A cargo ship, not very large, is only a thousand ton class. Before the end of the world, this kind of ship would run for short distance transportation or take some private work. However, after the end of the world, this kind of ship has become a treasure. Because the large transport ship consumes too much oil, and there is not so much cargo to transport, on the contrary, this kind of 1000 ton cargo ship has become the plunder of some forces in the end of the world a key.

However, this cargo ship did not hang any flag. If it was placed before the end of the world, such a ship would not dare to run out in a big way. Once it met with a picket ship, it would not dare to run out At the end of the day, many pirates have lost the order of their ships, and many of them have lost the order of the sea.

The ship sailed all the way to the southwest, and soon entered the jurisdiction of Taiwan Island. Here, the ship began to speed very fast for fear of meeting other ships on the sea.

Fortunately, everything went well. An hour later, the ship landed at the port of Hualien County on Taiwan Island.

In the port, a young man with a short head and a straight Japanese uniform led a small group of soldiers to stand on the wharf to greet the cargo ship.

After the boat docked on the shore, a middle-aged man with thick eyes stepped out of the boat. The man had a civilized beard and his hair was combed. His whole face was like a poker game. He had no emotion to show.

When the man was escorted by several Armored Warriors, he stepped out of the boat and went straight to the soldier: "how is the red deer collection task finished under the escort of Matsumoto shaozuo?"

"Report to Dr. Yamamoto, the mission is going smoothly. In nearly half a month, 20000 red deer have been captured. In addition, we have set up some controllers in Taipei and Taichung. If there is no accident, we will soon control 3 to 4 million zombies, and then we can rely on zombies to attack the whole island Soon Taiwan island will be ours. " The young assistant said solemnly.

"Well, it's not bad, but when I debugged the signal yesterday, why didn't I find the signal from taijishi?" Dr. Yamamoto asked in an unchanging and steady tone, which made people wonder whether he was questioning or just asking.

"This Doctor, we are sending people to check. There were gunfire and explosions yesterday. Now we don't know which force fired the guns there. " Matsumoto road.

"Oh? Gunfire? Will it be the Chinese army? " Yamamoto asked in some doubt.

"Probably not. Most of the remaining Chinese troops are in Hainan Island. Most of their ships lack fuel. They lie in the harbor and can't fight at all. But the explosion we heard yesterday should at least be the simultaneous firing of two fleets to make such a noise, so it should not be the Chinese Army."

"Two fleets? It's not the Americans who discovered our research and wanted to steal our results? " Yamamoto asked.

"Probably not. We haven't received reports from other countries in the vicinity."

"Well, pay more attention. Don't expose our research, or we will be in trouble if we are followed by the United States. In addition, we should transfer the red deer to the laboratory as soon as possible. Our experiment has reached a critical moment. Once the breakthrough is made, we can control the senior zombies, and then we can realize the emperor's plan for hegemony. "

"Yes, I will make people more careful. Please get in the car and have a look at our latest test results. " Matsumoto bowed and asked the doctor to get on the bus.

They got into the car and drove all the way to a military camp, which was pre apocalyptic. The facilities were perfect and even a little luxurious. It can be seen how luxurious the army of Taiwan island was before the end of the world.

"Well, a group of people who only want to enjoy themselves are not worthy of such a rich island." After seeing the facilities inside, the doctor hummed.

"yes, these * * troops are weak and incompetent. When we come to the islands, they even run away without weapons."

"Oh? They didn't even have weapons? " The doctor was surprised that the soldier didn't even want a gun.

"Yes, when we came, the weapons were still neatly placed in the weapon storehouse. There were not a few zombies outside. Moreover, we arrested several deserters on the mountain. They were so frightened by the zombies that they didn't even take the weapons. They were scattered, and their officers were the first to run away." Matsumoto's eyes are full of scorn.

"We are lucky to have such an adversary, which can speed up our rule over the island and enter the city. Now we can no longer live on this island. This will be our first base after emigration. Once we take Taiwan Island, we can march into the mainland and unify East Asia. I will use these plans that my ancestors did not realize Zombies, come and do it Speaking of this, Yamamoto's cake face rarely reveals a trace of fanaticism.

Yamamoto, led by Matsumoto, then visited the newly built laboratories here. In these laboratories, many survivors captured from the island are held. These survivors have become very numb now. In addition to asking them to eat, these people are crowded in the cage, without a trace of consciousness fluctuation.

"These are the first batch of experimental bodies that we have captured. They have been implanted with control chips, and have been injected with transformation virus. It is estimated that they will be transformed into zombies tomorrow. Then we will compare the data with the previous data, and then we will know the effect of the new transformation agent." Matsumoto said."Well, the test data must be detailed and there should be no omission. The most important thing is to speed up the progress of the test. We must occupy Taiwan island before the military of other countries intervene."

"Yes Matsumoto replied, bowing respectfully.

At this time, a soldier suddenly ran in front of Matsumoto and whispered to Matsumoto: "Matsumoto, there is something wrong with the city."

"What? What happened to them? " When Matsumoto heard this, he immediately changed his color and asked angrily.

"Their base was attacked, the team leader and several team members were missing. Most of them were surrounded by zombies and died in battle. Only two people came back. However, these two people have been abandoned because they took ghost food pills for a short time." The soldier reported.

"What? Is the captain missing? " After hearing the report, the young assistant was stunned. Matsumoto, the leader of the team, still knew that the fighting power of this young assistant in the whole kamikaze team could only be counted as the number one and could defeat him. Matsumoto believed that he had not appeared in China, so why did he suddenly disappear?

"What's the matter?" Yamamoto came over at this time, his face still calm and dead.

"There was an accident in dajishi, and almost all the teams sent were destroyed. Only two members came back, but they took excessive ghost food pills." Matsumoto quickly said the original.

"Oh? There was such a thing. Take me to see it. " Said Yamamoto.

Soon, Matsumoto and the doctor came to a ward. At this time, there were two people lying on the bed. Two people were staring at the people on the roof. They were expressionless, numb and indifferent to everything around them. It was as if they had lost their soul.

"It seems that their souls have been damaged, doctor. I don't think I can ask any more questions." Said Matsumoto, shaking his head.

"Not necessarily. As long as they are not dead, there is still a way." The doctor said, and took out a green pill from his pocket, which had a pungent smell.

"What pill is this, doctor?" Asked Matsumoto.

"It's a medicine that pierces the soul." Said Yamamoto.

With that, Yamamoto put a pill into a patient's mouth, and the man swallowed it naturally.

After a while, the man's expression changed, obviously with emotional fluctuations, and showed a terrible expression: "corpse group The corpses are coming. "

Hearing the patient speak, Yamamoto quickly asked, "what did you encounter?"

"Explosion Corpse Explosion, riot control The patient said intermittently, then looked distressed and screamed: "ah Devil, devil is going to eat me

Then the man's eyes gradually lost their luster, and finally there was no rest.

"Doctor, what's wrong with him?" Matsumoto looked at the patient and looked at the doctor with some doubts.

"He has been filial to his majesty!"

With that, Yamamoto put another pill into the mouth of the last soldier, who quickly reacted like the first patient.

"Who attacked you?" Yamamoto asked.

"Corpses The corpses are coming The soldier screamed the same.

"Who broke the controller?" Yamamoto changed his way of asking.

"The captain took people to the rooftop Explosion The controller exploded Here comes the corpses The captain is gone

The player also said intermittently, not a word is complete, but Yamamoto got a message from it, that is, the leader of the team had a problem.

"What about the other controllers your captain's got?" Yamamoto asked a key question.

"I don't know No more It's gone Ah, don't eat me, don't eat me... " He screamed and screamed, and then everything returned to calm, and the soldier died. After the death of the two four soldiers, their bodies quickly dried up, just like being sucked out of water. It looked terrible.

"Well, they have been loyal to the emperor. We need to transport their bodies back to our headquarters for burial. We must quickly find coffins to seal their bodies. We can't let outsiders see them. Do you understand?" Yamamoto said without expression.

"Hay!" Matsumoto's standard Japanese bow.

"What's more, you should find out the captain as soon as possible. He is the key person in this accident, whether dead or alive. In addition, I suspect that the accident is related to that fleet. You should also find out the intelligence of the other party as soon as possible. We should be prepared in advance."

"Hay!" Matsumoto's waist is deeper.

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