bombed. Although they were not afraid of bombing, their subordinates could not resist the bombing of these planes.

The plane flying in the sky just turned around in the sky and flew away. The giant zombie knew that they had been found by human beings, so the two giant zombies decided to abandon the army and take only the fast-moving zombies to escape alone. , the fastest update of the webnovel!